Pirate's Fire Dragon's Claw

Chapter 97 Medical Fees

Chapter 97 Medical Fees
Magnetic Drum Island is still under the rule of the brutal king Valpo who ate the Tuntun Fruit. In the original book, because of Blackbeard’s attack on Magnetic Drum Island, Walpo abandoned his people and fled to the sea, becoming a pirate.

After Walpo escaped, Dr. Kuleha took Chopper to occupy Walpo's castle. During the period, Luffy took Nami to treat the illness, met Walpo who wanted to take back his country, and helped Chopper kill Walpo, and then Chopper joins the Straw Hat Pirates
In order to strengthen his rule, Walpo controlled 20 doctors with the best medical skills on the island to form Doctor 20. All the remaining doctors were expelled by him, and the residents had to come to Walpo for medical treatment.

But there are two doctors who have never been caught by Walpo. One is Chopper's adoptive father, Dr. Hiruruk, and the other is Dr. Kureha who took Chopper in and taught him medical skills after Hiruruk's death. According to the current time, Dr. Shiruluk should be dead, so Chopper should be with Dr. Kureha

It's just that the current country is still under the rule of Valpo, so Dr. Kureha is still wanted all the time. No one should know her specific residence, so it is very difficult for Glenn to find her.

At this time, the ability of Solo comes in handy. As long as it has its super radar, it is very easy to find someone on the island. Glenn patted Solo on the head

"Look to see if there is a man named Chopper on the island, he should be with an old woman"

Solo closed his eyes and spread out his arrogance, covering the entire island, listening carefully to everyone's conversations, looking for the trace of Chopper

At this time, in a tree house in a certain forest on Drum Island
"Chopper, come and help me grind the medicine"

"Here we come, Madam Doriel"

Suddenly Solo opened his eyes, and Glenn asked:

"found it?"

Solo nodded, and led Glenn to where Chopper was
A few minutes later, Glenn followed Solo to a tree house. Solo pointed to the treehouse, and Glenn went up and knocked on the door


Chopper and Dr. Kureha, who were busy in the tree house, stopped their movements when they heard the knock on the door. No one should know about this tree house except the two of them, but now there is a knock on the door , and they are still wanted, they suddenly became nervous

Chopper looked at Dr. Kureha with a panicked expression. Dr. Kureha signaled Chopper not to act rashly. He took out a gun from a box and walked slowly to the door. The sound of knocking on the door kept ringing. , the people outside the door seem to be in a hurry
Dr. Kureha walked to the door, opened the door violently, and pointed the gun at the head of the person outside the door

"do not move"

Glenn outside the door was knocking on the door, when suddenly a gun was pointed at his head, he grabbed the gun reflexively, and twisted the gun into twists. Tossed forward one brought by Dr. Kuleha to the ground

"Madam Doriel!"

Seeing Dr. Kureha being knocked down by the people outside the door, Chopper immediately transformed into a half-human and rushed towards Glenn. Glenn threw the twisted gun in Chopper's face


The gun hit Chopper in the face and knocked him to the ground


Chopper covered his face and wanted to stand up and rush towards Glenn, when the fallen Dr. Kureha stopped him

"Chopper, don't be impulsive, I'm fine"

Then she got up from the ground, faced Glenn and asked:

"Who are you and why are you here?"

"Hello, my name is Glenn, I am here to see a doctor for treatment"

Dr. Kureha looked at Glenn, who didn't look sick, and asked suspiciously:
"What's wrong with you?"

"Ah, I'm not sick, it's the sickness"

As he spoke, he pointed to Solo behind him. Only then did Dr. Kureha notice that there was an oversized leopard behind the person in front of him. Solo looked at Dr. Kureha and called out as a greeting.
Dr. Kureha glanced at Solo again, and he didn't look sick, so he asked:
"What's wrong with it?"

"It's seasick"

"Huh? Seasick? Why don't you take seasickness medicine for seasickness?"

"I know that too, but I want to cure its seasickness permanently, it's too troublesome to always take seasickness medicine"

Solo nodded fiercely standing behind Glenn, and said in his heart, "And it's very bad."

"That's it"

It is very easy for Dr. Kureha to treat such a minor illness as seasickness, but her consultation fee is very expensive, so she asked:

"It can be cured, but my consultation fee is very expensive, can you afford it?"

"how much is it?"

Dr. Kureha raised a finger

"Ten thousand Baileys?"

Dr. Kureha shook his head and said with a smile:
"[-] million Baileys"

Hearing Dr. Kureha's words, Glenn was taken aback. Now his whole body does not exceed 100 million Baileys. How can he get [-] million Baileys?
"No money"

"If you don't have money, I can't do anything"

Saying that Dr. Kureha is about to close the door, in fact, no matter how expensive it is to treat seasickness, it is impossible to get [-] million Baileys. This is just Dr. Kureha's revenge for Glenn who dragged her down just now. She doesn't want it at all. help solo cure
If solo really suffers from some fatal illness, maybe Dr. Kureha will help her. She is not the kind of person who will not save her, or she will not save Nami in the original book, but she is seasick. , not lethal, so she refused

Glenn grabs the edge of the door to keep Dr. Kureha from closing it

"Can I owe you first?"

"No, cash only"

Glenn thought that this old woman was really difficult to deal with, but he couldn't kill her. If he killed her, he would have an enmity with Qiaoba, and then he would not be able to get the Rumble Ball. He thought for a while and said:

"I can promise to help you with one thing"

"Just you? What can you do for me?"

Dr. Kureha gave Glenn a look of disdain, Glenn thought for a while and said:

"I can help you kill someone"

Dr. Kureha was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly and said:
"Kill? Kill anyone?"

Glenn nodded seriously, and Dr. Kureha said with a smile:

"Then go and kill the king of this country."

"Okay, it's a deal"

Then Glenn let go of the hand holding the door, turned around and left the tree house, Dr. Kureha was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Glenn to leave so simply, then shook her head and closed the door, she didn't believe it Glenn will actually go and kill King Valpo

After closing the door, Chopper asked Dr. Kureha worriedly:
"Ms. Doriel, that person won't really go to see Walpo, will he?"

"how is this possible?"

Dr. Kureha smiled and waved his hands, but after a while, he remembered that Glenn's eyes were a little shaken when he was leaving
"Probably not?"

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that Glenn might really be looking for Valpo. She had a deep understanding of Valpo's cruelty. If Glenn really went to Valpo, he would definitely be killed. She didn't think Glenn would be Valpo wave rival

As soon as she thought that a young man might lose his life because of her casual words, she began to regret it. If she had agreed to Glenn's treatment at that time, these things might not have happened. It was all because of her anger
Thinking of this, she began to fidget, and suddenly said loudly to Chopper:
"Chopper, hurry up and chase that man back, don't let him go to Walpo"


Chopper agreed, turned into a deer shape, and quickly ran out of the tree house to follow the footprints

(End of this chapter)

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