human journey

Chapter 326 Moon Exploration Mountain

Chapter 326 Moon Exploration Mountain

Sending an unmanned probe to the moon, which is nearly 40 kilometers away, is an extremely complicated matter. It will test a country's comprehensive national strength, materials, energy, communication technology, and industrial production capacity, all of which need to be extremely developed.

Before launching the probe, a relay satellite should be launched to realize the information exchange between the earth and the moon.The distance between the earth and the moon is so far that it takes more than a second for light to travel from the moon to the earth.

Sending a signal from the earth to the probe on the moon consumes a lot of energy. With the existing technology, it is necessary to relay the satellite to receive the weak signal, and then strengthen it and send it out, so that the probe can receive it. .

The probe is composed of a lander and a rover. The lander is responsible for transportation, communication, storage of materials and energy, and the rover is responsible for exploring the moon.

After flying to the moon for more than 100 hours, it arrived near the moon and successfully ignited the variable thrust engine at a distance of more than 100 kilometers from the lunar surface.A few minutes later, the engine shut down normally, and the probe successfully completed the near-month braking and successfully entered the elliptical orbit around the moon.

Relevant personnel on the earth inject attitude adjustment and orbit change parameters into the probe through the relay star.After a long time, when the attitude of the probe was adjusted, the engine was successfully ignited again, and the orbit change control began.

Based on the real-time telemetry data monitoring and judgment of the ground measurement and control station, the detector has successfully implemented deorbit control from a lunar orbit about 100 kilometers above the average altitude of the lunar surface, and entered the scheduled altitude of about 15 kilometers at the peri-lunar point and 100 kilometers at the far-lunar point. Lunar frontal landing preparation orbit.

The probe began to implement power descent from a distance of 15 kilometers from the lunar surface, and the speed of the probe gradually decreased from 1.7 kilometers per second relative to the moon.

At a distance of several kilometers from the ground, the probe made rapid attitude adjustments and kept approaching the moon.Use engine thrust to start hovering at 100 meters above the lunar surface.And identify obstacles and slopes, avoid obstacles autonomously, and after selecting a relatively flat area, begin to descend slowly and vertically.

Soon, under the joint force of the thrust reverser engine and the landing buffer mechanism, the one-ton probe successfully landed in the pre-selected landing area of ​​the Bailey crater impact crater near the South Pole on the front of the moon, which is very close to the mountains in the middle of the crater. .

After the moon fell, under the control of the staff on the earth, through the relay communication link of the relay star, the probe carried out multiple tasks such as the deployment of the solar wing and the directional antenna, and established a high code rate link of the directional antenna.

Afterwards, the lander began to send back pictures from time to time, and the staff in the command room cheered excitedly when they saw the scene. The launch mission was successfully completed, and the patrolling device will start to detect next.

The staff once again sent instructions through the relay satellite, and the lander and rover began to separate.The rover code-named "Yutu" slowly drove to the moon through the two guide rails extended from the lander. The lander and rover each began positioning and patrolling.

Under the invisible pressure of the Destroyer, electromagnetic technology has developed rapidly. Now it is possible to remotely operate the patrol vehicle at all times. The staff controls it to drive towards the mountains with special materials.

Due to the use of graphene batteries, the rover no longer needs to carry a solar wing as before, and the battery stores enough power for it to last for hundreds of hours.

It can also be charged quickly in the lander. The solar wing carried by the lander has a large area and a high photoelectric conversion rate, which can ensure that the rover can work continuously on the moon for several years without any problems.

The staff who control the movement of the cruiser are also physically awakened, and their reaction ability and physical coordination are particularly strong, which can ensure that the patrol car drives in a relatively perfect posture.

Other staff members control various detection instruments on the patrol, keeping an eye on the surroundings all the time.The enemy behind the scenes is on the moon, and I'm afraid they are monitoring the probe's actions at this time.

If it launches an attack and captures a little information about it before the patrol is destroyed, the mission of the patrol will not be considered a failure.Of course, it's best if it doesn't make trouble. This mission is to explore the secrets of the mountains in the impact crater.

The ground in the impact crater looks very flat from a distance, but in fact there are still some undulations.The six wheels of the patrol are not only made of sturdy and durable materials, but also can operate independently, with strong shock-absorbing passability, and can easily pass through various obstacles under the sharp operation of the staff.

After driving a few dozen meters, the patrol vehicle arrived at the foot of a certain mountain. There was a large cave that was formed by unknown means.In the past, country M's detectors collected special substances here, and country Z naturally knew about this place through country M.

Country M didn't know what those compounds were before, but after studying the original substances, experts agreed that it was a substance formed from the original substances.

Leaving aside what these substances represent, if a large number of original substances can be found from this, those trips will be worthwhile.

The detector entered the cave. The cave was very huge, triangular in shape, more than ten meters wide and tens of meters high.Previously, communication capabilities were limited, and country M's detectors entered using automatic exploration mode.In order to prevent it from being unable to come out in the event of an accident, the relevant personnel set it up to go in for more than ten meters and collect soil samples before returning.

This time the lander provided a strong signal to the rover, which should ensure that it still has a signal when it advances at least a hundred meters, and it can also use automatic exploration mode.The artificial intelligence system researched by M country is also installed on the patrol device, which is enough to deal with various environments and complete complex tasks.

"I have entered the cave, turned on the light, and found the track left by the previous detector, and there is no abnormality."

"Keep exploring."

From the monitoring screen of the patrol device, it can be seen that the cave is empty, and there is nothing within a dozen meters of the light.

The patrol continued to move forward and drove directly for more than 100 meters, but still found nothing.At this time, the signal that the patrol can receive and send has reached a critical value, and the automatic exploration mode must be used to move forward.

"There is still nothing found more than ten meters ahead. Do you want to use the automatic exploration mode?"

"Let's test whether the soil here contains any special substances."

Subsequently, the patrol extended its probe claws, took some soil and put it in its own detection instrument.This detection instrument is very powerful and can identify whether there are special substances in the soil. It was specially developed for this mission after receiving information from country M.

After a long time, the inspector sent back the results. The soil really contained traces of special substances, which were the same as those obtained by country M many years ago, and the content was much higher, indicating that there was very likely something deep in the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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