Dragon Ball Breakthrough

Chapter 95 Angry Piccolo

Chapter 95 Angry Piccolo
With one punch, Danbalin was turned into a blood mist, and Yamcha's face remained unchanged. Following the movement of his eyes, he quickly determined the next target.

The monster called Harmonika, who was looked directly at by Yamcha, suddenly felt a chill coming from the soles of his feet, which made him take a few steps back and entered a defensive posture.It's not that he's useless, but that Yamcha is too vigorous. You must know that the strengthened Danbalin is almost the same as his strength, but he was still punched to death by Yamcha, and he would definitely not be able to escape the same. fate.

With a sound of 'cha', Piccolo appeared in front of Harmonica. He looked at Yamcha coldly and said, "My boy, I didn't expect you to hide your strength. You didn't use all your strength to paralyze me on purpose, and then Do you want to explode suddenly and kill all my subordinates? Unfortunately, I will not let you do so."

The purple flames soared up, and Piccolo's combat power instantly surpassed everyone present.

Feeling the evil power, Kelin Tianfan and the others couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat, and even started to tremble uncontrollably.

Seeing the performance of Kelin and others, Piccolo couldn't help laughing.

"Human beings are just weak bugs in the end. It's okay to tell you, this is not my best. But don't worry, I will let you die together."

Compared with other people's fear, Yamcha's expression remained the same, as if he was not affected by Piccolo at all.

"Basic combat strength is 540. Now Piccolo's strength has increased to 620 after the explosion. According to him, it is not the limit, so can I kill him with a full explosion?"

Yamcha, who has made a breakthrough, is more and more comfortable with the use of Qi, so now he can freely adjust his combat power just like Piccolo.He didn't make a full shot because he was observing. Yamcha didn't know how strong Piccolo was. If he exposed it too early, he might fall into a passive position.After all, this is not a one-on-one duel, but a team fight, a melee.

Unlike Yamcha, Piccolo's words made Klin panic, and he couldn't help but trembled and said: "It's over, Mo Fengbo has no chance to perform. Piccolo hasn't used his full strength yet, and he still Four hit five, this time it's dead."

Dissatisfied with Kelin's attitude, Tianjin Fan said angrily: "Kelin should be more promising, even if we can't win, we will stand and die."

Responding to Tianjin Fan's words, Yamucha said confidently: "Kelin, it's hard to tell the outcome until the last moment."

"Really, then I'll let you see what it means to have the overall situation settled."

A dodge appeared behind Yamcha, and Piccolo's purple fist hit Yamcha's back.

As if expected, Yamcha turned around beautifully, and at the same time, his right elbow hit Piccolo's head.

Yamcha's impressive acceleration surprised Piccolo, but after all he was a battle-tested demon king. After being surprised for a while, he immediately withdrew his attack and chose to defend.

With a loud 'bang', the two flames of cyan and purple collided together, and the two powerful forces exploded in the air, leaving a big hole in the ground instantly.

"Boy." Looking at Yamcha, although Piccolo kept emphasizing that he didn't use his full strength, at this moment he also realized that Yamcha didn't seem to have said that he had exerted 100% of his strength.

"What's the matter, Your Excellency the Great Demon King, you seem to be very surprised." Yamcha said provocatively.

"Death to me!"

The body swelled slightly, and Piccolo's strength increased again. With a flash of purple light, a hand knife directly slashed over, and he wanted to slash Yamcha to death.

Faced with Piccolo's powerful blow, Yamcha not only did not choose to retreat.As he shouted loudly, the blue arrogance rose rapidly in an instant.

Facing the incoming knife, Yamucha slammed it out with a palm.

With a loud 'snap', Piccolo's powerful blow was perfectly blocked by Yamcha.


The other demons headed by Bianon looked at Yamcha in disbelief, with a look of shock on their faces. It seemed that their beliefs had been subverted.

On the other side, Guixianren and others were not much better, they all looked at Yamucha with unfamiliar eyes, as if Yamucha had been replaced by another person.

"King, did you see that someone actually blocked that demon's attack, we are saved." A guard with a telescope said in a tone of surprise at first, but then he became excited.

"Really, really? It's someone who can stand up when the country is in crisis. He is a hero." Cat King said.

"It's a young guy, he looks like he's in his 20s, he's very strong."

Putting his hands together, the king said: "I hope this young man can defeat Piccolo and save us."

Not to mention the exclamations of the king and the guards, Piccolo's face was also gloomy and terrifying when the blow was blocked.He never thought that this kind of situation would happen. After all, his current strength is not as good as before. Although he didn't use his full strength, he is not much stronger in his current state than when he was old.But even so, Yamcha was still able to block his attack head-on.

It's unforgivable, the world belongs to him, the Great Demon King, how could it be human's turn to jump on his face.

Piccolo, who became angry from embarrassment, instantly overflowed with murderous aura, and as the purple magic flame began to flicker, his aura rose again.

"How is it possible, Piccolo's anger has become stronger again, isn't his strength exhausted?" With a worried expression on his face, Guixian thought that there was still a glimmer of hope that Yamcha could resist Piccolo, but with the arrogance of the big devil Ascending again, his heart tightened again.

"What the big devil Piccolo said just now is really not a joke. He hasn't used his full strength yet, and Yamcha is in danger."

Looking at Yamucha, although Tianjin Fan wanted to rush over to help, he did not forget the battle plan. Sealing Piccolo with Gui Xianren as the core is still the main purpose of this battle. As long as they are not at the last moment, they must protect the turtle. Immortal, secondly, even if Tianjin Fan passes by, with the strength of Yamcha and Piccolo, going there will have no effect, it will only drag Yamcha down.

After winking, Kelin and Dumpling, who understood Tianjin Fan's intentions, immediately returned to defense. The three of them protected Guixianren and huddled aside to wait for an opportunity.The remaining four demons didn't seem to care, because the focus of the audience had shifted to Yamcha and Piccolo.

The two of them are the key to this melee, and it depends on who is stronger between the two to break the balance.

"Boy, you completely pissed me off. No one has ever embarrassed me so much. You should be thankful that you are the only human being in the world who is taken seriously by Piccolo." The killing intent was released to the extreme, Piccolo Said in a cold voice.

"Then, you've said so much nonsense, but you still can't kill me..."


Before Yamcha finished speaking, he was blown away by Piccolo with a punch. Following the purple light, Piccolo appeared in front of Yamcha again.

"Die to me, kid!"

The purple-glowing hand popped out like a poisonous snake, and directly grabbed Yamcha's heart.

Seeing that the sharp nails were about to sink into Yamucha's body, he suddenly disappeared on the spot.


Before the words fell, the corner of Piccolo's mouth twitched, and he flew away backwards.

 Long-lost request for votes, thank you guys.

(End of this chapter)

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