human journey

Chapter 55 Perspective

Chapter 55 Perspective
Lu Yu nodded after hearing this, and after repeating the mission of Lanong, he took Mu Xiaofei and sent him back.For the sake of safety, Lu Yu and the others did not place any electronic devices such as positioning and communication on Ranong.

They agreed to meet here in the evening three days later.During these three days, Ranong had to find out the rules of Mulder's activities so that the King Kong team could formulate an action plan.

Ranong walked along the street to Mulder's residence in the dark. He used to walk all over the streets and alleys of Eastburg City when he was singing, even if there were no street lights at this time, he would not go wrong.

Not long after Ranong left, he encountered a group of believers of the Destruction God Cult. They all looked happy when they saw Ranong, as if they had come out to look for him.

"Guardian, where have you been? You didn't go back last night, the leader was furious and sent many people out to look for you."

said the leading believer.

"I was attacked by the Prophet Sect. My brothers in the Sect were killed in order to cover my retreat. I was afraid of being discovered, so I hid for a whole day, and only dared to come back after dark."

Ranon answered according to the reason he had thought up, with a sad look on his face, as if he was about to cry.

These believers nodded after hearing this, showing their original expressions.Then they accompanied Ranong back to the residence of the leader, and they became very vigilant along the way, looking around from time to time, fearing that someone from the Prophet would attack them.

All the way without incident, Ranong and his party entered Mulder's residence.In the country B's position, everyone in the King Kong team was looking at a display screen, which was pitch black, with only a small bright spot moving slowly, and finally disappeared somewhere.

This is the real-time picture taken by the detection satellite, and the small bright spot in the picture is Ranong.It turned out that when Lu Yu sent him to catch him, he sprinkled a little special substance on him.This substance can emit light waves that are invisible to the naked eye, but detectable by satellites.Especially at night in the city of Easterburg, where there is a power outage, it is particularly obvious.

"The place where the bright spot finally disappeared is consistent with the location of Mulder's residence that Lanon explained."

Xia Zhihui looked at the coordinates on the display and said.

"If he hasn't come out, does it mean that Mulder is inside and talking to him. Let's fire a laser cannon here, and that will make it happen!"

Da Da Zhuang said with bright eyes.

"We don't know the specific situation in the house. Maybe there are some holes in it that lead to other places. If we can't guarantee a hit, we should carry out the original plan. And this Mulder has special abilities. If he can be captured alive, it will be of great significance."

Zhang Bangming thought for a while and said.

Ranong came to the living room on the second floor and stood waiting. A believer went to report to Mulder.Ranong didn't come back last night, which really aroused Mulder's vigilance, and he immediately went to live in another place.

Not long after, the believer who went to report brought another man. This man Lanon didn't know, but it could be seen from his silver eyes that he had also been given divine power.

As soon as the man came, he looked up and down Ranong carefully. After a long time, he nodded and led Ranong to a small hidden room on the first floor.

Open the thick door, revealing a sloping staircase, which is the basement of Mulder's house.Ranong followed him in with an oil lamp. The basement was quite large, filled with mounds of earth, but Mulder was not here.

Ranon continued to follow, and through the dim light he saw an entrance in the wall ahead.After Ranong went in, he found that it was a long passage. Judging from the traces, it was probably newly dug recently.

The day Mulder came back, he planned to dig this underground passage. After seeing the power of the laser cannon from the sky, he didn't dare to stay in his home all the time.I was afraid that the address of his residence would be leaked that day, and he would be killed with a laser cannon.

This passage was dug to the basement of another small building, and that family was killed when the Destroyer arrived before, which saved Mulder from occupying it.

The tunnel dug in the basement was piled up on the spot and the soil was not transported out, so Ranong never found out.After walking for a while, they finally came out of the passage and came to another basement.Go up the basement stairs, push open a bookcase door, and enter a study.

Mulder was sitting on a chair in the center of the room, with several guardians standing beside him.There was also an oil lamp on the table in front of him, and the dim and flickering light made his expressionless face uncertain.

The silver-eyed man stepped forward and whispered something in Mulder's ear, then stepped aside.

"This is Kahn. He is the divine power bestowed by the God of Destruction today. His ability is to see through objects. He can see even if you swallow a ring into your stomach.

Kahn told me just now that you have nothing unclean on you.The reason for your disappearance has already been mentioned by the believer who reported the letter just now.

But you were really just attacked by the Prophet Cult, and you didn't come back for a day to avoid being chased and killed?Could it be that I was caught by the Ba Tiejun and served as their undercover agent to inquire about my exact location before I was released?You tell the truth, the God of Destruction will forgive you.If you continue to lie, you will be burned by fire! "

Mulder narrowed his eyes, and said with a flash of light.

Ranong's heart skipped a beat, the leader is the leader, and he guessed the truth right away.If it wasn't for Yan Luo in my body, I would have confessed directly.Now my life is in the hands of the Hua people, so I have to listen to them.

wrong!If the leader really thought I was an undercover agent, he wouldn't have brought me here.It must be the Yama parasite in my body that made Kahn suspicious. After he told the leader, the leader came to cheat me!
"Great God of Destruction, I, Ranong, have been blessed by God, given divine power, and gained a lofty status, how could I betray the divine religion!
A heart of gratitude can be learned from heaven and earth. Every day and night to develop believers in dangerous places, and to fight to the death when encountering resistance.

If I am an undercover agent, let the God of Destruction immediately send out flames and burn me to death! "

Ranong immediately knelt on the ground, patted his chest and said.

Sure enough, even if he said such a poisonous oath in a hurry, nothing happened to him.Ranong even sneered at the God of Destruction in his heart, there is no god in this world!

Mulder looked at Ranong's devout face and nodded, helped him up and comforted him, expressing the trust of the religion in him.In fact, Kahn just said in his ear that Ranon was fine, and he was simply trying to try Ranon.

Yamas are tiny bugs, parasitic on organs and are inconspicuous. Kahn didn't notice any abnormalities at all.

"Whether it's the Prophets in the city of Isbo, or the army of country B outside the city, or the people of country Z, they all want to destroy me and the religion of destruction.

We must unite as one, develop more believers, and wait for everyone living in the city to believe in the God of Destruction.The Doombringer will come out and help us get out of here.

We want to spread the glory of the God of Destruction to country B, and to the whole world! "

Seeing that Ranong came back without incident, Mulder's gloomy mood improved, and he brainwashed the guardians in the room again.

(End of this chapter)

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