human journey

Chapter 23 Killing

Chapter 23 Killing
Da Zhuang also looked confused, this guy really looks like his current equipment.It's just that it is bigger, it is estimated to be six or seven meters high, and its head almost touches the top of the nest.

Before Da Zhuang could say anything, the "fake Da Zhuang" kicked his legs and blasted a big hole in the ground.His body broke the speed of sound directly, and he rushed towards the crowd with a knife in his hand, the momentum was amazing.

Lu Yu and the others are useless in thinking ability, and the strongest penetrating individual armor-piercing bullets are useless, let alone other weapons.And the physical ability is obviously not at the same level, so Lu Yu immediately activated his telekinetic power with all his strength to pull everyone back.

The monster plunged into the passage. Its shoulders were less than two meters wide, just enough to crawl into the passage of the mother body, and the speed of crawling was only slightly slower than that of Lu Yu and the others.

"Hurry up, you grab one by one, and when you get to the round hole passage, we will teleport directly to the ground when the distance from the ground is short enough.

Zhang, get the space-based laser cannon ready, and when this monster enters the round hole, shoot it directly. "

Lu Yu said while pulling everyone back.

After hearing this, Zhang Bangming immediately took out his tablet computer and issued a command to prepare for launch with the same coordinates as last time.Both the probe and the surface-mounted receiver are now operational, transmitting the tablet's signal.

Everyone also poured various long-range weapons on the monster's head.But the monster's defense is extremely powerful, the ten centimeter thick solid carapace is filled with a repulsive force field, and the comprehensive defense is many times stronger than the previous mother body.

Soon everyone flew into the round hole passage, and after flying for a while, Lu Yu activated teleportation.Everyone disappeared in an instant and returned to the ground.

This teleportation ability can only teleport objects to places where the user has been, because wherever the user has been, it will leave traces in the time and space there.Go back in time and find this place based on the traces of the user in time and space.

The essence of Lu Yu's teleportation ability is that he enters the four-dimensional space when teleporting, and can go back in time to find the place where he once stayed. Of course, due to the limited soul power, he can only go back to the location near his current location.Then pass through the fourth dimension, arrive at this place, and return to the three-dimensional space.

After returning to the ground, Lu Yu's ability to read was exhausted, and Zhuang Wenying quickly recovered it for him.And Zhang Bangming continued to use his mind to lead everyone to run.

At the same time, he looked at the underground structure map made up of detection needles on the tablet computer. The monster was almost at the entrance of the round hole, and he quickly issued an order to let the space-based laser cannon fire.

A few seconds later, the laser cannon concentrated energy, and a much stronger orange light fell from the sky than last time.This time it was launched at full power, the powerful light covered the sun's rays, and everyone closed their eyes and turned their heads to cover it with their hands.This is the power to destroy the world in exchange for the collective wisdom of mankind!
At this time, the monster just jumped out of the round hole and was hit by the laser.The laser hit the monster's back, pressing it back into the round hole.

There was a loud "boom", like a magnitude [-] earthquake, and the whole earth trembled.The surroundings of the round hole immediately bulged like a volcanic eruption, and the round hole, which was originally more than two meters in diameter, now has a width of seven or eight meters.There is dark red magma everywhere inside, and the bottom tens of meters down looks like a magma pool.

The light dissipated, and everyone looked at it intently, all of them were shocked by this powerful power.

Soon a small reconnaissance drone hovering nearby came to check, and everyone was even more amazed to see the video screen transmitted from the drone to the tablet computer.

"It's awesome, no matter how powerful a creature is, it won't be able to survive this kind of powerful attack!"

Da Zhuang sighed.

I don't know if it was in response to Da Zhuang's words, but with a "bang", a huge figure sprang out from the ground near the round hole, it was the "fake Da Zhuang".

When it was pushed into the round hole with its back pressed by the laser, its legs kicked vigorously, and its two hands swung wildly with knives. It went straight into the soil and avoided the laser attack.

The shiny black carapace on its back forcibly withstood the laser attack for a fraction of a second, but it was also severely injured.The carapace on the back was almost burned, and nearly half of the internal organs were burned.

Although the strong recovery power allows its internal organs to recover quickly, the powerful carapace cannot recover for a while, and the internal organs wrapped by a layer of membrane can be seen through the back.

A large amount of energy is used to repair the damage, and its current strength is greatly reduced.So it hesitated, hesitating whether to attack the powerful group of food in front of it.

The purpose of its birth is to replace the mother body and continue to collect human soul power.The difference between it and the mother body is that the mother body hides in the dark and secretly kills and collects humans by the soul-eating rats it gives birth to.And it relies on its powerful combat power to kill human beings to collect soul power.

Obviously, against modern humans, the matrix model is more effective.It is now seriously injured and needs to recover its strength first.

Lu Yu and the others were waiting in battle. Although this monster was extremely powerful, there were countless people of the same race behind them.One can imagine how much damage this monster will cause if it goes to the city, and the city cannot use super weapons like space-based laser cannons.That is really a dragon entering the sea, and a wolf entering a flock of sheep.

Must keep it here!

But the monster stayed for a while, then turned around and ran away, the speed was very fast, its powerful legs moved quickly, and when it stepped down, it was a pit.

"Not good, it ran towards Hohhot, we have to stop him!"

Zhang Bangming exclaimed, and followed up with all his power, but obviously not as fast as the monster.

Lu Yu's strong eyesight found that the carapace on the back of the monster was gone when the monster turned to run away, and the internal organs were faintly visible, which was obviously a weakness.

But the distance is too far to attack with telekinetic ability.Even if he used teleportation to get close, he wasn't sure if the mind ability would be useful. If the monster was still immune to the mind ability, then the little soul power he recovered would be wasted, thus losing the chance to kill it.

The tight time did not allow Lu Yu to attack tentatively with his mind ability.The opportunity was fleeting, and Lu Yu decided to use kinetic energy to strike.

After making the decision, Lu Yu acted immediately. He grabbed the ultra-high-strength alloy steel bar on his back, activated his teleportation ability, and reached a place near the back of the monster. This distance was already almost 20 meters away from everyone.

Then, most of the soul energy was converted into physical strength, and the muscles all over his body became thicker at once, tearing the close-fitting combat protective clothing.

Lu Yu violently threw the steel bar out, and the moment the steel bar left his hand, Lu Yu also converted into telekinetic power, adding a powerful force to the steel bar.

During this period, Lu Yu also imitated Yuan Pengcheng's reflexes and physical coordination to ensure fast transitions and coherent movements.

Suddenly, the steel bars reached a terrifying speed and roared towards the monster's back.The monster also discovered it, but the distance was too close at this time, and its weakened body had no time to dodge. As soon as it deflected a little, it was hit by the steel bar.

Without the barrier of the carapace, the relatively fragile internal organs burst apart under this powerful attack, and the fragments of the internal organs sprayed in the air.

The steel bars couldn't penetrate the carapace in front of the monster, and the huge kinetic energy sent it flying more than ten meters to the ground.Although the monster's vitality was very strong, the injury that destroyed its internal organs still made it come to the end of its life.

Lu Yu continuously imitated Yuan Pengcheng's reflexes and body coordination, Mu Xiaofei's teleportation, his huge strength, and Zhang Bangming's telekinetic power. Even in the case of insufficient soul power, he still exerted super strong combat power!
Lu Yu's series of movements took place in a flash, and the monster had already fallen down just as everyone realized it.Everyone hurried forward to check, Yan Liang was worried, and even froze the monster's body.

(End of this chapter)

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