Chapter 77 A Handy Tool Man
at dusk.

Thousands of villagers in O'Hara gathered in front of the library of the Tree of Omniscience, chirping and discussing something.

Robin followed Olbia cautiously, looking a little frightened.

Olbia was calm and composed, allowing those people to discuss herself, but she didn't get angry.

The village head and library director here is an old man. He is also the most famous scholar in the world. He is currently the only person who can interpret the text of history without pressure.

He stood beside Olbia without saying a word, just closed his eyes and meditated, as if he couldn't hear the noise here.

"Dr. Kuroha, in fact, you don't have to do this at all, the person the navy wants to arrest is me.

As long as I die, you will be safe, and there is absolutely no need for you to die with me. "

Olbia persuaded softly, but Dr. Kuroha remained unmoved and stood here silently.

This left Olbia completely at a loss as to how to persuade him, and Robin tugged at Dr. Kuroha's fan-like hair and asked softly.

"Grandpa Dr. Kuroha, why don't you walk with us? And mom too, I can't bear you two..."

Although Robin had a strong heart, at this moment, he still couldn't help but want to cry.

Seeing the tears in the corners of Robin's eyes, Olbia looked up at the sky, trying not to let her tears fall.

Dr. Kuroha opened his eyes and looked at Robin tenderly.

"Robin, you are a wonderful girl, and you are also very talented, although you were mistaken for a monster because of the devil fruit.

But this is only because of their ignorance, so you have to remember that your mission has not been completed, and the text of history will be deciphered by you from now on.

The road between me and your mother has come to an end, and it is time to let go of the future to young people like you. "

"I love to hear these words. As expected of the famous scholar Dr. Kuroha, it really is admirable to hear a hundred times."

Just as Dr. Kuroha was comforting Robin, a voice sounded out of thin air.

Afterwards, the people present saw that a door with a length and height of more than five meters appeared in the air beside it!

This is the maximum range of the space door that Capone Becky can open with all his strength.

Although Capone Becky has just obtained the fruit of the door, he is very talented and he is very quick to get started.

In just half a day, his mastery of the door fruit completely surpassed that of the CP9 member in the original book.

"You are Colonel Carl? That rookie in the navy who is famous in the East China Sea? You don't look very good either!"

Dr. Kuroha looked at Carl with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Originally, he thought that Karl was some kind of monster, but it turned out that Karl was just a handsome looking navy.

Seeing Dr. Kuroha's reaction, Karl didn't care, and just pointed to the door behind him.

"This gate won't last long, hurry up and pass it on.

On the other side of the door is an uninhabited island, the environment is very good, there are few wild animals, and there are no special environments such as volcanoes and icebergs, so it is very suitable for living.

This person is called Capone Becky, and he will be responsible for managing your aboriginal people in O'Hara in the future to ensure your livelihood. "

"Capone Becky? That fallen mafia, a member of the Capone family?

You, a navy, let the mafia manage my villagers?What a joke! "

Hearing Carl's words, Dr. Kuroha suddenly became angry.

He could accept that O'Hara was destroyed, and he could accept his fate waiting to die here.

But he absolutely cannot accept that his villagers are managed by a vicious party!

You know, the biggest evil in Xihai is not the pirates, but these mafias!
"Dr. Kuroha, I'm afraid you haven't read the latest news today, have you?"

Carl knew that Dr. Kuroha would react in this way, so he threw a newspaper in the past.

Dr. Kuroha was shocked when he saw the news in this newspaper.

Because the four major mafia families have been completely wiped out!
All the islands and countries controlled by the mafia have also been liberated at this time.

This matter was completed in one morning, which shocked the entire West Sea!
And the person who did all of this was Capone Becky standing next to Carl!
And like this man and Carl, both came to save O'Hara.

This made Dr. Kuroha blush a little, because he wrongly blamed the other party.

Capone Becky scratched his head in embarrassment, and then borrowed the rhetoric that Carl trained himself to start his personal speech here.

"Dr. Dr. Kuroha, I respect you very much, but you can't be so pedantic, and you can't always look at things with old eyes.

The world is equal, even people with bad backgrounds still have the right to enjoy equality.

Unless it is a heinous person, even if the rest of the people make a small mistake, we can use actions to influence and influence them..."

Carl was a little surprised. He didn't expect Capone Becky to be able to apply what he had learned so quickly.

Although some places were wrong, the meaning did not change, so Carl did not stop his speech.

Capone Toolman Becky can not only open the door, but also automatically help Carl to promote his will!

It's just so easy to use!

He attracted the attention of everyone in O'Hara, even Dr. Kuroha and Olbia, were shocked by his thoughts.

Just as Carl was quietly enjoying Capone Becky's speech, the phone bug rang.

"Hello? Who is it?"

"Karl is not good! Sakaski reported your matter to General Warring States because he misunderstood you running away.

Sengoku ordered us to speed up and move forward to reach O'Hara in the shortest possible time.

Now we can get there in two hours at most, how are your preparations going?Has everyone been rescued? "

"Kuzan, are you sure you're right? With your speed, you'll have to arrive the day after tomorrow at the earliest, right?"

Carl frowned, he didn't expect such bad news from Kuzan.

Kuzan sighed and explained.

"In order to arrive as soon as possible, Sakaski not only delayed things, but directly used his fruit ability as fuel.

Now the speed of each ship is not much slower than our flying speed with moon steps!
Although the boat was about to fall apart, it was no problem to survive until O'Hara! "

"Damn it! Sakaski, this guy, is he working so hard?!"

Karl was stunned.

He really didn't expect that Sakaski planned to use his own power to promote the speed of the entire fleet.

There is not much time left for Karl!

"Kuzan, who are you talking to?"

While Carl was still in shock, Sakaski's voice came from the phone bug.

Then the phone bug got hung up.

Although he called again later, Karl didn't connect, but hung up the phone directly.

"It's really sad..."

Carl looked at Capone Becky, who was still giving a passionate speech, and had to come to him, attracting everyone's attention.

"Emergency, the Demon Slaughter Order fleet will arrive in more than an hour, so there is no time for you to hesitate!

If you want to live, let me go in immediately, and if you want to die, I will not force you, but after 10 minutes, this door will be closed, and it will be too late for you to run! "

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(End of this chapter)

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