human journey

Chapter 330

Chapter 330

"That's right, this body of mine already existed at the beginning of the birth of human beings. It protects the growth of human civilization and survives disasters one after another, such as geomagnetic reversals, super earthquakes, global volcanic eruptions, and meteorite impacts.

Every time it is a catastrophe, destroying most of the human civilization that has been established with great difficulty in an instant, and there are not many human beings left. This is still the case when I provide shelter, otherwise human beings would have been extinct long ago.

I am the strongest god in your human myths and legends, and the other gods are some powerful awakeners.

More than 4000 years ago, a not-so-strong cosmic-level life discovered the earth and the human beings living in it.But because of my existence, it can't eliminate humans and devour souls without being discovered by other universe-level life forms, and it's not sure that it can run away after launching a powerful attack.

It can't get what it owns, and it doesn't want others to get it, so it secretly left a device behind the moon, and when it got away from it, it activated and ejected a stream of super high-energy particles.

When I found out that I was rushing to stop it, it was too late. The particle propulsion gave the moon a strong inertia, and it hit the earth with a diameter.

Although it is not strong among universe-level beings, it is infinitely stronger than me. I tried my best to destroy the high-energy particle launcher. The strong explosion even filled up the big hole created by the particle flow, so you didn’t find it. .

Although the mass of the moon is not large, it will definitely wipe out all living things on the ground when it hits the earth, let alone human beings, so I have to find a way to stop it.

The four-dimensional ability that can be released by the soul power carried by my body cannot stop the impact of the moon, and it is impossible to make it deviate from the orbit on a large scale.

But I still have an ability, that is, I can absorb the power of the earth's core from a distance, and my ability can increase tenfold or a hundredfold.But after using it, the body will be damaged due to energy overload, and human beings will lose direct protection, but it must be done.

At that time, there were not many human beings, and the excess soul power was sleeping in everyone's mind, or in my body. Once my body was strengthened by the power of the earth's core, then I would have a large number of souls The power is released.

Eventually, I telekinetically stopped the moon and pushed it back to its original orbit, but at this point, my body was about to fail and I sent my head back to Earth.

The body was too fragile at that time, and the energy was not enough. Let alone whether I can fly back to the earth, I am afraid that I will burn up in the atmosphere after returning, so I have to stay on the moon and hide it in a moon mountain so as not to be killed by others Cosmic-level life was discovered and recovered by slowly absorbing the power of the moon's core.

And my head can't directly absorb the force of the earth's core because I lost my body, so I need to use a pyramid-structured object to absorb it.The head flew to the Himalayas, found a suitable mountain, and used the little energy left to send out lasers to cut the mountain into a standard pyramid shape.

Soon after entering it, the ancestor of the soul arranged for a human to discover the secret of the pyramid.Then he fell into a weak state due to the super use of soul power, and could only maintain the reincarnation system for a long time, unable to do other things.

Later, human civilization developed well through bumps and bumps. After the population increased, the soul ancestors gradually woke up and began to promote the development of human society.

When it was aware of the invasion of universe-level life a few years ago, it opened the door to the awakening of human souls, and it has developed to what it is today.

Now this cosmic life is probably attracted by the flow of high-temperature particles ejected from the previous moon, but the propagation of light in space is not fast, and thousands of years have passed since it was discovered.

At that time, the moon suddenly approached and then moved away suddenly, which caused chaos in the seas and rivers all over the world, and the chaos lasted for several months. Only then did the great flood event that human beings have passed down since ancient times. "

The giant's voice was calm and deep, as if Tianyin was explaining the changes in the world.When everyone heard this secret that runs through the history of mankind, they were all overwhelmed. It is really not easy for human beings to reproduce.

"Thousands of years ago, the method used by the universe-level life to destroy human beings in the end seems to be the same as the one I met in the alien star. Are they the same one?"

Lu Yu asked curiously.

"That's right, they are the same one. What you experienced fighting it on the alien planet is also what I experienced. It is to let you experience the horror of universe-level life. It did not go to the alien star. It is the ancestor of the soul. A rebuilt virtual world.

In fact, according to the situation detected in the four dimensions, the remaining members of the tribe did not perish, and continued to multiply under the protection of Zizhu.That mechanical life in the desert was directly destroyed by the blow of the enemy behind the scenes. "

"So the tribesmen who ended up with me are not dead!"

"Yes, even because the solar system of their planet is located in the middle of the galaxy, the intensity of dark energy is extremely high, the revolution speed is fast, and it is close to the super black hole in the center of the galaxy, so the time dilation rate is high, and the time flow rate there is faster. Much slower than the earth, even if we have passed thousands of years here, they have only passed a few years. If you can go there now, you should still be able to see those people."

Hearing what the giant said, Lu Yu was shocked. He didn't expect that things would turn around. Those people he thought died were still alive somewhere in the distant universe.

Of course, in this real time and space, what those people respect and love is the real Carlot, not him.But what Lu Yu knew and understood was the same as in reality. The fate is really amazing.

After tidying up his mood, Lu Yu continued.

"What should we call you, so that we can tell the world about your existence."

"I was called Tian in the myths and legends of your country Z, but it is obviously inappropriate to call me this name now. You can call me little ancestor."

"Okay, you should know what the world is like now, what are you going to do next?"

"Currently the biggest threat to human beings is cloned beasts, and it's easy to deal with them. Just continue to build steel pyramids and place them all over the world. I can use them to release four-dimensional abilities at the same time, and I can easily kill cloned beasts.

You don't have to let other countries build steel pyramids by themselves, and if they are capable of producing them, I will fly over and teleport them to where they are needed.

As for some humans who are unwilling, you don’t have to worry, as long as I fly over and show some abilities casually, they will agree. "

(End of this chapter)

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