human journey

Chapter 313 Start Spreading

Chapter 313 Start Spreading

"This is already many days ago. Could it be that the monster has already spread the zombie virus? It was chosen in the densely populated Mexico City. Apart from being convenient for hiding, it is also conducive to the spread of the zombie virus!"

"This is the end of the matter. It's useless to think about it. Just go and see. Don't worry about accidentally injuring civilians, and try to eliminate it in one fell swoop. If it succeeds in transforming the zombie virus and spreading it, it may lead to immeasurable consequences. Maybe It's the end of the world!"

Lu Yu and the others soon came to Mexico City, which covers an area of ​​2000 square kilometers and has a population of nearly [-] million.It is the most populous metropolitan area in the Americas and the second most populous in the world.

It concentrates about half of Mexico's industrial, commercial, service and banking financial institutions, and is the political, economic, cultural and transportation center of the country.This is also the oldest city in the Western Hemisphere, full of ancient Indian cultural relics, it is an ancient and modern city.

Located in the Central Plateau Basin, surrounded by green hills, due to the high terrain, it is very cold in winter and never hot in summer, with flowers blooming all the year round and green all year round, with beautiful scenery.

This is also one of the top ten slums in the world. The elegant modern buildings are only separated from the dilapidated iron-clad brick and stone houses by a wall and a street. Most of the people are low-income or even unemployed.

Most of them are engaged in the low-end service industry, earning meager income by selling their physical strength, but the middle and high-class people who enjoy these services have never accepted them.

In Mexico, people of different economic status have almost no intersection.The rich and the poor go to different supermarkets and restaurants, their children go to different schools, and the living areas are even more distinct. The class has solidified, and the upward channels of the poor are almost cut off.

This is the consequence of the unbalanced development of Mexico. The high-level people are all capitalists, and the politics and economy are controlled by the upper-middle class, which makes the management strategies tilted towards them, regardless of the interests of ordinary people and the fate of the poor. It is difficult to improve.

There are many undocumented people in the slums. They have criminals, fugitives from other countries, and stowaways.In such a place, it is too easy for monsters to hide themselves, and it is almost impossible to find it by ordinary methods.

Even so, the monster is still very cautious. It changes places and looks every day, with males and females, old and young.All the people simulated by it were killed and destroyed, and it was not worried that someone would track down the dead.

Because they are all poor people living alone, even if they disappear, no one will care or investigate.If not for Lu Yu's extraordinary detection ability, it would have been almost impossible to find the monster. He didn't even know whether it had left Africa.

Lu Yu found the monster's first hiding place in Mexico City through exploration. They parked the car on the street a few hundred meters away, and Lu Yu used teleportation to take everyone to the target.

Soon the target entered Lu Yu's range of ability. Although he had expected it, he was still disappointed when he found that the monster was not inside.

He didn't go in, and directly inspected the items in the house, and found that the monster had indeed left and went to another house in the distance.Lu Yu took everyone back to the car and headed for the next target.In the same way, Lu Yu discovered that the monster had moved again. It seemed that he changed his residence every day or two, so he was very careful.

Lu Yu continued to investigate from one residence to another. After a dozen or so places in a row, he found that the monster left by plane. It was a flight back to Europe, and it was just last night!

"No, the monster flew to Europe last night, and it is the most populous country D among the fifty countries. It seems that it has been transformed by the zombie virus!"

"Then let's go quickly. It should have been a long time since it got off the plane. I'm afraid it has already spread the new zombie virus to many people!"

"The city of Mexico must have been spreading the zombie virus. I found out that it was wandering around in crowded places in the city before leaving. It should be spreading the zombie virus!"

"What can we do? With the contagious power of the zombie virus, millions of people here may be infected overnight. We have to rush to Europe to hunt down the monsters. We can't stay here to help them heal!"

Everyone fell into deep thought for a moment, thinking about how to deal with it, and at the same time reported it to the superiors, waiting for the decision from above.Soon there was an answer from above, telling the King Kong team to leave Mexico City alone and quickly find the monsters. The superiors would send soldiers to join forces with Country M to blockade Mexico City and even the entire Mexico Country.

On the transport plane flying to country D, everyone took off their protective clothing after various disinfections.

"Fortunately, we were afraid of being infected, so we always wore protective clothing. Otherwise, we would also be infected, and maybe we would turn into zombies."

"The maritime research institute has already conducted experiments on our blood samples. Our bodies have reached the limit of carbon-based life and are extremely resistant to microorganisms. Zombie viruses are ineffective against us.

In addition, our awakened souls are extremely powerful and the compatibility with our bodies is extremely high. Even if the zombie virus is ten times more powerful in confining our souls, it cannot do anything to us. We wear protective clothing because we are afraid that we will carry it on our bodies and pass it on to others. "

"I don't know what the zombie virus will look like this time, it must be more terrifying."

"The infectivity of the zombie virus was already very scary and effective. It shouldn't need to modify the infectivity. I guess it makes the zombies more terrifying, like the muscle zombies before."

. . . . . .

The monster was indeed spreading the zombie virus when it left Mexico City, and it had transformed it into what it wanted.The incubation period has been shortened a lot, to about ten days. It can also be transmitted through the air, and it can survive in the air for a long time.

The most important change is that zombies will attack all humanoid creatures they find, endlessly.At the same time, the body will mutate under the action of the zombie virus according to the needs.For example, you can run faster, be stronger, have sharper five senses, and be more destructive.

Of course, light energy killing is useless. If the souls of dead zombies or humans are not devoured, they will still enter the reincarnation system and be reincarnated.So it also used long-distance communication capabilities to say hello to the mother body underground in Mexico City, and asked the soul-eating rats to pay attention to devouring the soul power floating out of dead zombies or humans.

Since Lu Yu couldn't read the monster's thoughts when he was investigating, he needed to imitate to understand the communication between the monster and the mother body. However, he couldn't do this during the investigation, so he didn't know these things.

When the monster was on the plane, it also began to spread the zombie virus. Every time it took a breath, it sprayed a large amount of water mist with the zombie virus from its nostrils.Walk in the aisle a few more times, and everyone will be infected with the zombie virus.

In particular, flight attendants are the targets of its spread, deliberately asking them questions to ensure that they can be infected.In the next ten days, they will spread the zombie virus to every passenger on the plane they are on, and these passengers will in turn bring the zombie virus to all parts of the world.

The monster's destination was the largest city in country D. After landing, it went directly to the busiest subway and station in the city, and then took a plane to the most populous city in other countries.

Passengers and flight attendants on the plane cannot escape the fate of being infected. Europeans hardly have the habit of wearing masks, and they may only wear them when they have a very serious cough.The same is true even if an infectious disease breaks out. The euphemistic name is freedom of breathing, which is exactly what the monster wants. Wearing a mask will greatly reduce the infection rate.

When Lu Yu and the others chased to country D and found the plane that the monster had been in for detection, they found that it had already gone to another country, so they immediately chased it again by plane.

And the relevant personnel from country D also came to test these flight attendants for the zombie virus, and the result was really detected!This shows that the reagent is still effective, and a large number of people must have been infected. The monster went to many crowded places before leaving. The management of country D can only control the city first, and they can only resign themselves to fate if they can stop the spread of the zombie virus.

When Lu Yu and the others chased the monster's next city, unfortunately, the plane the monster had flown on flew away. He could only rely on his memory to find the place where the monster had traveled to investigate.

Although traces of the monster were also found, due to the delay, the monster had already spread the zombie virus and flew to another country, and it was at the same airport, just now!

If the plane had been here, Lu Yu would have been able to discover the monster in time and kill it, but he was a bit unlucky.

Lu Yu and the others had no choice but to continue chasing after the monster. This time, the country the monster went to was country F, and the city it landed in was Bashi, which has the world-famous Eiffel Tower.

The degree of modernization here is very high and the population is dense, with more than 200 million people.It is a famous historical and cultural city with a well-developed tourism industry. There are an endless stream of tourists from all over the world every day. It is a good place to spread the zombie virus.

After the zombie got off the plane, he took the crowded subway to the Eiffel Tower.There are a large number of tourists and locals here. As long as the monsters move around, the zombie virus will pass to these tourists.

Most of them will return to their home countries within ten days. Not only will they bring the zombie virus to their home countries, but they will also infect countless people along the way.This is especially true for flight attendants on international flights. After they become infected, the virus will spread to other parts of the world.

The Eiffel Tower stands on the Champ de Mars in Paris, on the south bank of the Seine. It has been built for more than 100 years and has witnessed the entire development process of mankind from the early days of industrialization to modern times.

After two world wars and countless ups and downs, it still stands intact. It is very historic and has become a symbol of country F.This steel structure building with a height of more than 300 meters is connected by 1 metal parts, sharing nearly [-] tons of steel.

(End of this chapter)

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