human journey

Chapter 344 The Ultimate Battle (10)

Chapter 344 The Ultimate Battle (10)
Therefore, the little ancestors used iron for super compression, so that nuclear fusion or nuclear fission would not be triggered, and they could maintain a relatively stable state.

The extremely dense iron material was pressed into an arrow shape, and under the continuous propulsion of the telekinetic force, it hit the invisible thorn ball at a super high speed thousands of times the speed of sound.Its movement speed is limited by the fluctuation of the soul, so it cannot move very fast, and it cannot dodge this extremely fast "iron arrow" at all.

The repulsive force between iron atoms is extremely strong. With the development of human technology to this day, metals cannot be compressed significantly. One can imagine how strong the repulsive force is.

However, under the influence of the incredibly powerful telekinetic power of the little ancestor, it was able to reduce its size by ten thousand times.Once the little ancestor let go of the mind power, the super-density iron will explode due to the strong repulsion, the power is extremely huge, which is equivalent to releasing the mind power of the little ancestor in an instant.

The "Iron Arrow" slammed into the energy field of the thorn ball's body protection. The speed was extremely fast and the weight was huge. The pressure at the arrowhead of the "Iron Arrow" was extremely terrifying. Unable to resist, he was pierced nearly half in one fell swoop.

Thornball was forced to have no choice but to give up repairing the body surface cylinder, and mobilize energy to fully operate the energy field to resist the "iron arrow" under the condition that the fluctuation of the soul does not exceed the standard.

This trick is very effective, the speed of "Iron Arrow" is dropping rapidly, and it will definitely not be able to penetrate the energy field if it continues like this.The little ancestor's attack was not limited to this level, it gradually let go of the telekinetic control of the iron substance at the end of the iron arrow.

The distance between the iron atoms increases ten thousand times in an instant, and the volume also expands ten thousand times miraculously. This is a picture that has only appeared in film and television works.

The huge repulsive force made the iron atoms reach extremely high speed in an instant, gain great kinetic energy, easily break through the much weaker gravitational force between atoms and fly out, a big explosion occurred, and dazzling red and white flames were produced, which flew away.

The effect of force is mutual. Dozens of tons of iron elements fly out at a very high speed, exerting a super powerful thrust on the remaining "iron arrow" arrow body, plus the mind force exerted by the little ancestor on the arrow body , at this time the pressure on the tip of the arrow increased several times, and it quickly pierced the thorn ball again.

Because the release of the thorn ball's defensive energy field is limited by itself, it didn't react for a while, and it was really shot into its body by the "iron arrow"!
However, the thickness of the spine ball, which is tens of thousands of meters wide, is 2000 meters thick.

The temperature of lightning varies from 3 degrees Celsius to 5 degrees Celsius, which is [-] to [-] times the surface temperature of the sun.

And the current strength of the thorn ball shell striking the iron arrow is [-] times that of the strongest lightning in nature!Iron is also a very good conductor, and an extremely powerful current instantly penetrates the entire "Iron Arrow".

Originally, the iron arrow should be instantly destroyed by this super current, turning into a not very strong metal heat flow inside the shell.

But at this time, the iron atoms inside the iron arrow were compressed ten thousand times under the control of the telekinetic force, and the repulsion between the atoms was extremely strong.

The essence of the force between atoms is the electromagnetic force, which is the interaction between the electrons surrounding the proton. When a super strong current is driven into the shell of the spike ball, the interaction force between the electrons is greatly enhanced, and this is the repulsive force.

For a moment, the repulsive force of the "Iron Arrow" was so strong that it surpassed the mental power exerted by the little ancestor.The little ancestor took advantage of the situation to evacuate the mind power, and at this moment the energy field also covered the gap made by the "iron arrow", shielding the little ancestor's four-dimensional ability.

The incomparably strong repulsive force caused the entire "iron arrow" atoms to move away from each other at a faster speed than the arrow tail iron atoms just now, and the volume also expanded ten thousand times, resulting in a more violent explosion.

The impact of the iron atoms containing super kinetic energy caused a huge crater with a diameter and depth of more than a thousand meters to be blown out of the thorn ball's shell, and it was not far from breaking its defense and hitting its interior.

Thornball was really frightened by this attack at this time, it quickly changed its body and faced the earth on the other side, for fear that the little ancestor would strike another "iron arrow" on the huge crater on its body surface.

If it is not guarded and the "iron arrow" hits its body, the damage caused will be extremely terrible. Its body is filled with various important organs, and it has no defense.

The little ancestor also wanted to shoot the "Iron Arrow" again, but it couldn't observe the body damage of the thorn ball in the stealth state.It still doesn't have much time to live, it can't waste any more time, it needs to change another attack method.

"Did you see that a huge fiery red thing appeared on the surface of the ground just now, and then continued to grow weaker, and rushed to the sky at a very high speed, and then burst into flames at high altitude, probably some kind of physical attack from the little ancestor! "

Lu Yu said excitedly that he had been imitating Yuan Pengcheng's super-strong neural response ability, making the world in his eyes stand still.Observing the space between heaven and earth all the time, he saw this incredible blow.

"I didn't see it clearly, but I felt that there was some light. I thought it was the sunlight."

Yuan Pengcheng replied.

He didn't observe anything, and the rest of the King Kong team didn't see anything, but this didn't prevent them from imagining what kind of terrifying attack it was.

The third move of the little ancestor is also to use the four-dimensional ability to launch an attack under the three-dimensional law, but the soul power required for this move is extremely huge, even the hundreds of millions of human soul power stored in the brain of the little ancestor are not enough.

Fortunately, the little ancestor just wiped out all the clones of Thornball, so that the hundreds of millions of human souls that were not sent to Thornball were released and entered the cycle of reincarnation.The ancestor of the soul merged all the soul power of these hundreds of millions of human beings with the soul of the little ancestor, so that the soul power used at this time exceeded one billion human beings.

To operate such a powerful soul power, it is necessary to absorb a lot of the core energy field. With the size of the earth's core, it is more than enough.But the burden on the body of the little ancestor is even greater at this time, and the use time is greatly shortened. When his attack is over, the body will fall apart, and billions of human souls will return to reincarnation. Without a new powerful mechanical body, it will be impossible to Use it more intensively.

(End of this chapter)

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