Dragon Ball Breakthrough

Chapter 9 Her Royal Highness The World's No. 1 Princess (Part 3!)

Chapter 9 Her Royal Highness The World's Number One Princess ([-]rd update!)
"Yo, a young boy and his girlfriend." Huang Maojia walked over with a wicked smile on his face.

"That girl is not bad, she looks full of water and spirit, hehehe!" Huang Maoyi looked at Buma wretchedly, and said with a lewd smile.

"What are you looking at, you little rascal!"

Being watched lewdly by others, Miss Buma lost her temper again and couldn't help cursing angrily.

"It's quite fierce, but I like it. Quickly, kill the kid next to her, and then I'll do some happy things with this little sister." Huang Maobing winked at the two Huang Maos in front, and said in a cold voice.

Following Huang Maobing's order, the two Huang Mao took out their daggers and faced Yamucha.

"It doesn't seem to be a good thing, but you two are too weak, and you dare to hit my girlfriend's idea. You are looking for death." Facing the two people who came, Yamucha's strengthened mental power swept across , Immediately get the combat power data of the two people.

Yellow hair armor: Combat power 4.

Huang Maoyi: Combat power 3.

Just these two people also want to defeat themselves?With a cold look in his eyes, Yamucha moved. Before the two yellow hairs could react, his long legs swept across, sweeping them to the ground, and then snatched the dagger from one of them without looking at Huang Maobing. go.

With a sound of '噗嗤', blood flowers bloomed on Huang Maobing's arm, and the dagger penetrated his arm.With the sound of metal, a machine gun landed at Boulma's feet.

It turned out that Huang Maobing saw that something was wrong and took the gun immediately, but he never expected that Yamcha would kill Huang Mao A and B so quickly, and at the same time captured his actions.

Walking in front of Huang Maobing, Yamucha looked straight at him coldly, then stretched out his hand and pulled him up.

"You, what do you want to do? If you want money, I can give it to you. Don't kill me." Feeling Yamucha's cold murderous aura, Huang Maobing no longer dared to resist, and begged for mercy very spinelessly.

"Sorry, sorry to my girlfriend."

"Yes, we were wrong, lady, please forgive us with your noble hand."

The three begged bitterly, and the kind-hearted Boulma had to forgive them.

After throwing Huang Maobing out, the two quickly left here.

For Yamcha's performance, Boulma was naturally very moved. He felt that he was right. He was tall and handsome, but also strong in martial arts. The key was to accommodate himself. He was really a perfect prince.

Compared to Boulma, Yamcha's face became more and more gloomy.

The two continued to walk, probably because few people came to provoke them because they saw the miserable situation of Huang Mao and the other three.In fact, the three of Huangmao didn't have any vision. Yamucha's aura of robbery in the wilderness alone made many people here feel inferior. Although they are also ruthless people, they may have done a lot of robbery and murder, but after all, they are in the city , In contrast, there are many pediatrics.

After walking around for a few laps, Yamcha didn't find a particularly strong opponent. He even went to watch a street competition.The opponent's airs are quite pure, but it's just an airs. His strength is far inferior to that of Xiao Wukong, but his combat power is stronger than that of the previous Yamcha, with a combat power of 9.

After knocking out the opponent with one blow, Yamcha lost interest, and he and Boulma chose to go back.

Back home, Dr. Breaves and his wife naturally knew that Yamcha and Buma skipped class, but they didn’t say anything. After all, they don’t need anything now. The money that came was enough to feed her for ten lifetimes.What they pursue is to be happy, and they don’t care much about other things. As for raising one more Yamcha, Vegeta’s appetite in the original book can be described as terrifying, so what, he can still afford it.

After eating, everyone took a bath and rested, and Yamucha stood on the balcony of his room in thought without saying a word.

"Yamucha, do you have something on your mind?" Pu'er flew over at some point.

"Well, Pu'er. I do have something on my mind." Touching Pu'er, Yamucha said softly.

"Yamcha, I feel that you are very unhappy. Do you want to leave here? Although you seem to be very devoted, I still think you stand out here and seem out of place." Pu'er said.

"You are right, Pu'er." For Pu'er, Yamucha will never deceive it, whether it is the predecessor or the current him.Because Pu'er is equivalent to the relatives of Yamu tea, they are not related by blood, but they are better than relatives.

"Dr. Breaves and Mrs. are very kind to us. Ms. Boomer also likes Yamcha very much, but Yamcha seems to be getting more and more unhappy. Why?" A good choice, Boulma is a rich lady who loves her young master, and the parents of the eldest lady are easy-going and kind, and let them go to school with Boulma to experience the life of urbanites.

There is no chaos in the wilderness here, no unknown wild beast attacks, no robbers of all kinds, no fear of not coming back at night if you go out today.

Pu'er likes this kind of life very much, but when Yamucha becomes more and more silent, it becomes confused.

"If Yamcha doesn't want to stay here, I can go back to the wilderness with you. We will continue to be robbers. Although it is not as safe as here, we are free." Pu'er, who thought he had touched Yamcha's heart, said loudly.

"Pu'er, I really don't want to stay here, you are right, but I..."

Before Yamcha could finish speaking, she found Boulma walking over.

"Bulma, when did you come in?"

"It hasn't been long since I came in Pu'er."

After being silent for a while, Buma continued: "Yamcha, don't you like life in the western capital? I knew that you are a hunter in the wilderness, and you are indeed not suitable for life in a big city. I just wanted to be with you before. You are together every day, but you don't think so much, it's my fault."

"No, Boomer, that's not what I meant."

"Yamucha, it's okay, my family is rich, and I'm also very smart, I can go back to the wilderness with you just like Pu'er, as long as you want."

Holding Buma's hand, Yamcha said very seriously: "Bulma, it's not you who's wrong, it's me. In my heart, you are really outstanding, no matter your appearance, your mind or your character, I Yamcha Mu Cha is really lucky to meet such an outstanding girl like you. So I feel unwilling, sincerely unwilling."

"Unwilling, why?" Boulma didn't understand why Yamcha wanted to leave Xidu even though she was so good. Is it because of too much pressure?

"Bulma, listen to me. In my heart, you are Her Royal Highness the number one princess in the world. But you, who are so perfect, have taken a fancy to the ordinary me, and I am under pressure for this."

Sure enough, the gap was too big, did Yamcha feel the pressure? Buma's heart was also tangled.

"However, I will not back down. You are my Highness Princess, and I will become your Highness Prince. I will become the strongest king in the world, and use this honor to marry you, Your Highness Princess!"

 In this chapter, the scheming boy Yamucha deceives the tsundere girl Bulma, and finally says that miku is mine.

(End of this chapter)

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