People in Ninja world are blood clan

Chapter 100 Cold Dog Food

Chapter 100 Cold Dog Food

"Qianxia seems to have this character." Nonoyu also agreed with Ichihara Shuhei's description, and complained:
"Obviously as a ninja, she has learned that knowledge in school, but she is a love insulator."

Wait, what kind of knowledge has she learned?
Ichihara Shuhei felt that he had heard something wrong, and at this time, Nonoyu said teasingly:
"Ichihara-kun, do you really have no idea about Qianxia?"

"I don't care about this right now." Ichihara Shuhei said coldly, to show that he didn't want to discuss too much about this aspect.But in his heart, he was thinking about what Ye Naiyu said just now.

As a ninja, you need to face various situations, and your captain should know a lot about the relationship between men and women, right?
But why. Hiss—could it be that the team leader is the kind of girl who has rich theoretical experience but never pays attention to this point?

This is too.!

On the other hand, Nonaiyu saw that he was unwilling to discuss this topic, so he stopped talking.

While talking all the way, the two had returned to their original place.

At this time, Makita Chinatsu had already arranged a group of children, and they all lined up to wait for the distribution of tools.

Ichihara Shuhei took off the large and small items on his body and distributed them one by one, while he kept a broom.

So far, the cleaning of the Konoha Orphanage has begun!
As the only adult man present, Ichihara Shuhei took the initiative to undertake the most troublesome and dangerous cleaning work.

The children are also sensible and precocious, and with the management of Makita Chika and Yard Nonou, they are orderly with each other, that is to say, the entire main area of ​​the orphanage was roughly cleaned in one or two hours.

At noon, Chika Makita was in charge and cooked a big pot meal.

Although he has a lot of money, he still enjoys Makita Chika's cooking skills.

The white fox also ate a meal, but because of the children's small hands, it didn't eat the meal smoothly.

Makita Chinatsu and Pharmacist Nonoyu were discussing other things, such as:

"Didn't see one of the kids in the yard"

"He has left the yard to live independently."

"Is there a shortage of money in the yard?"

"Village has funding"

Such Q&A.

After lunch and lunch break, the afternoon cleaning begins.

Remembering the agreement with Namakaze Minato, Ichihara Shuhei directly used the shadow clone to speed up the progress, causing the children to be surprised.

Finish the cleaning task for the day before dusk, and then tell the captain that he has an appointment with Namikaze Minato.

Makita Chika also reminded him not to forget about tomorrow's team reorganization.

Ichihara Shuhei said he remembered, and then left.

When he returned to the training ground, he saw that Minato Namikaze was also sitting on a familiar wooden pier, waiting for him eagerly.

"Sorry, it looks like I'm late." Shuhei Ichihara said casually.

Minato waved his hand: "It's because the performance of the students slightly exceeded my expectations, so I ended up a little earlier."

As for whether this is the real situation, only Minato Namikaze knows.
After talking about Minato, he stood up from the tree stump, the anticipation in his eyes was self-evident.

Ichihara Shuhei also went straight to the point, took out the prepared water polo and leather ball, and demonstrated how he and the chakra flow destroyed the two balls.

Namikaze Minato's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to take the water polo and leather ball from Ichihara Shuhei.

The chakra gathered in the palm of the hand caused the water polo to fluctuate violently, and it shattered after a breath.

After completing the water polo training and finding the feeling, Minato Namikaze immediately started playing the ball.

The ball also didn't last long in his hands, and it shattered in about five seconds.

After that, Minato Namikaze looked at his palm, and he somehow felt that he had touched the threshold of successfully performing this ninjutsu.

Still need some practice and try!
Ichihara Shuhei also kindly sent water polo balls.

So ordinary, after scrapping dozens of balls, a blue chakra ball appeared from Namikaze Minato's palm for a moment.

That is, in less than 5 minutes, he mastered the spiral pill!

It's still one-handed, or it's done in an instant!
At this moment, Minato Namikaze saw that the blue chakra ball in his hand was exactly what he expected, and his excitement was beyond words. He immediately began to look for a target to test its power.

Glancing at the low tree stump, he then shifted his target to the thick tree where two people hug each other not far away.

Instantaneous movement activated

In the blink of an eye, Namikaze Minato crossed a distance of ten meters, rushed in front of the big tree, and pressed the ball in his hand on the trunk!

It sounds like a chainsaw chopping a big tree.

Sawdust was flying, and when Namakaze Minato stopped transporting chakra, the trunk had been scraped by the spiral pill to create a hole the size of a basketball!

If this hits a person's torso, the consequences can be imagined.

As a result, Namikaze Minato's eyes became brighter.

Seeing this, Shuhei Ichihara smiled slightly, and said in his heart, "The goal is achieved", and was about to go up to congratulate Minato Kazuchi who casually "set" the sealing technique on him.

It wasn't Shuhei Ichihara who shouted loudly. He turned around and saw a female ninja with red hair and a vest.

And when he heard the familiar voice shouting, Namikaze Minato also turned his head back, but in his eyes:

Under a bright dusk, the girl's red hair was as gorgeous as the sunset, and the young and energetic oval face was full of dissatisfaction and coquettishness, as if she was dissatisfied with why he was still here so late.

For a moment, Namikaze Minato was bewildered.
When he realized it, the red-haired girl had already come to him, with her waist in her hand, and said half annoyed and half ashamed:
"Isn't it an appointment? If Kakashi hadn't told me that you were here, I would still be waiting at the agreed place?"

Namakaze Minato realized what he forgot about ninjutsu, scratched his yellow hair, and explained embarrassingly:
"Sorry, Kushina, because of that ninjutsu"

In any case, there is no reason why Minato felt that he had forgotten the agreement with his girlfriend.

"That ninjutsu?" Kushina frowned when she heard the words, remembering her boyfriend's character who loves to study ninjutsu, she couldn't help but pouted and said dissatisfiedly:

"So you forgot the agreement and left me there alone?"

Faced with his girlfriend's questioning, Minato Namikaze hesitated and couldn't come up with a decent explanation.

On the contrary, Jiu Xinnai was not angry anymore. He knew that her boyfriend was not the kind of person who was aimless and not effeminate, so he asked directly:

"What ninjutsu is it?"

Mentioning ninjutsu, Minato became subconsciously excited again, and a blue spiral pill appeared in the palm of his hand.

Kushina's eyes were also attracted by this ball, and he couldn't help asking: "Is this the ninjutsu that asked you to study for the past three years?"

"Exactly." Namikaze Minato replied affirmatively.

Now Kushina is also interested. Namikaze Minato did not miss her role when she specialized in this technique. She just watched how her boyfriend put his heart and soul into it.

Now that he succeeded, Kushina was also happy, and asked immediately:
"What's the name of this technique?"

"I named it." Namikaze Minato, who was about to name the spiral pill, suddenly remembered something.

Looking up, I saw Ichihara Shuhei looking at them with a teasing face.

(End of this chapter)

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