People in Ninja world are blood clan

Chapter 25 Harvesting residual blood.....

Chapter 25
"Isn't there any more to be added?"

At the moment when the detonating talisman exploded, Iwanin and the controlled animals were all shrouded in the flames, but according to the feedback from the ninja panel, he did not solve any of the Iwanin, and the points to be added were still "3" .

After a wave of explosions, scorched figures continued to emerge from the flames, and the controlled creatures were also affected by the explosion, causing a large number of casualties, and even the scattered ones could not stop Iwano.

Ichihara Shuhei took out the Kunai and followed the escaped Iwanin. After this wave of consumption, he was very sure to take down the five residual blood.

The five people who escaped were indeed not optimistic. Although they did not die from the explosion and still had a certain degree of mobility, they were injured more and more. Those who lost blood were dizzy and tottering; those with broken bones could hardly feel the pain; their arms were injured Most of her body was almost unconscious; the wound on her abdomen was open again;

"How's the situation?" The team leader said to the perception ninja, clutching his ribs.

The ischemia-sensing ninja was top-heavy, bit his fingertips without saying anything extra, formed seals in his hands, and took blood as a pact. He slapped the ground and channeled a rock lizard the size of a bull.

This is his psychic beast, and the little rock lizard driven by the anemic rock ninja before is one of the offspring of this big rock lizard.

The big rock lizard stuck out its tongue, and the blood-sucking rock ninja tried to communicate with it, and quickly found that there was another person behind him, and the pheromone was full of naked killing intent.

"There's only one person, he's coming, pay attention" Blood Loss Yan Ren gasped, the team leader patted him on the shoulder lightly, and looked around the circle of disabled people.

His eyes were cold, and the meaning was self-evident.

The rest of the people silently took out their weapons, raised their spirits, and shielded themselves from the burning pain. They wanted to see if it was Konoha's ninja who pushed them to this point.

The enemy quickly appeared, and the dark night was solemn, and the first thing Iwanin noticed was the pair of eyes that were shining with red light.

"Ninja of Konoha? Your name?" the team leader asked.

Ichihara Shuhei saw that the five Iwanin did not flee but stayed and waited for him, he was slightly taken aback, and noticed the expressions of the Iwanin who looked at death as if they were at home, and their questions.

It will become very troublesome!
This was the first thought that popped up in Ichihara Shuhei's subconscious mind. If Iwanobu panicked or left people behind, he would choose to hunt them down one by one and let their own injuries wear them down, but now Iwanoshi chose to face him.

Seeing death as home, he had learned how troublesome the enemy was in the last fight. Although the five jnin in front of him were miserable, he had no doubt that if he was a little negligent, he might capsize the ship.

"Hey, sure enough there is a limit to scheming."

Licking the tip of his teeth, Ichihara Shuhei stretched out his hand and made a "throat-cut" motion to show his attitude.

His time is also limited, there is a shadow clone on Konoha's side for a while, but after a long time, it is easy to show flaws.

Yan Ren frowned slightly. The pursuer didn't want to clarify his identity, nor did he hide his appearance. Is this to show his determination to kill?

The hunting signal has been sent out, scalding Iwanin to throw three shurikens, attacking in the shape of a "character".

Ichihara Shuhei stepped back three steps diagonally, and then waved Kunai to block the shuriken, and there was a crackling sound from the position where he was originally standing, and it was the big rock lizard of the blood-losing rock ninja that opened its jaws and broke through the ground.

It has the body shape of an adult bull, if it bites a person, it will be divided into upper and lower parts immediately.

The big rock lizard's surprise attack was unsuccessful, but driven by the bleeding rock ninja, it flicked its tail and rushed towards Ichihara Shuhei.The scalded Iwanin kept throwing objects, and the broken bone Iwanin had already started to perform ninjutsu. Ichihara Shuhei stood on the ground and the cracks spread. Just one breath formed a collapse of four to five square meters.

The three jounin-level offensives, if it wasn't for Ichihara Shuhei's own chunin panel plus the increase in vampire physique, and the extreme weakening of Iwanin's state, I am afraid that a wave of attacks on Ichihara Shuhei would fall into a disadvantage instead of being like the current one. It seemed dangerous, and there were waves of attacks, but every time they avoided the attacks, they approached the five Iwanin.

Close combat is Ichihara Shuhei's strength, and it is also the shortcoming of the injured rock ninja.

The rock ninjas are also aware of their own shortcomings, so relying on the large number of people, they use long-range ninjutsu throwing objects and psychic beasts to consume them before the enemy starts a melee battle with them.And what made them relieved was that the strength of the enemy itself was not so strong that they were difficult to deal with.

To put it unrealistically, if it was still in the heyday, according to the performance of the enemies in front of you, if you pick one of them at random, you can at least win [-]-[-] in a head-to-head confrontation.

But if there is no if, the injured Yan Ren tensed his spirit, ensuring that his movements will not deform, and he must also pay attention to the cooperation with his companions.

The original distance between the two sides was less than a hundred meters, but it took hundreds of breaths of confrontation before they approached the dangerous distance of seven or eight meters.

This distance is no longer suitable for ninjutsu or throwing. Iwanin always takes out sharp weapons, and the big rock lizard is still chasing after him, trying to entangle Ichihara Shuhei.

Although the rock lizard is large, its limbs are flexible, its tail flicks like a steel whip, and its body is covered with thick scales, making it difficult to hurt.

Ichihara Shuhei is still retaining his strength, so that his power is in the common category of normal ninjas. Right now, his advantage lies not only in the disability of Iwanin, but also in the fact that he holds the vampire's "immortality" characteristic hole card, which has not yet been revealed. come out.

And Yan Ren has the advantage in numbers, but they are all disabled, and if they are seized, they will be easily wiped out.

Both sides are waiting for the other side to "make a mistake" and "advance forward". For a while, both sides carefully stretched the "limit distance", waiting for the opportunity.

In the end, it was the rock lizard who started the group. The disabled rock ninjas couldn't afford it, so the blood-losing rock ninja ordered them to give up their lives.

The rock lizard stretched out like a tight bowstring, and its soft abdomen was exposed at a distance that Shuhei Ichihara's sharp blade could cut through, but the tail whip beat the air and struck towards Shuhei Ichihara's back.Jukou roared in front of him, revealing his fierce look.

Either Ichihara Shuhei moved forward to avoid the tail whip and took the initiative to pull into the distance with the Iwanin, or he cut through the monitor lizard's abdomen, but there was a gap that could be caught by Iwanin.

There was a sound of "哗啦", Ichihara Shuhei chose to cut the rock lizard's abdomen neatly, and the rock ninja waited for the opportunity, scalded the rock ninja stepped forward and slashed forward, and the broken bone rock ninja ignored the injury under the ribs and held up the blade Chop on the head.

Ichihara Shuhei was on one side of his body, the blade fell from almost touching his face and then rubbing his shoulder, and he drew the blade horizontally to block the blade that scalded Iwanoshi's horizontal chop.

But Iwato Shinobi's blow was not killing the enemy but pushing. The moment the sharp blades touched, Iwato Shinobu pressed down with all his strength, and the blade pushed Shuhei Ichihara's body to the left.

And at this time, the broken bone rock ninja rolled on the spot, revealing the companion who was gaining momentum behind him.

This is Iwain with a ruptured abdominal wound. Among the five Iwainin, his injury is considered the heaviest. At this moment, he is pressing the scabbard with one hand, and turned into a posture with the other hand. set up.

Bloodlines spread from Ichihara Shuhei's left shoulder to his side waist, and a shuriken was tied on each of his shoulders and chest.

This is the attack thrown secretly by the fifth hemiplegic Iwanin.

At this moment, the rock lizard whose abdomen had been slashed let out a shrill cry.

"It's a pity, but it can be regarded as giving it back to you."

The words were the blood-sucking rock ninja who drove the big rock lizard, he said softly, with a little melancholy and regret, but also a little relief.

Then the detonating talisman placed in the belly of the big rock lizard that fell next to Ichihara Shuhei flowed out, and the next moment the explosion exploded, directly blowing up Ichihara Shuhei who was hit by the dart.

Seeing the enemy falling on the ground with no breath and no movement, Duangu Yannin threw two shurikens to make up his sword, and finally fell to the ground unbearably.

"We could call it a day."

The blood-losing Yannin was already dazed with staring stars in his eyes; the face of the Yannin who was injured in the abdomen was like gold paper;

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(End of this chapter)

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