Chapter 86 Punishment
"Karl, let me tell you what you are, although I don't know what you are doing, but the phone bug from Wulaoxing has already called, and I want to educate you!

The current situation is that the Tianlong people are very dissatisfied. They want to confront you face to face, and even ask you to capture an equal number of slaves to make up for their losses!

You killed thousands of slaves and touched the interests of the Tianlong people. No one can help you this time! "

Warring States reprimanded Karl alone in the office.

However, Karl still went in with his left ear and out with his right ear, and he didn't take the words of the Warring States Period to heart at all.

"Old man of the Warring States Period, I am also from Tianlong, don't I have the right to dispose of these slaves?

As a Celestial Dragon, don't I even have this privilege? "

"You kid, just a few years after you got your identity, you started to drift, right?
Sure enough, I didn't tell you that your identity was right when you were a child, otherwise with your character, you would really be in heaven! "

Seeing Karl's reckless appearance, Warring States sighed.

Then he looked around, and opened the door and windows to see if anyone was eavesdropping outside.

After about 3 minutes, Zhan Guo returned to normal, sneaking up to Karl's side and asking softly.

"Did you sneak them all away?

Although Polusalino told me he hadn't seen anything, I didn't believe him at all.

You tell me the truth, did you let the slaves go. "

"Father, what do you think?"

Hearing what Warring States said, Karl smiled, but did not answer directly.

Warring States also laughed out loud and patted Karl on the shoulder.

"While I'd love to say well done, you've gotten into quite a bit of trouble with this one.

Tianlong people and even Wulaoxing, even Marshal Kong thinks that you killed those slaves.

I'm afraid that within a few days, your image will become a murderous devil within the navy. "

"Is it such an exaggeration?"

Carl blinked, feeling something was wrong.

Zhan Guo nodded, sat back in his seat and said casually.

"Don't underestimate CP0's ability to disseminate information, as long as they are willing to spread a rumor, 70.00% of people can believe it is true!
This is the strongest espionage organization under the World Government. Even within our navy, there may be people from CP0 inserted in, but I don't know anything about it. "

Warring States sighed, very helpless with the current status of the navy.

But at this moment, the phone bug rang.

Warring States easily connected to the phone bug.

"Marshal Kong, what orders do you have?"

"Warring States, the Five Old Stars issued an order to let Karl go through the motions and capture some slaves.

I didn't accept the quest and I didn't refuse it either, so see for yourself.

It is up to you whether to let him stay in the Navy Headquarters or go out for a period of time.

It's just that task after a while, I need him to help me. "

"I know Marshal Kong, just leave this matter to me, don't worry."

"Warring States, you've worked so hard for so long, it's almost time to take over from me.

During this period of time, you must not make any mistakes, otherwise I cannot guarantee that you will succeed me smoothly. "

"I understand Marshal Kong, I will do my best."

After the two had a brief chat, Zhan Guo hung up the phone.

But his expression is not so good.

He wasn't happy about succeeding Steel Gu Kong as the marshal.

Because there are still many things to do, and he will not be able to completely replace Steel Gu Kong in a year or two.

He still needs to wait for a while.

However, Karl could hear the conversation between Sengoku and Steel Bone Kong very clearly.

It has long been an open secret within the navy to be a marshal during the Warring States Period, so there is no need to hide it.

"Old man of the Warring States Period, after about two years, you will be able to become an admiral of the navy.

Didn't you say that you want to change the navy by yourself? Your dream will come true soon, so why are you still frowning? "

Hearing Karl's words, Zhan Guo gave him an angry look, then lay down on the chair and said weakly.

"Isn't it because you are angry? If it weren't for you, I guess I would be able to take over the position of Marshal Kong this year!

But having said that, what are your plans for the future? Although Marshal Kong asked me to take charge of your next tasks, you can't leave for too long.

Otherwise, Marshal Kong's plan cannot be implemented normally. "

"I'll go to patrol the four seas, anyway, there's nothing going on recently, so I can hide from Wulaoxing and Tianlongren for a while.

When do you guys call me? Is it okay if I come back then? "

"That's fine. If that's the case, you should be more careful. It's just because of some reasons that I can't send you troops. You should be more careful and don't make trouble."

Sengoku nodded and agreed to Karl's proposal.

After hastily formulating the task in this way.

Karl bid farewell to the Warring States Period, and then greeted Zefa and Lieutenant General Crane, led a small boat here, and left the Navy headquarters.

But it wasn't long before Karl left.

The CP0 ship appeared in the Navy headquarters.

A very high-profile CP0 appeared at the port of the Navy Headquarters and clamored for the Admiral to come to see him.

But the steel bone is empty, how could it be possible to meet this little guy like him.

Even Sengoku was too lazy to meet this kind of person, so he sent Polusalino to meet him.

This made the CP0 people so angry that their masks turned blue.


At this time, Karl didn't know that someone from CP0 came to find fault.

He is currently heading towards the East China Sea.

It has been more than two years since Luffy was born, and Karl has never seen his eldest nephew.

So he naturally wanted to go to the East China Sea first, and by the way, see how Rogge Town was managed by Bermer.

In addition, Koshiro's kendo hall also officially opened some time ago.

Carl just happened to be able to go over to discuss business with him.

But before that, Karl has to go to the G8 branch to catch up with his old friend Kuzan.

He was implicated by Karl, and he had to stay here for six years before he could return to the Navy headquarters.

Five years have passed now, and he still has one year before he can leave this damn G8.

But when Karl was flying in the air, he passed the Devil's Triangle.

This sea area is still shrouded in dense fog all year round, and the terrifying atmosphere is extremely strong.

And under the sea area, there are also many hidden reefs, and ships will run aground if they are not careful.

Coupled with the disturbance of the magnetic field here, it will cause the pointer to malfunction.

So people call this place the Dead Sea.

But recently, a very scary rumor has appeared here.

Legend has it that someone came here and never went out again.

According to legend, there are three huge terrifying figures wandering in the sea here.

Legend has it that devils really exist in the Devil's Triangle!

But Karl knew that all of this was caused by Moonlight Moriah.

However, the environment in the devil's triangle is complicated, and Karl is too lazy to trouble the other party.

It's just that he didn't want to make trouble, but trouble came to him automatically.

When Karl was about to leave this area, three huge figures that looked like demons appeared in front of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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