human journey

Chapter 27

Chapter 27
"I thought of a way. When I found the mother body entering the small pond in the underground pipe, I imitated Team Zhang's telekinetic force and pumped the water into the small river.

With the shape of the mother body, it is estimated that the swimming ability is not very good, and the fast-flowing water should be able to trap it.However, the small pond has less water and may only be trapped for a few seconds.

After trapping it, immediately collapse the channel of the mother body that is close to the ground, so that it has no place to run. At this time, Brother Yan goes up again and freezes the remaining water around it into ice.

The mother body is strong, and the ice can only be trapped for a while. At this time, I directly sent it an armor-piercing projectile in the underwater pipeline to send it to the sky.

It should be the same as last time. After the breakdown, its repulsive force field will stop, and it can be frozen directly.

Then I drew the water back and submerged the mother's body.Later, someone came to surround the pond, pretending to be under construction.Finally, the mother body is transported away by truck, so that it should not be easily discovered by the public. "

Lu Yu talked about the battle plan he just came up with.

After hearing this, everyone deduced it in their minds, and there seemed to be no problem, so they nodded.

"Since trucks are used in the end, it's better to just use trucks to collapse the passage, where there is only a few meters of soil above the mother passage."

Yan Liang added.

"That's right, the plan is highly feasible. After the individual armor-piercing projectile made great achievements last time, the Weapons Department has developed a new model with greater power. Even if there is resistance in the water, it should be able to penetrate the repulsive force field of the mother body.

Let's prepare according to this plan first. As for other matrix issues, I have to report the plan to listen to the opinions of the above.As for the issue of the Destroyer, I will wait until I finish reporting. "

Zhang Bangming continued.

After everyone heard this, they went to prepare.

After only one day, X’s image screening method had results.According to statistics, the mother comes about once every 10 days, always at two or three in the morning.It took about ten minutes to swim slowly in the big pond, as if looking for something.

The most amazing discovery was that there were two females searching together! City Y is a small third-tier city, with not many more people than City H. There should not be a third mother in City Y.

This means that the battle plan can be executed, as long as the follow-up destroyer problem can be solved.

Sure enough, after knowing the news, the higher-ups decisively issued a combat order.

A few days later, late at night, Lu Yu, Zhang Bangming, Xia Zhihui, and Zhuang Wenying came to the river.This is the place connected to the small pond, which has been fenced in advance, pretending to be construction.

After Lu Yu and the others saw that no one was paying attention, they lifted the cover and got in with their equipment.I changed into a heat-resistant protective suit by the river. This is because the tail flame damage of the armor-piercing projectile is considered. The protective suit can resist the direct spray of the tail flame for seven or eight seconds.

The four of them put on an airtight helmet with a long breathing tube. After they tied one end of the tube to a tree by the river, they took a few armor-piercing bullets into the water.In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, I went down to prepare a few hours in advance to prevent the mother's body from arriving early.

The mother chooses to come in the early morning because of caution and safety considerations.But it is also convenient for Lu Yu and the others to move, and the few people who are on the ground are also carrying armor-piercing bullets. If they need to use them, they don't worry how many people will see the long tail flame in the early morning.If anyone saw it, I invited him to the police station for tea.

Under the water is the entrance to the underground pipeline. Originally, the entrance was more than one meter deep from the water.But in order for Lu Yu to pump water less laboriously, he specially closed the upstream gate and controlled the water level to this position.

Lu Yu has tried to imitate Xia Zhihui's super hearing ability in the past few days. Only seven or eight meters away from the underground pipe can he clearly hear the sound of fish swimming in the small pond, let alone the huge mother body.And here is still 200 meters away from the small pond, so the detection range of the mother body should not be so large.

A staff member who was not an awakened person was sitting on a fully loaded heavy truck, which was parked on the side of the road more than ten meters away from the pond.There are a lot of cars parked on the side of this road all the time, and it doesn't attract attention.

Yuan Pengcheng, Yan Liang, Pang Dazhuang, and Mu Xiaofei were waiting in a commercial vehicle 200 meters away.

People in Yangzhou would never have imagined that a well-prepared battle would be staged on this peaceful and ordinary night.

Time passed by every minute and every second. Lu Yu imitated Xia Zhihui's super hearing and listened carefully to the sound coming from the water.After a few hours, Lu Yu probably knew how many fish there were in the small pond.

And Zhuang Wenying put her hand on the exposed part of Lu Yu's helmet to help him recover his mind ability slowly so as to maintain the best condition.

At around 02:30 in the morning, Lu Yu suddenly heard a "bang" sound, and then heard two "crash clatter" sounds, which were obviously much louder than the fish swimming in the pond. It was two mother bodies breaking the passage The soil has entered the pond.

Lu Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart, listened quietly, and waited quietly.After a while, he finally heard the two mothers swimming slowly in the pond near the mouth of the underground pipe.

Lu Yu immediately imitated Zhang Bangming's telekinetic ability to the strongest, and sucked the water in front of him.The other three had already lined up behind Lu Yu to reduce the resistance to the water flow.

The strong water flow immediately dragged the two mothers towards the entrance of the pipe, and the mothers naturally struggled with all their strength and swam in the opposite direction.

As Lu Yu expected, the mother's body was not good at swimming, and it was close to the entrance of the passage. Even if she used all her strength, she could only maintain a deadlock.One mother even tried to hold on to the bottom of the water, but the bottom was full of silt and was not stressed, so it was better to swim.

At this time, the water level of the pond was dropping rapidly, and the pond, which was already only a few meters deep, trapped the mother body for seven or eight seconds at most!

Zhang Bangming announced the action in the communication headset as soon as Lu Yu activated his telekinetic power.

The heavy-duty truck immediately started and drove over. This is a truck with a specially modified engine. It starts very fast and rushes to the predetermined position in a few seconds.

The soil layer with a thickness of only two meters couldn't bear the weight of dozens of tons at all, and it collapsed directly, sealing the passageway of the mother body.

At the same time, Yuan Pengcheng immediately started the commercial vehicle, kicked the floor oil, and the 12-cylinder engine roared and output 800 horsepower.The strong power allows the commercial vehicle to come first and reach the pond before the truck.

Yan Liang got out of the car immediately, and used the low temperature ability to control the temperature of the pool water around the mother body that had already activated the repulsive force field. The pool water immediately froze into hard ice, wrapping the two mother bodies like a big ice cube.

The two mother bodies couldn't move for a while in the ice, but its powerful force pushed the ice into cracks, and the ice couldn't last long.

Yuan Pengcheng saw that Yan Liang had used his ability, and immediately got to know Lu Yu through the headset.With his super hearing ability, Lu Yu located the two struggling mothers, and immediately fired two individual armor-piercing bullets.

(End of this chapter)

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