Chapter 85
Although the street I just passed by is not the central street of Konoha, Ichihara Shuhei speculates and understands the future development of Konoha. I am afraid that this is not equivalent to a row of buildings in the central street of the second and third lines of the capital.

The rich woman is by my side! ?

Thinking of his shriveled wallet and the hidden girl walking ahead, Shuhei Ichihara was in a daze for a moment.

It wasn't until he was infected by the heavy atmosphere that Shuhei Ichihara noticed that they had reached the memorial monument.

The comfort monument located at the edge of Muye Village is neatly lined up with one-square-meter monuments, which looks simple and solemn.

On the stele is a trapezoidal stone platform engraved with the life of the deceased and the emblem of Konoha Village.

There are many ninjas or ordinary people who came to mourn the dead like the two of them.

Led by Makita Chika, I found the monuments of Matsuoka and Irino in the not-so-corner land.

After a little cleaning, put two bouquets of white chrysanthemums on the left and right buckets in front of the stone platform.

Shuhei Ichihara didn't have much affection for the deceased, but his captain was always there to pay his respects, so he didn't say a word, his thoughts drifted away, and his heart was heavy.

I don't know how time has passed, and there is a faint sob in my ear.

It wasn't his own captain, but other mourners. When Shuhei Ichihara came back to his senses, he noticed that his captain's expression seemed to have remained unchanged since he stood in front of the monument.

After the sobbing person left, Makita Chika slowly said:

"Don't die next, it feels very uncomfortable to stand here."

Ichihara Shuhei was taken aback for a moment, then realized that he was talking about him, and smiled:

"Then what if I stand here instead?"

"Don't be kidding." Makita Qianxia frowned: "...I will beat you up."

Ichihara Shuhei shook his head helplessly when he heard the words, and just accompanied them quietly until the sun was about to fall, and only the two of them were left.

Until this time, Makita Qianxia moved and said to him:

"Let's go, remember about the practice tomorrow, six o'clock in the morning, Muyehe, 34 households, Makita's house."

"Oh, I see." Shuhei Ichihara nodded.

After walking out of the memorial monument, Makita Chinatsu turned around and said:
"Tomorrow's practice process will be harsh. I hope you can be mentally prepared and don't give up halfway. I will be very disappointed."

No matter how cruel it is, can it be more cruel than a "heart-to-heart" battle with Jiaodu?
He didn't take it to heart, Ichihara Shuhei was more concerned about when the reward for the task would be issued.

However, I said that the level of the task they carried out was too high, and it would take a little time for record keeping and approval, and it would take three days at the fastest.

Three days. It's so long
Immediately, Ichihara Shuhei bid farewell to his captain.

His first experience in Muye Village was quite bad.

Full of depression, Shuhei Ichihara didn't go back to his residence anymore. Being in that kind of cramped residence made him even more depressed, so he simply wandered the streets, and went to the training ground for physical training and brushed the ninja board when the time was almost up.

Returning to the street where the flower shop and convenience store were located, Ichihara Shuhei felt a little strange when he thought that these were the property of his captain.

It was also approaching the meal time, and the aroma of cooking food was already wafting from the surrounding restaurants.

Containing a Bingliang Pill, it means that the temptation of foreign objects will not affect him to spend a penny.

"Senior, I'm really embarrassed that you invited me again today."

"There, there is still a little time before the food is served, can you tell me about your time at the ninja school?"

A slightly familiar voice came, and Ichihara Shuhei realized that it was a pair of young ninjas and middle-aged ninjas who sat next to him when he was eating at the roadside stall yesterday.

Alas~ He could still eat food stalls yesterday.
"Senior, you seem to be very interested in the ninja school life?"

"Well, the ninja school was founded by the second generation of Hokage. When I was a child, there was no ninja school when I practiced ninja. I always heard those juniors say that it was interesting to go to the ninja school. I was also very interested. Go to a ninja school and become a teacher."

Ichihara Shuhei chewed Bingliangwan, and found it interesting to listen to it, so he started the story.

"It turned out to be like this, um. If you want to talk about interesting things, hiss, it's all children's fights when they were very young. I don't remember clearly, and now I think it's boring." The young ninja scratched his head.

"Then there are always some impressive things, such as who was the most outstanding student in your class? Or the little girl you had a crush on at the time?" The middle-aged ninja teased.

"How can there be a girl you have a crush on?" The young ninja blushed, and the middle-aged ninja hurriedly asked after watching the show, but the young man reluctantly changed the subject quickly:
"At that time, girls would yell if they liked anything, but she was the most outstanding genius at that time. I remember that the surname seemed to be Makita."

Hearing this surname, Shuhei Ichihara frowned, and then noticed the young ninja's age.

Could this young ninja graduate from the same class as his captain?

When the name "Makita" was mentioned, the middle-aged ninja became interested and said:
"I heard from my friend who works at the mission office that a ninja named 'Makita' did participate in a remarkable mission recently. I heard that his age is also similar to yours. Is the 'Makita' you mentioned That's her."

"Well, she's a woman."

"My friend said that she is also a female ninja, so it should be correct. Tell me about her experience in ninja school."

"What can I say?"

"Hey, now Konoha Sannin, the leader of the younger generation, Namikaze Minato, and the rising star Hatake Kakashi, they were all the best of their class back then. Now they have become household names."

"Then let me tell you seniors, seniors, tell me the stories of those big men and geniuses in your mouth when they were in ninja school?"

"Yes, I know all their stories clearly."

"Then I'm starting, senior, you listen."

Ichihara Shuhei stuffed another Bingliang pill into his mouth, indicating that he had also pricked up his ears.

"Ah, about Makita, she and I are not in the same class. It is said that she has a weird personality and basically has no friends. When she was really famous in our class, it is said that a few senior students wanted to trouble her. In the end, they were all beaten to the ground by her, and then things became more and more troublesome, and it is said that they all took out bladed ninja tools."

"And then what?"

"Then it was all over, and Makita himself disappeared for a while. Senior, can you tell me the story of Master Orochimaru?"

"Ah, I really can't do it with you kid, Mr. Orochimaru has been a genius since he was a child. can start it now"

The next conversation with Ichihara Shuhei was no longer interested. Apart from the fact that the two of them ate delicious food, he even knew more about Orochimaru than Orochimaru himself in some aspects.

I'm a little surprised that my captain was able to overwhelm all his peers when he was a child. He was a king of kids. No wonder when he wanted to beat him, he didn't pretend to be. Naturally, he did it cleanly and neatly, and almost knocked his back molars out.

The captain of his own family has a rich personality, cold outside and hot inside, and emotionally ignorant. When he was a child, he was still the king of children who hammered the sky, and at the same time he was a rich woman.

(End of this chapter)

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