human journey

Chapter 333 Human Development

Chapter 333 Human Development

Days passed by, and the demon god has been silent since he was discovered. It is not known whether he is planning a terrible attack plan or just left.

With the help of the little ancestors, everything on the earth is developing in a good direction. All human beings have abandoned the barriers of countries and races. Everyone is united and listens to the arrangements of the little ancestors.

Since the birth of the human race, it has never achieved true peace like it does now. Disagreements, hatred, and wars have run through the entire history of human civilization.Countless human beings did not die from fighting against nature, but were mercilessly slaughtered by their compatriots. The stories could not be finished even if they were told for 1000 years.

Everyone has their own independent consciousness and can perceive who they are, but when life ends and the soul returns to reincarnation, consciousness no longer exists.

No one can exist forever. Under the action of the law of entropy increase, everything in the universe is developing towards destruction. Only by transcending the constraints of the three dimensions and rising to the fourth dimension to control time can it be possible to achieve true eternity.

Human beings alone are too weak, and human beings themselves cannot even get out of the continent they are on.Only by uniting human beings, working together, and using collective power can we achieve greater things. Flying out of the earth is the limit of human capabilities at this stage, and even unmanned probes cannot really leave the solar system.

It is generally believed that the edge of the solar system is Pluto, which Voyager 1 has already reached, but Pluto is only one of the celestial bodies listed as dwarf planets in the solar system.

Dwarf planets, also known as "dwarf planets", are between planets and asteroids, orbiting stars, and have enough mass to suppress the gravity of solids to achieve a hydrostatic equilibrium shape, that is, a spherical shape, without enough gravity to clear other orbits. celestial bodies, and not satellites.

There are many other dwarf planets beyond Pluto, these dwarf planets are in the Kuiper belt.The Kuiper Belt is a hollow disk-shaped area in the solar system near the ecliptic plane outside the orbit of Neptune, where celestial bodies are dense.

The Kuiper Belt includes many planetesimals, which are fragments of the protoplanetary disk surrounding the sun. They failed to successfully form planets and thus formed smaller celestial bodies, with the largest diameter less than [-] kilometers.

The Kuiper Belt is sometimes mistaken for the boundary of the Solar System, but the Solar System also includes the Oort Nebula, which extends out a light-year away.

It is a spherical cloud surrounding the solar system, covered with many massive comets, about [-] to [-] astronomical units away from the sun, with a maximum radius of almost one light-year, which is a quarter of the distance between the sun and Proxima Centauri one.

Astronomers generally believe that the Oort cloud is the leftover material that formed the sun and its planets 50 billion years ago and surrounds the solar system, that is, a layer of cloud that wraps outside the solar system.

Passing through it is considered leaving the solar system, but one light-year is a desperate distance. At the speed of Voyager 1, it will take nearly 2 years to cross it after reaching the Oort Nebula!
This is just flying out of the solar system. The entire solar system is an insignificant existence in the Milky Way, not to mention compared with the entire universe. The distance that the universe expands per second far exceeds the limit that human civilization can achieve.

This is why humans have never seen aliens, the distance is too far.Without using the power of the soul to develop a mechanical body, it is impossible to use the four-dimensional power, and it is impossible to travel through space to plunder the soul for further development.

Simply developing technology has a very low ceiling. Soul power is the most critical thing in this universe. It is the key to the fourth dimension.

Humans were just a group of orangutan subspecies in the beginning, only the souls of ordinary creatures, and could not develop real intelligence.But the souls of the ancestors descended into their brains, endowing them with true wisdom.

And the physical body is constantly evolving under the intervention of the soul, which makes the brain capacity bigger and bigger, the wisdom that can be awakened is also more and more, and the survival ability is stronger.With more quantity, the massive dormant soul power stored in the brain can be apportioned and released.

When there are enough human beings, the soul ancestor awakens some of his own consciousness and memory, and finally realizes the birth of the current little ancestor.

During this period, mankind encountered countless difficulties, and countless civilizations and populations were destroyed.Even in modern times, human beings are threatened by nuclear weapons created by themselves, and they are almost on the verge of destruction.

Under the threat of the demon god, the ancestor of the soul accelerated the pace of human evolution. After the crisis of the demon god is resolved, he will continue to create the original substance, make his body stronger and stronger, and awaken more and more soul power. Until it releases all the soul power hidden in its body.

At this time, after the death of human beings, the soul will not return to reincarnation, but will merge with his soul. In the end, the souls of all people will merge with it, and human beings will return to their original state and become an extremely powerful universe-level life.

This process will last for a long time, not only the lifespan of human beings has been greatly improved due to the enhancement of the small ancestors, but the main reason is the slow production of original substances.But there are other external forces that can be borrowed, such as finding a way to sneak into the core of the earth, using a more powerful energy field to create original substances, or finding a planet where mechanical life is born, to devour their original substances.

At this point, human life levels have reached transformation, and they will strive to become four-dimensional creatures in the future.He will also follow the same path as the devil, looking for other cosmic life or intelligent life, killing them, and devouring their soul power.

This is consistent with the law of the jungle in nature, except that the stage is changed to the entire universe.The universe is so big, and there are countless cosmic-level beings in it. Perhaps cosmic-level beings also have their own alliances to hunt and fight other cosmic-level beings together. What a wonderful world it is!
Of course, all of this can only be realized after the threat of the devil is resolved, otherwise mankind will directly destroy everything and cease to exist.

The materials that make up the body of the little ancestor were all brought to the earth together with the soul in ancient times. He was originally a super powerful cosmic-level life, but he was defeated by a powerful enemy and lost a lot of soul power, and most of his body was destroyed. .

The most important one is the "brain" that stores souls. Without it, humans must gradually develop mechanical life. Only after reaching a very high level can they create mechanical life substances that store souls.If that takes too long, humans will be in danger.

This brain is stored in the black ball, which is why all the ancestors attached so much importance to it and laid down so many things behind it, including the pyramids.

(End of this chapter)

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