human journey

Chapter 328 Fusion Fragments

Chapter 328 Fusion Fragments
"Great, it was discovered on the moon. That mysterious object is probably made of the same material as the black ball. Putting them together, there will definitely be changes!"

"I found such an important thing after landing on the moon. I am afraid that the ancestor of the soul is behind the scenes. Why didn't the enemy behind the scenes prevent us from retrieving the mysterious object?"

"Don't be crowed, the lander hasn't returned to the earth yet. There are hundreds of thousands of kilometers to stop it. Just a little impact can make the lander deviate from the course and can't return."

"I don't think it will stop it. Otherwise, it should have done it when it was on the moon. There must be some special reason."

"Even if everything goes well, it will take four days to return to Earth. After such a long time, the number of cloned beasts will increase again."

"Now I have no choice but to wait. I will continue to help humans all over the world become powerful awakeners, so that even if the clone beasts start to attack, they will have the power to resist."

After a discussion among the people in the pyramid of the base, there was hope and worry in their hearts. No one could predict the final fate.

Days passed, and the world was still peaceful. There were fewer and fewer zombies, and the cloned beasts still did not attack humans, but their number increased significantly, as we could tell from the number of times they were discovered.

The lander has been going well and is about to approach the atmosphere. It will rush to the open space near the base with a mysterious object.

Lu Yu has been waiting in the pyramid early. He will use his mind power to make the mysterious object land smoothly.The range of his telekinesis ability is more than 200 kilometers, and he can capture the lander shortly after it enters the atmosphere.

The outer atmosphere is thin, so it has little effect on the lander and mysterious objects, but Lu Yu cannot use his telekinetic ability very early, because his soul has a limited use time after entering the black ball, and he has to wait until the lander is off the ground. Use it when you are close.

The lander adjusted its attitude before entering the atmosphere, pointing its base toward the earth and slowing its descent by igniting fuel and ejecting flames.

However, the gravitational force of the earth is relatively strong. At this time, the huge mysterious object appears very heavy. Even if the lander is spraying flames at full power, the falling speed is still getting faster and faster.

When it reached the thick atmosphere, there was violent friction between the air, the lander, and the mysterious object. A large amount of material on the surface of the lander was melted by the high temperature, glowing, and turned into a bolide falling from the sky.

The staff at the base had already set up various equipment to observe the lander, and reported its altitude and position to Lu Yu from time to time.

The material of the mysterious object is as indestructible as the black ball, and it is also extremely resistant to high temperatures. Even if it is continuously and violently rubbed against the air, it will not have any effect.

But the lander is not so heat-resistant. It is not designed to fall in the air at such a fast speed. The high temperature generated by the strong impact and friction of the air makes its surface materials continuously fuse and spread out.The first thing to be damaged was the power system, the flame jet stopped, and the falling speed became even faster.

Then the high temperature ignited the fuel delivery pipe, causing the lander to explode violently. The two mechanical arms softened by the high temperature broke apart, and the mysterious object separated from the lander.

The irregular shape of the mysterious object makes its moving direction in the air uncertain, and it may float out of the range of Lu Yu's mind ability.

The lander exploded and disintegrated directly in the air, and the fragments of mysterious objects scattered all over the sky.They are still [-] to [-] kilometers above the ground at this time, which is not the best time for Lu Yu to use his mind ability, but he has to use it.

It is easy to collect those fragments, because they are not constrained by much force, they can be directly sent into the pyramid with the ability of telekinesis, and they are the size of a car when they are gathered together.

And the mysterious object as big as a heavy truck has huge inertia, Lu Yu can't transfer it directly, he can only control it with telekinesis to slow it down.

Everything went well at first, the speed of the mysterious object was getting slower and slower, and it flew towards the base, but when it landed more than ten kilometers away, Lu Yu felt that his time to use it was coming.

But if it gets out of control at this time, not only will it hit the ground heavily, it may damage important things, and it may also hit the base, causing heavy casualties and unknown troubles.

Lu Yu used telekinetic power to photograph the fragments of mysterious objects placed in the pyramid onto the black ball to see if there would be any changes.

A magical scene appeared!The fragments melted into the black ball directly, just like a small drop of water melted into a large drop of water.When all the fragments melted into the black ball, the size of the black ball increased nearly ten times, and its diameter was almost two meters.

Fortunately, the golden pillars underneath have already been thickened a lot, otherwise they would have been crushed and collapsed.

The sudden increase in the size of the black ball did not make Lu Yu feel any changes, but he soon knew that something had changed. The original use time should have come, but his soul was not sent back to the body. After the black ball increased in size, , as expected, the usage time broke through the bottleneck.

Lu Yu continued to concentrate on controlling the descent of the mysterious object. When it slowly landed in the open space in the base, Lu Yu's use time was still not over, so he continued to help humans awaken.After a while, he helped tens of millions of people awaken before their souls were returned to their bodies.

When the black ball increased in size, his hand was still firmly stuck to the black ball and was not affected.

"Great, everything is going well. After bringing in the mysterious object and combining it with the black ball, there will definitely be greater changes."

"This mysterious object must be made of the same material as the black ball, making it easy to increase in size, and Lu Yu's use time is obviously longer. Let the mysterious object that is the size of a truck be directly fused with the black ball, maybe you can create An independent mechanical body, Lu Yu's soul is fused into it, and a mechanical life belonging to human beings is born!"

"The opening of this pyramid is too small, and the gods and objects cannot enter it. It seems that the opening of the pyramid needs to be enlarged, so act quickly!"

After seeing the return of Lu Yu's soul, everyone began to discuss, and their views were also the consensus of all insiders.

Immediately, staff came in and began to remove the steel components outside the entrance of the Golden Pyramid, and soon revealed an entrance as big as the Golden Pyramid, where the Golden Pyramid was embedded into the Steel Pyramid.Then expand the entrance of the golden pyramid, and the mysterious object can come in.

At this time, Lu Yu could still imitate the use of telekinetic power, so he and Zhang Bangming flew out of the pyramid to the vicinity of the mysterious object, and used telekinetic power to control the mysterious object to enter the pyramid.

Fortunately, it is not immune to mind ability like the black ball, otherwise it would not be able to receive it back to the earth. Before this plan started, everyone was worried about this. It seems that the ancestor of the soul has already arranged everything so that it can go so smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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