Dragon Ball Breakthrough

Chapter 1 Am I Yamcha?

Chapter 1 Am I Yamcha?
Excited すっゾ! UniverseへGO! (Excited! Towards the universe!)
The most cutting-edge "dream" をどう! (Let's send the highest level of "focus"!)

この手に拍むよ (hold firmly in the hand)

Su っ Dun Kuang ni laugh っ て タ イ! (want to laugh out loud!)
チンプンカン は 例れっこダイ! (I am used to knowing nothing!)

I can't get nosatisfaction
(woo-hoo) retreat は (boring meeting)

(woo-hoo) 石になる (to become a stone)
重くて重ちちゃう前に (before it falls heavily)

(Let's fly high)
(woo-hoo) ワクワクの (eager to try)

(woo-hoo) 羽広げ (spread your wings and fly high)

下の世界へ行こう (burst to the next world)
Possibility のドアは (the door of possibility)
Shi Ding されたまま (locked)
やれやれ (I really don't know what to do) Jindo も (this time too)

墨をぶち破る (let's break through the wall)
Cheerful music accompanied by the ultimate picture was beating on the five-inch mobile phone, and there was an excited face in front of the screen.

The 27-year-old Yu Fei is a Dragon Ball enigma. He remembers clearly that when he was in the first grade of elementary school, he was out of control after seeing this comic in Xinhua Bookstore.In order to be able to finish a set of "Dragon Ball" when he was a child, he racked his brains, and even achieved the ultimate that he could do at that time. Even so, after graduating from elementary school, he still did not collect a set, because the editions were not complete, and the artificial man chapter The plot has always been muddled.

And after getting in touch with the Internet in junior high school, Yu Fei completed the plot through the Internet, which can be regarded as compensation for childhood regrets, but when he saw the last scene of Wukong and Uub rushing to the sky, he was still a little bit reluctant, feeling that the author was too pitiful , It was over after only drawing 519 chapters.In Yu Fei's mind, "Dragon Ball" still has many characters and stories that can be narrated.

However, because of the appearance of Hokage, Yu Fei's attention was diverted, and because of "Dragon Ball", he also stepped into the door of ACG.Up to now, more than ten years have passed, and he has gradually matured when he came out to work. He also learned about what happened when the old bird created this work through post bars and forums.

"Actually, when "Dragon Ball" defeated the second generation of the devil, the old bird wanted to end it, but because it was too popular, the editor let it continue to have z. After defeating the emperor of the universe, Frieza, the old bird wanted to end it again, But I still didn’t get permission, so there will be an android chapter and a Majin Buu chapter.”

This kind of forced serialization can still create excellent stories, so Yu Fei has to sincerely lament that Akira Toriyama is really a genius.

But now in the era when animation is extremely common, animations of various themes abound, but Yu Fei finds that he has nothing to watch.

Just when he thought he was going to graduate from it, Nihong announced the return of the king of "Dragon Ball Super" and the original case of the old bird.

How can this not make Yu Fei excited? Although many netizens complained about the old bird Jiang Lang after the broadcast started, and Dragon Ball Super ruined the original work, he still does not end every episode.In his opinion, it's not that Dragon Ball Super has changed, nor is it that the old bird is no longer good, but that the themes are almost unearthed now, and many settings are not surprising, and naturally they don't look so good in comparison.

An old bird is still an old bird, and Monkey King is still the same Monkey King, but the audience watching is no longer the same audience as before, not as easy to satisfy and pure as before.

今だ! Limit × breakthrough (that is, breakthrough × limit now)
Call べ! へのへのカッパ (Call it! It's not a big deal at all)

Invincible オイラが (Invincible me)

そこで待っている (Just wait there)

Dragon Ball Super (Dragon Ball Super)

Quan Wang 様もオッタマゲ!! (Let Quan Wang be scared to pee!!)
After humming along to the music, Yu Fei opened the takeaway lunch box and read it while eating.The animation has been serialized for more than two years, and finally came to the universe survival chapter, and this episode is the No.11 universe after the Pan Wang competition held by the king, who broke into the No. [-] universe, thinking that Monkey King is evil and must be eliminated.

Seeing this funny pose of the fat old man from the Cosmic Team, Yu Fei was very upset, and hoped that Wukong would hit the opponent's face violently in the future.

Speaking of this, since entering the universe survival chapter, because of Wukong's willfulness, Quan Wang held a cosmic martial arts tournament, which made many people hate it, and even thought Wukong had fallen.Although Yu Fei also thinks it is a little bit, but he thinks that Wukong is still the same Wukong as before, and he always thinks that Kakarot is a righteous man, but some people are self-righteous.Yu Fei, who has read the previous interviews with the old bird, knows that Wukong is a pure martial artist. He yearns to fight against the strong from the beginning to the end, so doing this kind of thing is a bit tarnished to the previous glorious image, but it has to be said that it is very important. It's normal, and of course it doesn't rule out that it's Toei's fault.

After eating a few more bites, Yu Fei became excited again.

Wukong, who became super blue, used Kamehae's teleportation qigong to deal with the perfect cell, which made Yufei and Danmaku feel very 6.

Although Toei is very cheated and has done a lot of original works for the purpose of cheating money, which sometimes makes the plot and strength very contradictory, but this episode Yu Fei thinks it is quite brilliant, especially in terms of fighting.

"This fat man didn't die, Dongying really messed up."

The entire upper body was gone after such a blow to the sand, and this toppo turned out to be just a little torn clothes, which is really speechless.

But then what made Yu Fei excited was that Wukong used Chaolanjiajiewangquan.

The 81-year-old Nozawa Masako said in a low tone: "I will also show you how I break through the limit!"

"Breaking through the limit, Wukong has a new form again."

Excited, Yu Fei swallowed a mouthful of food, and was about to continue reading, but found that the phone screen suddenly flickered a few times.

"I wiped it, but there was no power at the critical moment. Charger, charger."

Frantically plugging the power cord into the mobile phone, Yu Fei accidentally poured Coke on the plug before he could breathe a sigh of relief. Following a sharp pain, he only felt a few inexplicable twitches in his body, and then lost awareness.

As if centuries had passed, Yu Fei's consciousness slowly came to life, and as the picture before coma rose, he realized that he had been electrocuted.

"It's a miracle that I didn't get electrocuted."

Standing up, Yu Fei suddenly realized that something was wrong. This didn't seem to be his original rented room. As a single dog, the room was definitely not that clean.

Looking around, Yu Fei felt that the room was surprisingly small, and with the sound of even breathing, he found that there was a person sleeping on the bed.

Because of the quilt, Yu Fei didn't know who this person was, but the burst of unique fragrance made him come to an unimaginable conclusion that the person sleeping on it was a girl.

"What's going on, I was just shocked, how did I fly to this kind of place. The key point is that this looks like a girl's boudoir. If I'm found out, I will definitely be taken to the police station as a hentai. "

Yu Fei, who was thinking of leaving here quickly, inadvertently saw the window on the wall, and was stunned for a moment.

On the smooth glass was the face of a handsome guy with long hair, and through the window Yu Fei also found a big traditional Chinese character on his clothes - Le.

Pinching his own face, Yu Fei, who found that he was not dreaming, said in disbelief, "Yamucha?"

 Although he is not a newcomer, he is also a low-level code writer. The new book still has the cheek to ask for recommendations and collections.


(End of this chapter)

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