Pirate's Fire Dragon's Claw

Chapter 184 Crystal Skull

Chapter 184 Crystal Skull
After Luo rescued Solo, its body was still emitting electricity continuously. Its body was as bright as a light bulb. Neither Luo nor Glenn dared to approach it. After a few minutes, the electric light on Solo's body gradually weakened.

Luo and Glenn looked at Solo in a daze at this moment. After the lightning on Solo's body disappeared, the golden hair on its body turned white, reflecting a faint light under the sunlight.
Glenn walked up to Solo and poked it on the head. There was no electricity on it. Then Glenn asked Luo:
"What's wrong with it? Isn't the thing you ate just now poisonous?"

Luo came over to check and said:
"Solo seems to be fine, I should wake up in a while"

While saying this, Solo slowly opened his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the two big heads of Glenn and Luo in front of it, staring at it with two pairs of big eyes. Solo was frightened. Get a shock

Glenn saw Solo woke up and asked:

"Are you OK?"

Solo shook his head, just caught a glimpse of the hair on its body, Solo stared at his two snow-white front paws for a moment, then looked back at his body, and found that its whole body except for the spots on its body turned white

solo looks terrified, thinking
"Where is my beautiful, dazzling, gorgeous and noble golden hair?"

Glenn saw Solo jumping up and down anxiously, and knocked on its head hard

"Let you eat indiscriminately again, you should"

Solo covered his head aggrievedly. He didn't know what was wrong at the time. He drooled when he saw the little ball, and finally couldn't help but jumped down and ate it. Whoever wanted to finish eating it became like this, But solo recalled that the taste of that thing is still good

Seeing solo was no big deal. Glenn and Luo came to the entrance of the cave again. At this time, the lightning in the cave had begun to dissipate slowly because the small ball was eaten by solo.

After the thunder and lightning had dissipated, Luo asked:

"Want to go down?"

"Go down and have a look"

So the two jumped into the cave. Solo stood on the top of the mountain and looked at it before jumping down. The cave was very big and deep, and it was difficult to see the whole picture with the sunlight coming in from the cave entrance, so a fireball was released and floated in the cave. The center of the cave illuminates the entire cave

Afterwards, the two looked around in the cave. Glenn walked to the cave wall and looked around. Maybe it was because of being struck by lightning all the year round. The cave wall had already crystallized and looked like black crystal.

Moreover, Glenn noticed that there were many strange patterns and textures on the walls, which looked somewhat similar to the patterns on the stone slab chopped by Luo, and these patterns were all over the walls of the cave, and the lines and textures curved from top to bottom. It extends to the ground of the cave in a crooked manner, and converges towards the middle of the ground

"Glenn, come take a look at this"

Suddenly, Luo called Glenn. Glenn turned his head and saw Luo squatting in the middle of the cave with the stone slabs chopped up by him in front of him. Glenn walked over and asked:

"what happened?"

Luo pointed to the edge of a fragment of a stone slab, and Glenn looked in the direction Luo pointed, and saw a skeleton arm exposed under a stone slab, and this arm was crystallized like the wall of the cave, and it was more crystallized. Thoroughly, this arm has completely turned into a light blue translucent crystal
Glenn lifted the slate that was pressing the skeleton's arm, revealing a pair of crystal skulls that glowed faintly under the reflection of the fire. Out of a doctor's instinct, Luo carefully looked at the skeleton and said:

"Male, between the ages of 25 and 30"

Glenn glanced at Luo in surprise, thinking that the skeletons looked like this. Luo could still see that men and women are also powerful. Luo didn't notice Glenn's eyes touching his chin and said to himself:
"Who put him here, and it seems that he is performing some kind of ritual. What is the purpose?"

Glenn picked up a bone and played with it in his hand and said:
"It doesn't matter what his purpose is, it doesn't care about our business anyway, hey, this bone is quite strong."

When Luo heard Glenn's words, he turned his head and looked over, and saw Glenn holding a bone in his hand and was breaking it vigorously. Luo was startled, and quickly snatched the bone off and said:
"What if it's broken?"

Glenn said indifferently:

"Break it, it's useless"

Luo glared at Glenn, took off his coat, picked up the crystal skull on the ground and wrapped it all up in the coat. Glenn looked at Luo and asked suspiciously:

"Why did you pick it up?"

"I always feel that this thing is not simple, I want to take it with me first, and let Caesar check it later when I go back to Sky Island"

glen shrugged
"Okay, then you take it, there is nothing else here, let's go back"


Luo agreed, and the two jumped up to the entrance of the cave and returned to the village.
Seeing that the two returned safely, the chief seemed very happy. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed in the direction of the mountain. Compared with the chief, Glenn's subordinates were even more surprised by the changes in Solo. Although Solo was not satisfied with the white hair , but others seem to be absolutely handsome, so everyone has been watching solo

In the evening, several boatmen returned, and the repair work of the warship went smoothly. As long as there is no more bad weather, the warship can be repaired soon

Two days later, the repair work of the warship was completed, and Glenn and his party were about to leave the island. Due to the storm, many supplies on the warship were gone, so Glenn and others asked the chief for some food and fresh water. The chief I readily agreed and gave a lot of extra things
After leaving the island, the warship used the power system to drive the outer wheel, and quickly left the calm zone without any accidents this time.

Due to the lack of tools for repairing the ship, although the warship can sail now, it can't last for too long. Therefore, before returning to the Navy headquarters, Glenn decided to go to the Seven Capitals of Water and completely repair the warship.

The power system installed by the craftsmen of Sky Island on the warship is very powerful. Even if the warship has no sails, with the power support of Solo, the sailing speed is also very fast. It took less than 10 days to reach the seventh capital of water.
Water Seven is a very prosperous city, and at the same time the most famous shipbuilding company in the world, Carrera Company is also here, so the pirates of the great route will usually ask Carrera Company to help them when they travel to Water Seven. They repair the ship or rebuild a ship, so there are a lot of pirate ships in the port here

When Glenn's warship sailed into the port, some timid pirates fled immediately, but more pirates continued to stay in the port. Pirates dare to fight pirates in ports with so many pirate ships

Standing on the deck, looking at those pirate ships, Glenn suddenly remembered one thing, that is, he lost all his money in the storm, and it would be impossible to repair the ship without money, so Glenn turned his head and rushed One of his subordinates said:

"Call them out and get up and work"


After the warship docked, Glenn jumped onto a pirate ship under the watchful eyes of many pirates in the port, and killed all the people on the pirate ship without saying a word, and then Glenn's subordinates ran to The pirate ship moved all the treasures on board to the warship
The pirates at the port obviously didn't expect that Glenn would actually dare to do something. At this time, they, the pirates, must unite, so the pirates at the port rushed towards Glenn's warship.

The light blue space surrounded all the pirates who were close to the warship, and then Luo lightly waved his knife, and all the pirates in Luo's ability space were cut in half. Although they were not dead, this situation was worse than death. scare them even more

Five minutes later, the pirates in the port were dying and running around. Glenn also got enough funds to repair the ship. Then Glenn handed over the money to the boatmen and asked them to find someone to repair the ship. I went to the island with my solo

(End of this chapter)

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