human journey

Chapter 337 The Ultimate Battle (3)

Chapter 337 The Ultimate Battle (3)
The pyramid at the base is now thousands of meters high. After the birth of the little ancestor, it has been continuously expanded. The central position is still a golden pyramid, and the energy field that can gather the core of the earth is more than a hundred times that of before.

With the help of it, the little ancestor can control the global steel pyramid, and the four-dimensional ability that can be released is very powerful.However, two universe-level beings have a four-dimensional ability that can shield a certain intensity, and the steel pyramid is useless.

It doesn't have any defensive capabilities, it's just a dead object, and the 200-meter-wide stream of high-energy particles can penetrate and destroy it with just one blow.

And the Little Ancestor is indeed among them. Although he cannot effectively attack the devil and the thorn ball, he can stop the particle flow!

He stays at the very center of the pyramid and receives the strongest energy field. He gathers all the energy fields of the steel pyramids in the world and releases a small half of the power of hundreds of millions of human souls contained in his brain. His four-dimensional ability can be described as devastating.

It is also simple to deal with high-energy particle flow, just use telekinesis to change its attack trajectory.As long as the telekinetic power is strong enough, it can even make the particle stream turn back to attack the thorn ball.

But this stream of heavy particles is too hot and the particles too active to control.Their speed is too fast, the mass of heavy particles is too large, and the kinetic energy contained in them is too strong.

The little ancestor tried his best to prevent the particle flow from hitting the pyramid, but hit the nearby ground.Under the impact of the super-[-]-degree high-temperature particle flow, the solid ground was easily penetrated like paper.

A large amount of soil directly vaporized, triggering a big explosion, and the shock wave rushed a large amount of mud and rock in the hole into the air, forming a ring-shaped smoke column towering into the clouds, with an astonishing momentum.

The shock wave also spread to the surroundings, and all the buildings in the base were flattened by the air wave in an instant.Fortunately, at the moment when the demon god and the thorn ball appeared, the little ancestor sent all the staff and equipment of the base to a very far distance by teleportation.

The pyramid not far away was also affected by the air wave, but the little ancestor blocked the impact with telekinetic power.After a few seconds, the flow of high-energy particles disappeared, and the surrounding area of ​​the pyramid became a white space. There was only a large straight hole with a diameter of more than 300 meters that was bottomless.

The spike ball stopped the jet of high-energy particles not because of kindness, but because it felt that such an attack was not strong enough to deal with the pyramid and the little ancestor.

The second wave of attacks began immediately, and the huge hole in the spike ball that released a stream of high-energy particles closed.Its huge body turned in one direction, and then a bottomless round hole with a diameter of a thousand meters opened. The wall of the hole is also very strange, it is made up of long and thin tubes of unknown material.

After the cave entrance was opened, a huge amount of electric sparks flashed on the cave wall, and a huge black shadow shot out from it at an extremely fast speed, reaching hundreds of times the speed of sound!
This is a super giant metal "cannonball" with a diameter of one thousand meters and a length of two to three thousand meters. It is launched by a 3000-meter-long pipe using super electromagnetic energy.

The surface of the "cannonball" contains a special energy layer, which can not only greatly reduce air resistance, but also shield the four-dimensional ability, making it impossible for the little ancestor to stop its impact.

The weight of this cannonball reached an astonishing 300 billion tons. Driven at a high speed hundreds of times the speed of sound, the kinetic energy contained in it was terrifying. It was an astronomical figure, exceeding 700 billion megajoules!
And 1000 tons of TNT bomb equivalent is equivalent to 4200 megajoules.In other words, the kinetic energy of this shell is equal to 170 billion tons of TNT equivalent.

The nuclear weapon "Little Fatty" that humans have used in actual combat uses an implosion structure. The explosive power is estimated to be 85 tons of TNT equivalent. The damage caused by the impact of this shell is equal to the simultaneous explosion of [-] "Little Fatty" nuclear bombs !
The most powerful nuclear weapon that mankind has tested so far is the hydrogen bomb called "Tsar Bomb". Its explosive power is equal to 5000 million tons of TNT equivalent, and the kinetic energy of the shell is equal to 340 "Tsar Bombs" exploding together.

Even if the nuclear weapons of all mankind were concentrated, they would not be so powerful. If the shells were scattered, they would be enough to wipe out most of the creatures on the earth.

Even compared with the kinetic energy of the meteorite that destroyed the dinosaur era, there is not much difference, at least a fraction of it.

This kind of inconceivably powerful kinetic energy attack can only be launched by such a terrifying existence as cosmic level life.It is estimated that this is far from the full-scale attack of the thorn ball. It is too easy for it to destroy the life of a planet, but it did not do so in order to devour the soul power of all human beings.

The little ancestor's four-dimensional ability has no effect on the "cannonball". Once hit by it, the pyramid will immediately turn into metal particles and scatter away. If the little ancestor inside does not leave, he will die.

But abandoning the kilometer pyramid, the soul power that the little ancestor can use has dropped drastically, and he has no capital to fight against the thorn ball.

But the little ancestor had another trick. When the cannonball was about to hit the pyramid, it used its teleportation ability to instantly teleport the pyramid and itself to the prairie hundreds of kilometers away.

The "cannonball" hit the ground directly, and immediately caused a big explosion.A huge light illuminated the entire world, and half the world's human beings could see it.

The soil layer with a diameter of more than 5000 meters and a depth of more than [-] meters turned into hot magma and rushed to the sky, covering the sky of the entire planet within a few hours.The super-strong vibration spread from the impact center to the surroundings, and the shock wave would spread throughout the entire Eurasian continent, causing unpredictable damage.

The extremely hot air waves tens of thousands of meters high will spread to the surroundings at supersonic speed. Wherever they go, there will be no grass and no life, and it will be difficult for life to survive within a radius of [-] kilometers.

It is only 10 kilometers away from City B where Lu Yu and the others are located. In [-] minutes, the super shock wave will raze the capital City B to the ground.Even though the people in the city who survived the tentacle attack were powerful awakeners, most of them couldn't withstand the tens of thousands of meters high flame wall.

When Lu Yu and the others rescued the survivors in City B, they saw a huge bright light coming from the direction of the base, and a huge mushroom cloud of magma that appeared afterwards.

Their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley. This kind of powerful attack cannot be done by human beings with all their strength, and it cannot be done by the little ancestor. This is an attack from another universe-level life.

They could have predicted that such a strong explosion would inevitably bring about a super strong shock wave, and even City B, which was hundreds of kilometers away, might not be spared.

Zhang Bangming immediately reported this huge incident to his superiors, who also saw the situation through satellite monitoring.The supercomputer immediately simulated the harm caused by this super explosion, and then sent a notification to everyone's mobile phone, telling people to stay away from the center of the explosion immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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