Pirate's Fire Dragon's Claw

Chapter 99 Blue Wave Ball

Chapter 99 Blue Wave Ball

At this time, outside the dungeon, in the castle, Solo was sitting on the ground, pawing at a human head in front of him boredly, Glenn asked him to see if there were any fish that slipped through the net on the ground, but there was no fish that slipped through the net, boring. It can only find something to do by itself

Suddenly, Solo raised his head, staring closely at the direction of the castle gate, a small figure walked in through the gate, saw the scene in the castle and stood there dumbfounded
This little figure was Chopper, and he finally arrived at the castle with all his strength, but he found that the gate of the castle was open, and there were two guards at the door. Chopper walked into the castle strangely, but the scene in front of him but he couldn't believe it
I saw that the ground of the castle was full of headless corpses, and the floor was stained red with blood. Where had Chopper seen such a hellish scene, he was stunned for a while and started to vomit

At this time, Chopper suddenly felt that he was shrouded in a shadow. He raised his head and saw a huge leopard standing in front of him. Chopper took a closer look and thought

"Isn't this the pet of the person who came to Doctor Doriel for treatment? It seems to be to treat the seasickness of this leopard."

Suddenly Chopper thought of a terrible thing, widened his eyes and asked solo
"You killed all these people?"

Solo nodded, seeing Solo admit it, Chopper shouted:

"Why did you kill them?"

Solo glanced at Chopper strangely and called out, meaning
"Didn't you tell us to kill it?"

Chopper can understand the words of animals, so he naturally understands Solo's words. Dr. Kureha did say that as long as Glenn kills Walpo, he will heal Glenn's illness, but he did not say that Glenn should These soldiers were also killed, so Chopper said to Solo:
"Didn't Madam Doriel say to kill Walpo alone? Why are you killing these innocent people?"

"It's none of my business, Twoleg asked me to kill it"

"Twolegs? Your master?"

solo rolled his eyes

"He is not the master, he is just my little follower"

"Uh, well, where did your little follower go?"


Chopper immediately ran towards the dungeon, ready to stop Glenn from killing innocent people, solo followed closely behind Chopper

When Chopper came to the dungeon, he happened to see Glenn raising his hand to kill Dalton, and he immediately shouted:


Hearing the sound, Glenn turned his head, saw that it was Chopper, dissipated the fireball in his hand, and asked:

"How did you come?"

Chopper ran to Dalton and put him down from the wooden frame. Seeing his miserable state, he turned his head and asked Glenn angrily:

"Why are you torturing him?"

Before Glenn answered, Dalton said:

"It wasn't him, it was Walpo who hit me, and this man killed Walpo"

Pointing to Walpo's headless corpse, Chopper looked in the direction of his finger and saw a headless corpse. It was in a terrible state of death, but it could be seen from the clothes and body shape that it was Walpo.
Chopper was very happy that Walpo died. If it wasn't for Walpo, Hiruluk would not have died without a whole body, but Chopper still cared about the death of those soldiers on the ground. He felt that those people were not guilty of death, but But they were all brutally killed by Glenn, so he questioned Glenn again:

"I appreciate you killing Walpo, but why did you kill those innocent people on the ground?"

Glenn pointed to Walpo's body on the ground and asked:
"How can you kill him if you don't kill those people? And isn't this person your enemy?"


Chopper wanted to say something, but was stopped by Dalton. He patted Chopper on the shoulder and said:

"He's right, and those soldiers aren't very nice"

Chopper also knew that without the help of those soldiers, Walpo wouldn't be so rampant, but as a kind-hearted doctor, he really couldn't accept Glenn's way of killing
After a moment of silence, Chopper helped Dalton out of the dungeon
After that, things became much simpler. After Walpo's death, Dalton became the new king under the unanimous recommendation of the people. Because he was very kind to the people when he was still the captain of the kingdom's guard, he was very popular with the people.
After the castle was hollowed out, Dr. Kureha and Chopper moved into the castle. Dr. Kureha didn't expect that Glenn actually killed Valpo, but she was also very happy with Valpo's death. So I agreed to help solo treat seasickness, but the treatment will take a month
So Glenn and Solo lived on Magnetic Drum Island. During this period, Chopper would help Solo make medicine every day. The leopard and deer who came and went became good friends, but Chopper still killed soldiers for Glenn. I'm still worried about the matter, but due to the relationship between solo, Chopper doesn't hate Glenn so much anymore

When the time was almost up, Glenn asked Qiaoba about the ramball, but Chopper told him that the research on the ramball had not been completed and it would take some time, but after Glenn showed his interest in the ramball After being curious, Chopper, in order to repay Glenn for helping him avenge himself, promised Glenn that he would speed up the research on the blue wave ball and complete the research as soon as possible

A month later, Chopper suddenly found Glenn and said to him:

"Solo's seasickness has been cured, and..."

He took out a yellow pill and continued:
"I've done the research on the blue wave ball, but do you really want to eat it? I've always used myself as the experimental sample in the experiment on the blue wave ball, so I'm not sure what will happen if you eat it?"

Glenn took Chopper's rambo ball and asked:

"Can I just eat it?"

Chopper nodded, and Glenn threw the pill into his mouth without hesitation, chewed it, and it tasted good, blueberry, sweet and sour
Glenn swallowed the ramball, and seemed to have no reaction. Just when he thought that the ramball was useless to him, his eyes suddenly widened, and he felt a powerful force gushing from his body.
Then he felt his back was itchy, itching to death, Glenn tore off his clothes, stretched out his hand and scratched frantically on his back, and soon Glenn scratched two vertical bloodstains on his back

Immediately afterwards, Glenn felt something behind him protruding from his body.


Suddenly, two flames spewed out from the bloodstains on Glenn's back, and the flames rushed straight to the sky, but soon the flames stopped. After the flames stopped, two more red flames appeared on Glenn's back huge wings
Chopper and Solo next to Glenn opened their mouths in surprise when they saw the sudden extra wings on Glenn's back
The feeling of suddenly having two wings on his body is amazing, just like having two more arms, Glenn can clearly feel that he can control the two wings, he controls the wings to open
After the two huge wings spread out, the wingspan was more than 4 meters long. Glenn controlled the wings to flap, and then jumped up vigorously, so he flew into the air. The feeling of flying with wings is similar to flying in the air with moon steps The feeling is completely different, flying with wings is more flexible and faster

Every time Glenn's wings flap, it will bring up a lot of flames, leaving behind a long string of flames as Glenn continuously and quickly flicks across the air
Three minutes later, the wings behind Glenn suddenly disappeared, and Glenn also fell from the sky, but luckily Glenn still had moon steps, and landed safely on the ground
Chopper said to Glenn who fell on the ground:
"It seems that the blue wave ball is effective for you, but the effect of the blue wave ball is only 3 minutes, you should pay attention"

Glenn nodded, and then Chopper handed Glenn a small bottle and a piece of paper
"There are 20 rambo balls in the bottle. I remember on this piece of paper is the recipe of rambo balls. If you finish eating, you can buy the ingredients yourself. It's very simple."

Glenn looked at the recipe, it was indeed very simple, and he should be able to make it himself

"Thank you"

"No, this is my reward for killing Walpo."

Glenn opened the bottle and took out another rambo ball, about to eat it, Chopper quickly stopped Glenn and warned:
"If you eat the second pill within 6 hours, you will lose control of your body. If you eat the third pill, you will turn into a monster and your life will be in danger."

Glenn smiled and said:

He just wanted to see what would happen after eating 3 pills, and whether he would temporarily awaken his ability like Chopper
As he spoke, he threw the second rambo ball into his mouth regardless of Chopper's obstruction


Flames spewed out from Glenn's back again, and then two wings grew. Glenn felt his body carefully, and it seemed that it was no different from eating the first blue wave ball. Both grew wings and gained the strength of his body. enhance

Glenn moved his body and said:

"I don't seem to have any adverse reactions."

"That's good"

Chopper heaved a sigh of relief. After 3 minutes, the effectiveness of the rambo ball disappeared, and the wings on Glenn's back disappeared. Under Chopper's shocked eyes, Glenn took out another rambo ball and threw it into his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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