Chapter 10 Darts
When the ship started to move, Buffalo carried baby-5 to the port from King's Heights. As soon as they arrived at the port, the two people in the sky were attracted by the tragedy of Glenn's pirate ship. Baby-5 held the After carefully comparing the photo with Glenn on the boat, he patted Buffalo under him and said:
"That's the man"


Buffalo obliged, and swooped down on the ship as it sailed out of the harbor

Glenn was standing on the boat thinking about how to deal with the pirates on the boat. Except for the navigator, he didn't need too many other people at all. He was thinking about whether to kill some. At this moment, he suddenly heard a voice above his head. I followed the sound and saw Buffalo and baby-5
Looking at the two people in the air, Glenn recognized that they were members of the Don Quixote family, but he couldn't remember the names, but judging from their appearance, he knew that the visitors were not good

Sure enough, Buffalo flew right over Glenn, baby-5 sat on him, turned his hands into machine guns and aimed at Glenn
"go to hell"

"Da da da"

Countless bullets poured towards Glenn, and Glenn crossed his hands to protect his vitals. The bullets hit Glenn's arm, making a "jingling" sound, but Glenn did not block all the bullets, although Didn't hit the vitals, but still had a lot of bullets hitting other parts

Glenn freed one hand, condensed a fireball, and threw it into the air. The two people in the sky didn't expect Glenn to have such a trick, and he could actually set fire. They were caught off guard, but when the fireball was about to hit the two of them, At this time, Buffalo suddenly increased the speed of the head spiral, blowing out a whirlwind, blowing the fireball away
When the fireball was blown away, baby-5 found that Glenn had disappeared from the spot, and hurriedly searched for it, and finally found Glenn on the top of the mast of the ship. Smiled, and then stepped hard, jumped into the air and flew towards the two people in the air

Seeing that Glenn was getting closer and closer, Buffalo immediately flew high into the sky. They didn't know how strong Glenn was, but they now had the advantage in the air, so there was no need to confront Glenn head-on.
Glenn was about to touch Buffalo, but due to Buffalo's ascending strength, his upward momentum was exhausted, his speed gradually slowed down, and he was about to fall

At this time, Glenn was only one or two meters away from Buffalo. Seeing that Glenn couldn't touch him, Buffalo began to mock Glenn. He said with a smile:
"Haha, you still want to touch me, can you fly?"

Glenn raised his head and glanced at Buffalo, showing a bright smile. He opened his palms downward, and two bright pillars of fire erupted from Glenn's hands. After the impact of the flames, Glenn stopped The trend of falling, and instantly surpassed Buffalo, came to the top of baby-5

"And this kind of operation?!"

Buffalo and baby-5 thought at the same time
Seeing that Glenn had come to his side, baby-5 didn't rush, and turned his hands into two big knives, and slashed at Glenn above his head.

Glenn blocked baby-5's knife with his hands, and then stepped firmly on Buffalo's back with both feet. Baby-5 swung the two knives and wanted to kill Glenn by relying on his melee ability, but unfortunately, Glenn's Melee ability is much stronger than her
Glenn saw the trajectory of baby-5's knife, grabbed baby-5's knife one by one in each hand, raised his right leg, and kicked baby-5's side with a whip kick


Baby-5 was kicked out by Glenn like a cannonball and fell onto a house on the shore, smashing the house down


Buffalo yelled, and then began to shake his body vigorously, trying to throw Glenn off him.
Glenn squatted down, opened his palm and stabbed down hard, piercing five fingers deeply into Buffalo's body, firmly fixed on Buffalo's body, and his other hand was like a pile driver Crazy stabbing Buffalo in the back

Buffalo kept howling and rolling his body in the air, but because Glenn's other hand was deeply embedded in his back, his struggle was completely useless, and finally he stopped struggling slowly.

After Buffalo's death, Glenn wanted to jump back on the pirate ship, and suddenly saw baby-5 standing up slowly in the ruins on the shore

"Not dead yet"

Glenn wanted to give baby-5 a shot, but the distance was too far, and he might not be able to kill it with a fireball. At this moment, Glenn suddenly noticed the head of Buffalo's corpse under his feet. In order to better use the fruit ability, Buffalo His hair was scattered around his head like a propeller

Glenn touched Buffalo's hair, it seemed to be quite hard, so he grabbed Buffalo's head with one hand, cut Buffalo's neck with the other hand, grabbed the side of the "propeller", and pulled Buffalo Farrow's head was thrown like a big dart towards the baby-5 beside the ruins
Baby-5 stood up from the ruins holding her waist. She felt that her body had fallen apart. Glenn's kick almost kicked her to death. Unloaded, and before she could grieve, she saw Glen throw Buffalo's head at herself like a dart
Seeing the "flying darts" flying over quickly, baby-5's pupils shrank, and she wanted to avoid it, but her body was already struggling just to stand up, and she couldn't make any more movements, so in the end she could only watch Watching the "darts" fly towards themselves

"Dart" across the waist of baby-5, cut baby-5 in half, Glenn saw that he successfully made up the knife, and snapped his fingers

Then he stepped on Buffalo's headless body and jumped back to the pirate ship

When everyone on the pirate ship saw how easily Glenn had dealt with the two Don Quixote family cadres, they were all shocked and froze in place.

Glenn saw a group of pirates standing there motionless, and said:

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and set sail"

A group of pirates ran away in a hurry, and didn't want to stay with Glenn for a minute, but the navigator stayed. He walked up to Glenn and said respectfully:

"My lord, I have something to say to you"

"Say it"

The navigator organized a language and said:

"My lord, you just killed two cadres of the Don Quixote family. Doflamingo will never let it go so easily. He will definitely send someone out to take revenge. I don't think we should go directly to Fishman Island. We should take a short detour." Get out of the way, so as not to be discovered by the Don Quixote family."

After speaking, he went on to say:

"Of course, my lord, you are so powerful, you must not be afraid of those people, but those are unnecessary battles, you must not get your hands dirty, right?"

Glenn thought about it for a while and felt that what he said made sense. The Doflamingo in Glenn's memory seemed to hold a grudge, and he should not be able to beat him now. If I remember correctly, Doflamingo seemed to be able to Fly, and your destination is not difficult to investigate, if it is really caught up by Doflamingo, it will be bad
So Glenn patted the navigator on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"The young man flattered you well, let's take a detour as you said."

“good good”

The navigator happily changed the course. The navigator's idea is very simple. Now they and Glenn are grasshoppers on the same rope. If they are really caught by the Don Quixote family, they will definitely be treated as an accomplice. He was killed, and although it is very dangerous now, he may be killed by Glenn at any time, but there is some hope
(End of this chapter)

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