human journey

Chapter 342 The Ultimate Battle (8)

Chapter 342 The Ultimate Battle (8)
The demon god didn't delay when he received the news of the thorn ball, it flew directly here.The teleportation ability cannot be used, so the thorn ball cannot shield its soul fluctuations, and it is easy to be discovered by other universe-level life forms.

With a huge body of tens of thousands of meters, the air resistance it experiences is also huge, but its power cannot withstand it.A high-energy particle stream thousands of meters long was ejected from the tail, flying halfway across the earth at dozens of times the speed of sound.The violent friction between the body and the air generates high temperatures, which together with the impact create huge airflows, which will continue to affect the earth's climate.

But now the earth's environment has become very harsh under the attack of Thorn Ball's super shells.As the saying goes, if you have too many debts, you don't worry about it, if you have too many lice, you don't itch. Human beings can still witness the deterioration of the earth's environment, which is already gratifying.

Soon, the Demon God came to Thorn Ball, and the energy of shielding the soul was greatly weakened, and it had the energy to deal with the enemies attacking the clone.

Thornball's soul was immediately connected to all clones, and it wanted to see how the clones died.

Lu Yu has been attacking the "missile" all the time, and is always watching the situation of the thorn ball through the satellite screen. When the demon god gave up attacking the Americas and flew back, he had a premonition that the thorn ball was going to attack them.

Although he didn't know the logic behind it, Lu Yu was unwilling to take risks. Now that the little ancestor went underground, he might launch a counterattack soon.If he continues to attack the "missiles", he will probably lose his life in vain. It is better to wait. After all, the two cosmic-level beings have not been eliminated. No matter how many "missiles" are eliminated, it will be in vain.

The Demon God doesn't attack even if he stays in the air. This is the cafeteria for thorn balls, so it's not suitable to shoot.Anyway, it is not in a hurry, the ability of the thorn ball to shield the fluctuation of the soul can last for a long time, enough for them to wipe out a hundred human beings.

When Thorny Ball discovered that humans no longer attacked the clones, they knew that they had figured out that it had discovered it through the demon's return, and ignored it.It asked the Demon God to stay by its side until the clones finished harvesting the souls of more than 30 billion humans in this hemisphere, and then accompanied the Demon God to harvest the rest. Naturally, the Demon God would not have any objections.

With the thorn ball watching, any efforts of human beings are in vain, and they can only be annihilated under the attack of the clone.The giant pyramid left by the little ancestor on the grassland was blasted into metal juice by the heavy particle cannon shot randomly by the spike ball.

It seems that human beings have only one way to wait for death, and it seems that Lu Yu's efforts have not changed the result.

"Why did the little ancestor go to the core of the earth? If he doesn't come out to help, all the people in our country Z will be killed!"

"He didn't run away, hid in the core of the earth and left us alone, leaving only hundreds of millions of human souls to survive!"

"No, the two universe-level beings will not let him go. For them, it shouldn't be too difficult to attack the target in the earth's core."

"Hey, come out, little ancestor, we humans can't stand it anymore!"

At this time, the little ancestor has come to the solid core, and the energy field released here is extremely powerful. Even if all the energy fields received by the global pyramids are added up, it is not as good as one billionth of what the little ancestor absorbed at this time.

Under the blessing of this super-strong energy field, the little ancestor was able to awaken all the soul power, which is the total number of hundreds of millions of human souls, which is hundreds of millions of times when Lu Yu released all the soul power!
Although this huge soul power is not enough to compare with Demon God and Thorn Ball, he can use many four-dimensional abilities, which is far stronger than the two universe-level beings, and their bodies can only use a few four-dimensional abilities. ability.

At this time, the little ancestors already have the power to fight against them. Both the repulsive force field of the demon god and the special energy field of the thorn ball can be immune to a certain degree of four-dimensional ability. This is the use of the limitation of the three-dimensional universe on four-dimensional ability. Drop one thing for one thing.

But the little ancestor can use the four-dimensional ability to stimulate the powerful three-dimensional world law to attack them, and his priority target is the thorn ball.As long as it makes it unable to use the ability to shield the soul fluctuations, they will cast a rat-proof weapon and stop attacking humans.

First of all, the Little Ancestor extracted a large amount of deuterium in the ocean in an instant by using his incredible telekinetic power.

Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen, also known as heavy hydrogen, and the element symbol is generally D or 2H.There are one proton and one neutron in the deuterium nucleus, and its relative atomic weight is twice that of ordinary hydrogen.

For humans, deuterium is mainly used in thermonuclear reactions. During fusion, beta rays are released to form helium with a mass number of 3. The energy released is extremely large and pollution-free. It is called "future natural fuel", and it is now used The stable and continuous nuclear thermal reaction is still in the experiment.

Deuterium is a colorless, odorless, non-toxic, flammable gas at normal temperature and pressure, and is a stable isotope of ordinary hydrogen.It contains 0.0139% to 0.0157% of hydrogen in normal water.Its chemical properties are exactly the same as ordinary hydrogen, but due to its larger mass, the reaction speed is slower.

There are about 0.03 grams of deuterium per liter of seawater, so there are about 45 trillion tons of deuterium in seawater alone on Earth.It is calculated that the deuterium contained in 1 liter of seawater can provide almost the energy released by burning 300 liters of gasoline through nuclear fusion.

The nuclear fusion energy stored on the earth is about 1000 million times of the total nuclear fission energy that can be released by the stored nuclear fission elements, which can be said to be inexhaustible and inexhaustible energy.

However, the reaction conditions of nuclear fusion are much more harsh than nuclear fission. Generally, ultra-high temperature and high pressure are required to allow atomic nuclei to polymerize with each other to generate new heavier nuclei, accompanied by a huge release of energy.

The hydrogen bomb first produces nuclear fission, creating a high-temperature and high-pressure environment, which causes the nuclear fusion raw materials to be "ignited" and a fusion reaction occurs.

For the little ancestor at this time, he can use the high temperature and power of mind to put a large amount of deuterium in an ultra-high temperature and high pressure environment in an instant, thereby performing nuclear fusion reactions.

Nearly [-] tons of deuterium liquid was transported by the little ancestor from the ocean to the thorn ball, and surrounded it.Subsequently, the deuterium was "ignited" and nuclear fusion occurred. A huge bright white fireball appeared in the high sky. People in this hemisphere could see it clearly. Its brightness far exceeded that of the sun in the sky, covering the boundless earth and sky. It was all white.

In order to prevent this super nuclear fusion reaction from causing harm to humans, the little ancestor used all his telekinesis abilities to firmly lock the power of the explosion and prevent it from spreading out. This would also produce continuous output to the spike ball and increase the damage.

Theoretically, the mass-energy conversion rate of nuclear fusion is 0.7%. The two four-dimensional capabilities of the little ancestor make the mass-energy conversion rate of this thermonuclear reaction infinitely close to this value.

In other words, 700000 kilograms of deuterium of [-] tons has been completely transformed into energy. According to Einstein's famous mass-energy equation E=mc, E represents energy, m represents mass, and c represents the constant speed of light. This energy is as large as Incredible!

The speed of light is about 3000000000 meters per second, so it can be concluded that the energy released by this nuclear fusion is 630 billion megajoules!It is almost the same as the kinetic energy of the super cannonball fired by the previous spike ball.

(End of this chapter)

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