human journey

Chapter 361 new journey

Chapter 361 new journey
When the spherical spacecraft entered the orbit of the planets in the solar system, the brains of the thousand golden people had already begun to decay from the cellular level.

Even though the intelligent system has discovered that there are powerful creatures attacking the intelligent life on the earth, it still continues to fly, trying to find a trace of life.

As a result, the battle escalated more and more, and eventually rose to the point of destroying the surface of the planet, but the result was that the intelligent life on Earth actually won. Two powerful universe-level life forms ran away, and one was still seriously injured.

This shows how terrible the existence of intelligent life on earth is. If it can be restored to a universe-level life, it will definitely be much stronger than the universe-level life known to intelligent systems.

The intelligent system has observed that there are still many intelligent life left on the earth, and one of them is particularly powerful and possesses various powerful abilities.

It was going to fly behind the earth's satellite to hide itself first, and then wake up the golden people in the frozen state, but it didn't expect that the powerful intelligent life on earth would come to the door.

Observed from the earth, the spherical spacecraft is just a small celestial body passing by, and it is never expected that it is for the gold on the spherical spacecraft.

When this powerful life uses its magical ability to directly enter the cab, it has to transmit its situation to Lu Yu through brain waves, lest he destroy it.

"I never thought there would be such a bizarre thing. It turned out to be an intelligent race that existed a few light years away tens of millions of years ago, and there are still 10 people alive.

Technology has developed to the point where the oscillation frequency of strings is used to create antimatter, which can directly blow up a cosmic-level life form. How awesome!

They do not have the guidance of the ancestors of souls. They have also conducted in-depth research on the original matter and have made great achievements in the research on mechanical brains. By absorbing their knowledge, not only will our technology advance by leaps and bounds, but the progress of manufacturing mechanical life forms will also be greatly increased. .

But these thousand gold people will definitely have their own ideas and want to develop their own race and civilization.Those who are not of my race must have different minds!It's not a good idea to revive them. "

After digesting the received information, Lu Yu thought to himself, and then he spoke.

"Can you understand my language?"

"Yes, I sent a small robot to Earth many years ago to learn your language and culture and prepare for today's meeting."

Lu Yu can choose not to accept the brain wave signal sent by the intelligent system, and he can also control the brain wave not to send out, so that it cannot read his own thoughts.

"It feels like your intelligence level is very high, do you have your own independent consciousness?"

"I'm just a complex program that makes judgments based on what it observes. You should know that a being without a soul cannot have true consciousness, and I'm not creative."

"Well, then your ultimate mission is to protect the surviving golden people. This is the meaning of your existence. If they die suddenly, what will happen to you?"

"I... I don't know, if they wake up, my mission will be completed and I will obey their commands. If they die, I really have no meaning to exist, and I don't know what to do."

"Would you feel bad if you were shut down and deleted?"

"No, I have no emotions, no fear, and no nostalgia."

"Okay, your job is done."

As soon as Lu Yu finished speaking, the brains of the Golden Tribe hidden deep in the spaceship were crushed by him, and the Golden Tribe became extinct!

"How could you kill them!"

"Why, do you want to avenge them?"

"I wasn't programmed to have a revenge function, and now I don't have a mission, and I don't know what to do."

"Then you will listen to my command in the future, and I will give you the meaning of existence."

After listening to Lu Yu's words, the intelligent system didn't answer for a while. The sound of machinery running wildly came from around the cab, and it seemed to be analyzing what Lu Yu said.

When Lu Yu was communicating with the intelligent system just now, the ancestor of the soul suddenly gave him the ability to feel the souls of other lives, and immediately found the thousand brains that contain the soul power of millions of golden people.

The behavior of the ancestor of the soul is obvious, that is, to let Lu Yu kill them directly.Although it seems cruel, the rules of the universe are like this, and intelligent life devours each other's souls.

After Lu Yu destroyed the thousand brains, a large amount of soul power released by them was directly absorbed by the reincarnation system.

"Okay, I agree to serve you in the future!"

The intelligent system accepted Lu Yu's proposal, which was also its only choice, otherwise it would be destroyed.

Then under the command of Lu Yu, the spherical spaceship flew to the earth.This time the harvest is huge, and human civilization will use the knowledge and spaceships left by the Golden Race to develop by leaps and bounds.

This was an unexpected discovery. Even the ancestor of the soul didn't know that this planet that seemed to have a lot of gold was an advanced spacecraft.

In addition to having an annihilation reactor that can produce antimatter by itself, it also has many powerful technologies.For example, it has the function of finding and extracting the original substance, which can easily extract all the original substance stored in the body of the thorn ball.

Moreover, the basic elements can be used to directly produce the original substance, so there is no need for the corpse of the thorn ball.

The spherical spaceship landed directly near the submarine base. Under the command of the ancestor of the soul, the spherical spaceship began to use the original matter to create mechanical life forms.

The neuron core of the mechanical brain that the Golden Tribe spent countless time and energy on could not be manufactured, but under the command of the ancestor of the soul, it was easily manufactured.

Soon, the mechanical life form with a length of several thousand meters was manufactured in sections and successfully assembled.The ancestor of the soul poured into it a huge amount of soul power retained in the reincarnation system, including billions of human souls.This is a terrifying number. Even a mechanical life form thousands of meters long can only release a small part of the soul power.

At this time, there are not many surviving human beings on the earth, only tens of millions, and all of them have come to Lu Yu.

The ancestor of the soul used the new body and the spherical spaceship to create tens of millions of small clones, and then transferred all the souls into them, awakening all the soul power, and becoming a real universe-level life, just like Lu Yu in the alien star.

Lu Yu, X, and Team King Kong are no exception. They abandoned their carbon-based life bodies and became cosmic-level life forms with infinite lifespans.They are all clones of the ancestors of souls, so being able to retain their own consciousness can be considered a reward.

Everyone is no longer afraid of the harsh environment of the earth, but such a big thing has happened on the earth, it is not appropriate to wait for a long time.Although the soul fluctuation is under the control of the soul ancestor, it has not been transmitted to the four-dimensional space.However, energy fluctuations and drastic changes on the surface of the planet may attract the attention of universe-level life after a few years, which is very dangerous.

So everyone flew out of the earth with the ancestor of the soul, and headed for the original location of the Barnard galaxy.There should still be a lot of soul power released by the death universe level life, which should not be missed.

Everyone's mechanical body uses an anti-matter engine, the speed of movement in space can reach a fraction of the speed of light, and it will take a few years to reach the predetermined position.

The body of the ancestor of the soul will grow rapidly under the supply of the original material continuously produced by the spherical spaceship and itself.In just a few years, it will be able to grow to a body size of tens of thousands of meters, and then it will be able to release all the power of the soul.

With the four-dimensional ability he possesses, he can directly become the top existence in this universe.After a long period of plundering the souls of other universe-level beings, if all goes well, the soul can grow to break through the three-dimensional world, go to the four-dimensional world where time can be controlled, and true immortality can be achieved!

At that time, the souls of Lu Yu and the former human beings will merge with the soul ancestors and become four-dimensional creatures!

Human beings, a tiny race born only a few hundred thousand years ago, have finally returned to their previous appearance after experiencing many hardships through the efforts of countless people, and will have the opportunity to ascend to a higher dimension!
The journey of life has just begun. The three-dimensional world is the starting point of life, and ascending to the fourth dimension is just when life has just matured. There are still countless difficulties, obstacles and wonderful things waiting for the ancestors of souls and human beings!

(End of this chapter)

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