human journey

Chapter 357 Antimatter

Chapter 357 Antimatter

After the joint efforts of all the golden clan, this clone was finally defeated and its body was obtained.

It's a pity that they didn't know that this was a clone of a powerful universe-level life, and after defeating one, there would be countless more.The universe-level life forms didn't send more than one at a time to wipe out the golden race in one go, but let them out one by one.

It would be very difficult for the Golden Clan to defeat a clone, which consumed a lot of resources and human life.Another one is not only limited in terms of resources, but also the new clone has mastered the attack methods of the golden clan, making it even more difficult to deal with.

After finally getting rid of it, another one appeared right after it. After spending almost all the resources and sacrificing a lot of clansmen, it finally won again, and the clone came again.

At this time, the Golden Tribe realized that these mechanical life forms were sent by a powerful enemy that they could not imagine, and they had no chance of winning.

If they can't beat them, they can only escape, but the Golden Race has not developed a superluminal engine, and their spaceships can only move at one-third the speed of light at most, and they need long-term, long-distance acceleration, which is impossible to escape. pursuit.

Facing the ruthless attacks of the clones and the impending destruction, the Golden Tribesmen are united like never before. They want to give it a try, even if they die, they will drag their enemies behind the scenes to be buried with them.

Their technology has developed antimatter, and they are also capable of producing antimatter of several elements, including hydrogen.

The Golden Tribe also had such doubts at first. After years of research, they discovered that matter and antimatter can actually be converted into each other. Under the interference of some unexplored force, most of the antimatter was converted at the beginning of the universe. is positive matter.

This makes the reaction of converting matter into energy in the entire universe relatively slow, which is generally reflected in the nuclear fusion reaction of stars. It is much softer than the annihilation of positive and antimatter, and everything in the universe can appear, and the golden family has found several ways to convert Matter as antimatter approach.

The gaseous planet in Barnard's galaxy is similar to Jupiter in the solar system. 90% of its huge atmosphere is hydrogen, and its atmospheric mass exceeds 1% of the planet's total mass.

According to the mass of this gaseous planet, the total mass of hydrogen in the atmosphere reaches 190 billion megatons. If there is an annihilation reaction with the same amount of antihydrogen elements, 380 billion megatons of matter will be 100% converted into energy and released.

Barnard's red dwarf star has only 14% of the mass of the sun, and the energy released every day is only about 0.35% of the sun.That is to say, when this annihilation reaction is fully completed, the energy released in an instant is equal to the total energy released by Barnard's Star in 300000 trillion days, which is almost 820 billion years in an adult year!

The universe is less than 200 billion years old, and this antimatter annihilation is more than four times the total energy released by Barnard's star since its birth.

The Golden Tribe believes that the enemy behind the scenes must be in space near the planet, but they just used some method to prevent them from detecting it.

But if the hydrogen element in the atmosphere of a gaseous planet is successfully annihilated, as long as the distance between the two planets is close enough, the power of the explosion will definitely kill the enemy behind the scenes.

Even if they die, they will be buried with their enemies, so they launched this plan.To accomplish it would be to create 190 billion megatons of antihydrogen and bring it into contact with hydrogen in the atmosphere of a gaseous planet.

In this regard, when the gold family developed the technology to convert hydrogen into antihydrogen, they had already thought of how to do it.At that time, there was this "annihilation" plan, and when the Golden Race suffered a devastating blow, they used this method to die with the enemy.

It is still necessary to use the energy field released by the earth's core to convert the metallic hydrogen in the outer layer of the gaseous planet's earth's core into antihydrogen, which will immediately undergo an annihilation reaction with the hydrogen in the atmosphere.

The Golden Race gathers the last strength to build a hydrogen conversion machine while resisting the attack of the clone.It is extremely difficult to say that it is extremely difficult to convert such a huge amount of hydrogen, but it is very simple to say.

The key is to have a strong enough energy field, and the core of the gaseous planet's solid core is a huge golden body, and the energy field released is tens of thousands of times that of the earth.

The transformation machine built by the Golden Tribe is like a catalyst. It doesn't need to be big or release powerful energy to be useful.

(End of this chapter)

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