Pirate's Fire Dragon's Claw

Chapter 1 Killer Glenn

Chapter 1 Killer Glenn
In a mental hospital in China, a schizophrenic patient is being treated by doctors

When the patient was a child, he witnessed his mother cut up his cheating father and lover, cooked their meat, ate it bit by bit, and fed the meat to his 6-year-old child. Stimulated, the child developed a second personality—Glenn the murderer. After Glenn appeared, he killed the mad mother. When the police came here, Glenn had re-emerged, and the police also Wouldn't suspect a terrified kid who ended up committing suicide
In the next 20 years, as long as there is anyone who threatens the master's personality, Glenn will appear and kill them silently, but as Glenn kills more and more people, the paper cannot contain the fire after all. After the Dongchuang incident, the main character was arrested, Glenn's existence was also discovered, and he was sent to a mental hospital for treatment
After 5 years of treatment, Glenn was finally cleared from the patient's consciousness. For the patient, he cured the heart disease for many years and eliminated his second personality, but for Glenn, it's just the beginning

It may be in response to the saying that good people don't live long, and evil lasts for thousands of years. Although Glenn was cleared from the patient's mind, he didn't just disappear, but fell into an endless darkness

Glenn endured endless loneliness and loneliness in this darkness. After a long time, Glenn even got used to this kind of loneliness. A light spot suddenly appeared in the darkness, and Glenn instinctively swam towards the light spot. , the light spot sucked him in, and after a dizzying twist, Glenn came to a pure white environment, standing in front of a little boy

The little boy screamed in horror after seeing Glenn
"Who are you? Where is this?"

Glenn ignored him. After coming here, Glenn felt a sense of familiarity, just like he was in the body of the main character before. Glenn thought that he should be in the body of the little boy in front of him, the little boy Seeing that Glenn didn't answer himself, he boldly asked again:
"Who are you"

The voice pulled Glenn's thoughts back, and Glenn suddenly stretched out his arms to hug the little boy in front of him, and said with a smile:


Then he bit the little boy's neck, and devoured him bit by bit while the little boy wailed, the pure white space was dyed blood red
After devouring the little boy's soul, he got all the memories about the little boy, and knew that he had traveled to the world of One Piece, and now he was on a small island in the new world, the little boy didn't know the name of the island, The little boy is also called Glenn. His parents were killed by pirates and he fled to this island. Now he makes a living by picking up garbage and begging. He is only 8 years old this year.

After gaining control of his body, Glenn tried to control his body. He slowly opened his eyes, and he felt a long-lost sense of control from his limbs and body.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt someone slap him, and said in his ear:

"You're awake, I thought you were fucking dead, get up and hand over the money"

Glenn looked at the little beggars in ragged clothes standing in front of him, and memories slowly came to his mind. These people also lived by picking up trash and begging around them. money knocked glen out
Glenn looked at the little beggar who hit him just now, holding a dagger in his hand, and looked down at him. Glenn slowly stood up, and suddenly stretched out two fingers and inserted them into the eyes of the little beggar in front of him.

The little beggar howled and waved the dagger in his hand. Glenn dodged the dagger, tripped him, grabbed the dagger from his hand, and stepped on his throat with his foot. The little beggar stopped crying immediately, and could only make an "uh, uh" sound
Glenn held the dagger in his mouth, grabbed the little beggar's upper and lower jaws with both hands, and broke it hard. The little beggar's jaw was dislocated, and his mouth could not be closed. Then Glenn stabbed the dagger into the little beggar's mouth and stirred vigorously. And let out bursts of creepy laughter
Soon, the little beggar stopped struggling, his mouth was covered in blood and blood, and he couldn't die anymore

Glenn pulled out his dagger, and slowly walked towards the remaining few beggars. These little beggars usually used knives to scare people. When they saw Glenn doing such a cruel thing, their legs were so frightened that they went limp. Even pissed his pants, saw Glenn walking towards them, stumbled and ran away

Glenn threw the dagger in his hand up and down, walked up to the little beggar who was killed by himself, searched him, and found some Baileys, including the ones on his body, there were almost a few hundred Baileys. I touched my stomach, it was flat, so I used the money to go to the city to eat some food

Glenn's previous host, that is, the cured mental patient, usually prefers to watch anime, and One Piece is also one of his favorite anime. Thanks to him, Glenn is quite familiar with the world of One Piece
By learning more about the memories in his mind, Glenn learned about the island

The island is very chaotic, and the law of the jungle happens every day. There is only one small town that is relatively peaceful and has normal facilities. Glenn just ate at the only restaurant in the town.
At night, Glenn returned to the place where he lived in the slums outside the city according to his memory. This place was surrounded by little beggars like Glenn. In order to survive, Glenn robbed the little beggars living around him one by one. , as long as there are disobedient ones, they will be brutally killed

In this way, Glenn gradually became the leader of all the little beggars on the island. A large part of the money these little beggars stole, begged for, or picked up and sold would be given to Glenn, and anyone who resisted would be punished by Glenn. Len kills
As time goes by, Glenn grows up gradually, and he shows amazing fighting talent. Many famous strong men on the island died under Glenn's hands, and his fame is getting bigger and bigger
Eight years later, Glenn became a 16-year-old boy with a face so beautiful that women would be jealous, but with a cruel personality that didn't match his face at all
Years of fighting life made Glenn, who was only 16 years old, the strongest person on the island. No one dared to resist Glenn. He became the well-deserved ruler here. Fight, he can get anything he wants
But this kind of life made Glenn feel bored. He began to miss the feeling of fighting with people every day, always in the middle of life and death, but there was no opponent on the island that could excite Glenn.

Moreover, based on the pirate world in his memory, the fighting power of the people on this island can only be considered average. In order to become stronger and enjoy the thrill of fighting, Glenn began to prepare to leave the island

A month later, Glenn prepared the departure ship and supplies, but the arrival of a group of unexpected guests disrupted Glenn's plan
(End of this chapter)

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