human journey

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

At night, the city of Isburg was crowded with people, and Mulder led 50 Destruction Cult followers to the south of the city to wait.The means of transportation in the city have been looted. In addition to all kinds of motor vehicles, even animals such as horses and donkeys have been used.

Waiting here are not only the followers of the Destruction God Cult, but also the 20 Prophet Cultists who were arrested.Most of them are women and children. These people are not only easy to control, but also necessary for the Destruction God Sect.

Women can be used to reward believers and relieve loneliness.Children are undecided in their beliefs and can easily switch over.Arresting them would naturally cause conflicts with other Prophet believers. For a while, corpses were scattered all over the field, blood flowed like rivers, and the souls that drifted out after death were swallowed up by the Destroyer hiding underground.

A total of 70 people are waiting for the God of Destruction to appear and break through Country B's position.In this regard, the leader Mulder and the 50 believers are full of confidence. In their hearts, the Red Destroyer is invincible.

On the side of country B's position, everyone is ready to fight.Because they were afraid of scaring the snake, the deployment of personnel and equipment in the position has not changed.Anyway, these ordinary people and conventional weapons can't fight against the red destroyer at all.

The real sword to kill the enemy tonight is the King Kong team, it is Lu Yu and the destruction gun in his hand.But they don't have the confidence in their hearts. All they can rely on is their blood and courage.

Lu Yu stood in the trench and buried his head in the soil in front of him.He was imitating Xia Zhihui's super hearing ability, listening carefully to the subtle sounds in the soil, and quietly waiting for the arrival of the Red Destroyer.

After an unknown amount of time, Lu Yu heard the sound of soil churning from far to near.He quickly raised his single fist to signal that the Destroyer was coming!
When the other six members of King Kong team and Xia Zhihui saw it, they picked up a weapon that looked like a bazooka but was full of science fiction.This is called an individual electromagnetic interference rocket. After the warhead hits the target, it will emit a super strong electromagnetic field.

Whether it is the repulsive force field on the Destroyer's carapace or the destructive force field in the Destruction Arrow, it requires high-voltage current to drive it.

It is well known that strong electromagnetic fields can interfere with current, and the closer the distance, the greater the interference intensity.And after testing, the repulsive force field of the Destroyer cannot isolate the electromagnetic field. This is the method found by the domestic scientific research team to deal with the Destroyer.

Then, using the strong industrial manufacturing capabilities of country Z, a prototype weapon that could be used by an individual soldier was created in a short period of time.Due to the limitation of materials, it is impossible to make more powerful electromagnetic interference bombs, and the ones used by individual soldiers are already the limit.

After testing, the close range of the electromagnetic interference bomb is enough to interfere with the repulsive force field in the carapace of the Destroyer in Hushi, causing it to jump.That is to say, the repulsive force field will appear intermittently under interference.

The high-voltage current in the Red Destroyer's body should be stronger than that of the Hushi Destroyer, but the strength is limited, so electromagnetic interference should also be effective against it.

At the same time, the dynamic sensor simulated by Lu Yu has already detected that the red destroyer is only a few meters away from the ground tens of meters away, and it seems that he is going to dive directly under their feet to launch an attack.Lu Yu immediately activated his telekinetic power to act on the soil under it.

The strong telekinetic power gave the soil enough power to push the Destroyer, and the ten-meter-long Destroyer was rushed out of the ground by an earth dragon and thrown into the air a few meters above the ground.

Seeing this, Pang Zhuang immediately aimed at the Destroyer's feet and fired an electromagnetic interference bomb.A blue and white flame shot out from behind, the powerful thrust made the electromagnetic interference warhead fly to the Destroyer's feet in the blink of an eye.

The moment it hit the ground, the graphene high-energy-density battery built into the warhead released a super current. After the current passed through a special coil, it released a powerful electromagnetic field for about two seconds.

After Lu Yu came out of the Destroyer, he kept attacking it with telekinesis, but he was immune to it by the repulsive force field.At the moment when the electromagnetic interference warhead was activated, Lu Yu felt the telekinetic force acting on the Destroyer, and the repulsive force field disappeared under the interference of the electromagnetic field because the current in his body was disconnected.

Making a prompt decision, Lu Yu pulled the trigger of the destroyer gun that had been aimed at the Destroyer's head.A destructive arrow carrying a powerful destructive force field roared away, its exit speed reaching more than eight times the speed of sound!
At this time, the Destroyer was only a few dozen meters away from Lu Yu, leaving too little time for it to dodge, and there was nowhere to catch it in the air.The flame jet from the cone-shaped limbs on the back also stopped due to the inability to electrolyze water to produce a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen due to a power outage.

Seems like a sure kill!

However, Lu Yu and the others were unlucky this time. When the destroying arrow was about to hit the destroyer's head, the current in its body recovered for a moment, and the repulsive force field immediately recovered.

With a loud bang, the Destruction Arrow only pierced about ten centimeters before stopping, and the Destroyer's carapace was fifteen or sixteen centimeters thick.

Lu Yu and the others underestimated the strength of the red Destroyer's repulsive force field, and the destructive arrows from the Destroyer Gun could not directly penetrate its carapace!
If it wasn't for the Destroyer's repulsive force field to recover, this arrow would definitely be able to break through the carapace, penetrate into its head, destroy the parasite, and thus kill it!

At this moment, Lu Yu felt that the telekinetic force was useful to the Destroyer again, and the current in its body was cut off again.Lu Yu immediately concentrated his mind power on the destruction arrow inserted into the Destroyer's head. The destruction arrow still left a destructive force field at this time. Driven by Lu Yu's mind power, it moved quickly toward the depths of the Destroyer's head.

Just when Lu Yu thought he was going to be done, the Destroyer stretched out his claws to hold the Destruction Arrow and pulled it out. The huge force immediately delayed the progress of the Destruction Arrow.

Just when it was about to break through the carapace and enter the brain, the two-second working time of the electromagnetic interference bomb ended, and the Destroyer resumed its repulsive force field.Lu Yu's telekinesis was immediately immune, and the destruction arrow that lost its thrust was pulled out.

At this time, Yuan Pengcheng immediately fired another electromagnetic interference bomb upon seeing this, this time aiming directly at the Destroyer's body.The electromagnetic fields released by electromagnetic interference bombs will interfere with each other. Two electromagnetic interference bombs released at the same time are much less powerful than one.Therefore, they cannot be launched at the same time, and they must attack alternately.

Lu Yu also dropped the destroyer gun, picked up the lightning strike, wrapped himself in telekinetic power and flew over.

The Destroyer saw the electromagnetic interference bomb flying again, and realized that it was the culprit that affected his ability.Immediately swing your claws, ready to smash it into pieces.

Seeing this, Lu Yu naturally wouldn't let it succeed, and used telekinetic power to detonate the electromagnetic interference bomb in advance.The powerful electromagnetic field was sent out again, the Destroyer once again experienced a power outage, and the repulsive force field also disappeared immediately.

Lu Yu immediately restrained the Destroyer with telekinesis, preventing it from moving.On the other hand, he held the Thunder Strike that had activated the destructive force field with both hands, and flew in the air to face the head of the Destroyer, about to smash Huashan with a powerful move.

The Destroyer naturally struggled with all his strength, but Lu Yu's powerful telekinetic power couldn't hold it down anymore. The violently shaking head made it difficult for Lu Yu to hit it in one go.The Destroyer may restore the repulsive force field at any time, Lu Yu was so anxious that he thought silently in his heart.

"The more soul power, the stronger the power of thought!"

In an instant, the being in the dark world responded to Lu Yu, and his soul power increased again. This increased power still came from himself.The power of telekinesis has become much stronger now, making the Destroyer's head shake less violently, and Lu Yu can hit it!

Lu Yu didn't have much soul power to distribute his physical power, but the Destroyer didn't have a repulsive force field at this time, and the destructive force field of Thunder Strike could cut through the carapace of its head without much force.

(End of this chapter)

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