human journey

Chapter 34 Chaos

Chapter 34 Chaos
"Buzzing" a sound of mechanical operation, flying towards the military aircraft in the city of Isborg, and slowly opening the cargo door.The icy high-altitude cold wind poured into the cabin, blowing everyone's wing suits to "squeak".

The dawn sun also penetrated in, dyeing everyone in the King Kong team with varying degrees of light and dark, and a chilling air arose spontaneously.

But Xia Zhihui's heart began to beat, and his legs couldn't help but tremble.After the staff helped him put on the wingsuit, they only briefly explained how to maintain the flying posture, and there were no other instructions.

Xia Zhihui hadn't even jumped in a skydive before, let alone flying in a wing suit with a high mortality rate.Before he awakened, he was an ordinary college student, and he was not very courageous, even daring to ride a roller coaster.

"Brother Lu, what exactly is that wingsuit flying tactic? I'm a little scared. I feel like I'm a little afraid of heights."

Xia Zhihui asked in the public voice channel in the helmet, his voice trembling a little.

Everyone in the King Kong team couldn't help laughing, because the matter was too urgent, there was no time to train Xia Zhihui on wingsuit flying.But it doesn't matter, now that Lu Yu's telekinetic power is extremely powerful, Xia Zhihui just needs to jump along, which is much safer than learning to fly by himself.

"The tactic is that you just follow me and jump down. Don't worry about anything else. I will fly you with telekinesis. If you are afraid, just close your eyes."

Lu Yu replied with a smile.

"Xiaoxia, whoever gave you your name probably wants you to be an ordinary person and live in peace and safety for the rest of your life."

Yan Liang joked.

"Huh? Doesn't it mean to have lofty ambitions and glory? Why do you become an ordinary person?"

Xia Zhihui asked curiously.

"Isn't Xia Zhihui just directing blindly? If you are a leader, you can't direct blindly. You should be an ordinary person honestly, hahaha."

Yan Liang laughed and said.

Everyone laughed, and the dignified atmosphere eased, and even Xia Zhihui felt less afraid of heights.

Soon they arrived at the predetermined location, and everyone jumped out of the plane following Lu Yu.Including Xia Zhihui, who also jumped down as soon as he gritted his teeth.Their weapons and equipment were dropped by the staff with parachutes from above the position.

The weather in the Eastbourg area today is sunny and the air visibility is very high.Lu Yu's keen vision quickly saw the sign of the National Army B position, and he used his telekinesis to lead everyone to fly over.

The military of Country B has been notified long ago that they will not take Lu Yu and the others down as a threat.Lu Yu and the others went smoothly and landed beside the B national army's position.

Although they had already understood and prepared, the way Lu Yu and the others landed still stunned the soldiers of country B.The method used by Zhang Bangming was the same as before. When approaching the destination, he used telekinetic power to slow down, and when he reached the destination, he could fall lightly.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is like direct physical flight.In fact, with Lu Yu's current strength, he could indeed fly over without wearing a wing suit.But that would consume too much energy and is not a wise move.

There are also awakened people in country B, but the number is very small.In fact, judging from the proportion of people with awakening potential in the population, country B is similar to country Z.

However, the people in country B who have the potential to awaken, the first time they met the Soul Eater, were too late to awaken, and most of them were killed by the Soul Eater.

This is mainly because there is little surveillance in the cities of country B and the police force is weak, so the soul-eating rats can be very arrogant and keep chasing people to kill.And even if someone goes missing, it won't attract much attention. After all, where the next meal is is more important.The government also does not have the financial resources to protect people across the country and can only protect a few people.Poverty is the original sin of the few awakened people in Country B!

In the past two years, several sects that believe in soul-eating rats have even emerged in country B. Their teachings are roughly the same.

Lu Yu and the others have also seen these materials, and they can't help but lament the ignorance of these people.Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this is just a means for the conspirators to seek benefits.

To make money in times of crisis, even in times of crisis, to use deceit to exploit poor companions, to beat them to the bone.These scum among humans have been everywhere since ancient times.The more chaotic it is, the more these human ugliness are exposed.

There are these evil ones, and there are also righteous ones like Lu Yu and others.Regardless of life and death, use your life to defend the right of human beings to survive!

The position of the National Army of B is located between the city of Isbo and Laya Mountain. The meaning is obvious. It is better for the Destroyer to run to the country than to prevent it from crossing the Laya Mountain to Huaguo.

This kind of sincerity is also one of the reasons why the country made up its mind to send the King Kong team over.

The positions are full of heavy weapons, large-caliber artillery, rocket launchers purchased from Huaguo, heavy main battle tanks, armed helicopters, well-equipped soldiers, air force support, and so on.

This is already a very powerful force for human beings, but it is not an opponent of the Destroyer at all. Several such mechanized troops have been wiped out by the Destroyer.

There are many people who study Chinese in country B, so naturally there are also people in this position.A country B military officer introduced the current situation to Lu Yu and the others in fluent Chinese.

"The monster has been circling the city and slaughtering, and after killing all of them, it shrinks back to the center of the city. In this way, the people in the city will become more and more concentrated, and the monster's killing efficiency will be higher.

There was some resistance in the city yesterday, but today there is none.This monster is too strong, no one will die.

I beg you to kill this demon, my wife and children are still in the city, this monster will kill everyone sooner or later, and many more people will die one minute later! "

As he said this, the officer wanted to kneel down, but Zhang Bangming's telekinesis helped him back up.The situation described by this officer is consistent with the intelligence obtained by the Z country satellite.

"Don't worry, we are here to solve it. It is called Destroyer in China. We have already killed one in China. If you have experience, please cooperate with us."

Zhang Bangming said.

After listening to the Chinese officer's translation, all the officers of country B nodded excitedly, saying that there is no problem.More or less of their relatives and friends are now in the capital city of Isborg.And if these Chinese people can't speak, they will have to. The ending is definitely unbeatable, and the Destroyer will not let one go, everyone will die.

"There should be a lot of soul-devouring rats in the city of Isborg. What's the situation with them now?"

Zhang Bangming asked.

Country B didn't know the existence of the mother body, so Zhang Bangming didn't mention it.

The mother body is cautious, elusive and difficult to find. Country B didn't pay much attention to the matter of the Soul-devouring Rat. Before the appearance of the Soul-devouring Rat, there were already a lot of missing and accidental deaths in Country B, but now there are just a little more.

They generally feel that all this is God's will, as long as their faith is devout enough, nothing will happen to them.

"Judging from the reports sent by the people in the city, the Soul Eater Rat did not show any abnormalities. It is still the same as before, only attacking those who have the potential to awaken or who are alone."

The military officer of country B who can speak Chinese replied.

(End of this chapter)

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