People in Ninja world are blood clan

Chapter 56 The defected puppet master

Chapter 56 The defected puppet master
These thoughtless words came out of the giant man's mouth, like the sound of a fishbone stuck in his throat, and he could also hear the awkward and weird indignation.

The giant man couldn't help but waved his right arm, and there was a "click" sound, and a cold light shot out from under the black robe.

This is nothing more than a hidden weapon method. They were mentally prepared to block it with their weapons waved casually, but the giant man's hidden weapon attack was just a prelude. After that, he rushed close and raised his left arm high. "The sound resounded again, and a huge blade appeared from the black robe, slashing at Ichihara Shuhei.

Ichihara Shuhei held the kunai to block, and the giant man's blow was powerful and heavy. Although he had the power of a vampire, the kunai in his hand was cut open by the blade.

This is not over yet, there is still a "click" sound, and the black robe on the giant man suddenly swells up, and then a green gas with a special fragrance is sprayed out.

Being so close, Ichihara Shuhei inevitably inhaled the poisonous gas, and felt his lungs and throats were burning like fire.

But that's all, with the vampire's abnormal resilience, this kind of injury is not much different from choking on mustard.

In Makita Chika's eyes, Ichihara Shuhei and the surrounding space were trapped in the unknown gas ejected from the enemy's body, and her reaction was quick to form seals on her hands. A gust of wind was ejected from her mouth. The enemy knocked away and took three steps back.

Ichihara Shuhei, who was not affected by the poisonous gas at all, seized the flaw that the giant man was knocked away, and invested the waiting points on the ninja panel into [Power: Chunin (100/1000)] to upgrade to [Power: Jonin (0/10000) )].

With the staged improvement of basic strength and the increase of strange power in the vampire state, Shuhei Ichihara raised his right leg, and the shafts of the waist, hips and legs were linked, with the instep as the front.

He charged up and struck out, as if the air was stagnant, and hit the waist of the unbalanced enemy, like a giant ax chopping down a big tree, and a whip leg cut the giant man in half!
The giant man who was kicked into two pieces did not splatter a lot of blood, but made a dull sound at the moment of being hit, and what was scattered on the ground was not broken organs, but pieces of shells, and a piece of mechanical rods .

This giant man is not human, but a puppet!
At the moment of shattering, a figure sprang out from the giant puppet, Makita Chinatsu also rushed to Ichihara Shuhei, and asked eagerly:
"Xiuhei, how are you doing?"

After this wave broke out, Ichihara Shuhei suddenly knelt down on one knee, covered his mouth and pretended to cough violently, and said vaguely:
"Toxic in the gas"

Makita Chinatsu hurriedly searched for the antidote from the ninja bag after hearing the words.

"It's useless." A clear but mocking juvenile voice came out.

"The poison gas in him is made by me compounding sixteen kinds of drugs. Common antidotes are useless. This damned ninja will eventually die of lung ulceration."

Looking for the sound, it was a young man with red hair and a yellow-brown vest.

Or address the other party, "scorpion" or "scorpion of red sand" will be more impressive.

Scorpion, originally a genius puppet master of Sand Ninja Village, is unmatched among his peers.When he was young, his parents died because of ninja missions, and only his relatives and grandma rarely accompanied Xie because he was an important member of the village. Therefore, Xie's childhood was extremely insecure. At that time, he had already shown his talent as a puppet master. Parents seem to make a pair of puppets for themselves for company.

But the resentment derived from this loneliness in childhood was passed on to the third Kazekage of Sand Ninja Village by him. He believed that it was Kazekage's order that caused the death of his parents, so Scorpion later assassinated him and defected from the village. , so that the sand ninja group had no leader, Yunyin took advantage of the vacancy, and then the third ninja world war broke out.

As for why this young man who lit the fuse of the third Ninja World War appeared here, think of the "puppet people receiving supplies" that Shuhei Ichihara met before and the "puppet workshop" built in the secret road, you can see Not only did Chu Xie not hide in Tibet because of his defection, but he was living a good life.

If it hadn't been for the rebellious-Iwa Shinobi-Konoha conflict, and Ichihara Shuhei happened to bump into him, he would stay in this place until the end of the third Ninja World War, and no one would find him.

As for why Scorpion attacked Shuhei and Ichihara, and even killed Shuhei Ichihara at the first strike
If you are a figurine collector, and now a brat puts a fire on your figurine collection cabinet, will your reaction be to quickly put out the fire, rescue the figurines, and then burn in anger Fix that brat, especially that brat has no relatives to protect him
Scorpion is a puppet hand-made house, and during the secret passage, Ichihara Shuhei spat twice at Scorpion's puppet workshop.Scorpion hurriedly went to put out the fire, and at the same time blew up the secret passage where Ichihara Shuhei and his party escaped, and now he is full of anger to vent his anger to Ichihara Shuhei.

After hearing Ichihara Shuhei's painful cough, the corners of Scorpion's mouth curled into a happy arc.

Makita Chinatsu took out the antidote and gave Ichihara Shuhei to take it, but in her eyes, Ichihara Shuhei's poisoning symptoms did not improve at all, and the coughing became more and more severe, and finally fell to the ground weakly.
Makita Chinatsu watched everything helplessly, the expression in her eyes changed from worry and tension to hope to disbelief, and finally everything was shattered and empty.

Seeing Ichihara Shuhei completely down on the ground, Scorpio felt full of pleasure, and Makita Chinatsu turned around and pointed at Scorpion with the short blade in hand.

This is revenge for his subordinates!
According to Xie's observation just now, this female ninja's strength is not bad, it should be at the level of an elite ninja, and most of the puppet masters are extremely weak in combat power, and Xie is no exception. His own body protection puppet "giant man" was kicked to pieces by Ichihara Shuhei just now He felt that he wanted to fight a ninja who was proficient in swordsmanship, and he was afraid that his brain would be flooded.

Seeing Makita Chika's stance of immortality, Xie didn't retreat from the idea of ​​killing thousands of miles after venting his anger by killing people. Instead, he wanted to silence all the people who had witnessed his "puppet workshop" before.

Ever since, facing Makita Chika who was full of murderous intent, Scorpion's tone was flat as if he was talking to a dead person:
"It's your turn next."

Suddenly, Xie frowned, and the corners of his mouth curled up, as if thinking of something interesting, he said expectantly:

".Although 'it' is not perfect, it does require an experiment to observe 'it'."

As he said that, Xie took out a scroll with the word "three" written on it.

The scroll opened, a burst of smoke burst out, and a blue-haired puppet appeared, and the chakra line shot out from the fingertips of the scorpion, connecting the blue-haired puppet.

When the puppet master is away from home, it is only natural to keep a few puppets on hand.

Even though Makita Qianxia had murderous intentions at this time, but the puppet master was famous for his strange methods, she restrained herself and observed Xie and his blue-haired puppet.

But Xie Ke was much more straightforward, like a child who has just started learning a new toy, and said eagerly:

"Just try this first!"

The blue-haired puppet danced, and the tiny black particles gathered around the puppet and the scorpion like a swarm of bees, and then the particles floated in the air and condensed into a cuboid with a height of one square meter and five meters, and smashed towards Makita Chinatsu.

(End of this chapter)

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