Dragon Ball Breakthrough

Chapter 13 Gravity Bracelet

Chapter 13 Gravity Bracelet
"Just one month, the same effort, but I was left behind, is this the talent of Saiyans?"

Although it is not particularly prominent now, it is already very obvious.They are all in the stage of laying the foundation, but everyone's progress is different. Yamcha can only attribute it to the fact that Xiao Wukong's potential is much higher than his own. Otherwise, why do the same efforts have different results?

"Sure enough, I can't just rely on my own efforts. The difference in talent will only make the gap between me and Wukong bigger and bigger. I have to find another way."

In a short period of time, Yamcha thought about countless possibilities, but still couldn't see a way out.

He did think about opening up a new path in the use of qi before, but it is a pity that his current body is still too weak, and the qi produced is very little, even if he wants to try, there is no extra qi.Practice several times a day, the efficiency is too low and it doesn't make much sense.

"Don't be in a hurry, Yamcha. After all, Wukong is the child of destiny. It is normal for him to be more talented than himself. The key now is to lay a good foundation. If you are eager for quick success, it will not benefit you at all."

Resisting impatience, Yamcha continued to train with Wukong and the others day after day, but he did one more thing every day after training, which was to feel the changes in his body before going to bed.

Yamucha didn't increase the amount of practice, in fact he didn't dare to increase it, because he once asked Gui Xianren, the martial arts master told him that this kind of training is actually very rigorous, for three people who have not broken through the limits of human beings It's just right for people, if you increase it without authorization, it may cause irreversible damage to yourself.

Realizing the changes in the body made Yamcha's spirit more sensitive, which made him control the distance of qibombs to 3.5 meters.

One month has passed, and Yamcha's combat effectiveness has been greatly improved. Perhaps his potential has been developed. His current combat effectiveness has reached 45, an increase of 18 points in a month.And Kelin also suffocated, increasing his combat power by 13 points to 34.As for Wukong, it has increased by 20 points, and his combat power has reached an astonishing 50 points.

Only Yamucha knew the improvement of the three people, but he didn't tell the two people too much. He knew the meaning of Guixianren, so he still thought it would be better for them to find out by themselves.

However, the gap with Wukong widened again, which made Yamcha feel the pressure again. He kept calling his girlfriend in his heart, hoping that she would quickly complete the two instruments he proposed.

After endless calls, after more than two months of practice, Boulma landed in the plane with Pu'er Oolong.

"Yamcha, are you okay?"

Having not seen her boyfriend for more than two months, Boulma still misses her very much. When she saw Yamucha's hair cut and her skin darkened a lot, she was also very moved.

"Yamucha, you've worked hard." Seeing his young master, Pu'er started to cry, only Oolong looked at the crowd proudly, thinking that what's wrong with you, come to practice some martial arts, it's better now, you've worked so hard.

"Bulma, what are you doing here? Do you also want to learn martial arts from Grandpa Guixian?" Little Wukong was still so innocent and asked directly.

"Idiot, Miss Ben doesn't learn martial arts. Are you carrying turtle shells? It's so unstyled, it's too ugly. Why did Yamucha ask me to make this thing before I asked Yamucha to come here?" looked disgusted Looking at the tortoise shell behind the three of them, Buma said in a squeaky voice.

"Bulma, what are you doing here? Didn't I say that you can't disturb me during the cultivation period?" Gui Xianren was a little upset. The arrival of Boulma might make Yamcha unable to persist, so he didn't look good.

"Hmph, do you think I really want to come to see you, a smelly old man? If Yamucha didn't ask me, I wouldn't come."

"Bulma, stop talking so much, is that thing ready?" Yamcha asked directly.

"It's ready, thump, thump, see." Pointing to a metal bracelet on his hand, Boulma looked up with a great look.

"Oh oh oh, you really deserve to be a genius." Seeing the finished product, Yamucha couldn't help admiring it.

"What are you guys doing? What exactly is this thing? What's the use for it?" Kelin couldn't see the couple in front of him on the show, and asked the question in everyone's mind.

"Humph, you asked, so I will tell you. This is the gravity bracelet invented by this lady. As long as you put this bracelet on your hand, you can change the gravity around the user, although its scope of use is limited to A place with a radius of one meter from its center."

"Gravity bracelet, what's the use of this?" Xiao Wukong is a mechanical idiot who doesn't understand the meaning of it at all.

"Okay, let me explain." Taking the bracelet from Boulma, Yamcha said: "I used to want to exercise and make my body stronger, but I suffered from the fact that some parts of my body were not It’s not easy to practice, and although I came to Teacher Wutian’s place because the turtle shell solved my problem, it was still not enough in my opinion. So I asked Buma to help me make a small gravity device, which can change the gravity of my body at any time , let me get a full range of exercise."

"Then this device can change gravity to achieve the same effect as our back turtle shell?" Kelin was not stupid, he quickly understood the purpose of this device.

"Kelin, the machine that Yamcha asked Buma to make is even more comprehensive than my tortoise shell, because the tortoise shell is just a simple exercise. Your neck, wrist, ankle and many joints are difficult to touch. , and this device can completely cover."

As for Yamucha, Guixian changed his mind again. He didn't expect that his oldest disciple could not only abandon his beauty and wealth to cultivate, but even tried his best to become stronger, which is really rare.

"Understood, so I'm here today to give away bracelets. I made three of this device, and there was one more in preparation, but there wasn't enough material to make it in time. But you just happen to have one for each of you, so the old man won't need it. .” Taking out the other two bracelets, Bulma helped Wukong put them on, while Kelin watched.

"Bulma, how do you use this?" Little Wukong has always been willing to accept anyone who comes to practice, so he quickly accepted it.

"I'll just say it again, you all listen to me. First, you can set the gravity value. The basic value is 20KG, and then double this value continuously. The highest multiple is ten times, which is 200KG. If you adjust it to ten times , that is, the whole body is pressed by a weight of 200KG all the time. If you can’t stand it, you will die.”

Boulma's words made Klin's complexion change suddenly. He looked at Guixianren as if asking for help, and said, "Mr. Wutian, this does not conform to Guixian style. I don't want to use this device."

 Although I have been busy recently, I will definitely not break my promise when I promise to watch the third watch on Saturdays and Sundays. Please recommend it for collection.


(End of this chapter)

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