Signing in to the pirates begins with the execution of Roger

Chapter 75 Capone Becky's First Battle at Sea

Chapter 75 Capone Becky's First Battle at Sea

"Tell me."

Karl didn't expect Olbia to make a request.

But he didn't directly refuse, but looked at the other party, what else was going to be done.

Olbia took a deep breath and said in an unusually firm tone.

"Please save everyone else except me!

This happened because of me, and I can't watch them fall into the abyss.

But I don't have the face to continue to live, and I have already been offered a reward by the World Government.

So I have to die in front of the navy, otherwise they are very likely to continue to pester my daughter! "

"You mean, you're ready to die, don't you?"

"That's right!"

Seeing Olbia's firm expression, Karl nodded without refusing.

"Since this is the case, you can persuade those people now. Before tomorrow night, you must gather everyone in the square under the Tree of Omniscience.

I will make some preparations first, and I will arrive on time tomorrow evening to transfer the gathered people, and I will not wait when it is overdue. "

After the words fell, Carl rubbed the little Robin who was a little confused, and then flew into the sky under the eyes of everyone.

After watching Karl leave, Olbia finally couldn't hold back anymore, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Robin, I'm sorry for you..."

She hugged Robin tightly and kept apologizing.

Robin hugged Olbia in a sensible way, and said softly, "Mom doesn't cry, and I don't cry either..."


at the same time.

Capone Becky was unfortunately surrounded by pirates from the West Sea.

Three pirate ships, nearly hundreds of people, surrounded the Capone Becky ship.

The pirates have a lot of experience in naval battles, and they didn't give Capone Becky a chance to fire at all, and kept circling around to avoid being locked.

This is the first time for Capone Becky to go to sea. Although there are a lot of artillery fire on the ship, they can't hit the target at all in the face of experienced pirates.

Instead, their ship was hit by the opponent's artillery fire on the deck, causing several men to be injured.

Such a situation made Capone Becky a little annoyed.

"Boss, what should we do next? If we continue to sit and wait like this, the task entrusted to us by Mr. Karl will fail before we start."

"That's right, boss! Make a decision quickly, as long as you give an order, we little brothers will risk our lives to eliminate these pirates!"

"Absolutely not, although I am your boss, we are all comrades.

Everyone's life is valuable, and I will never allow you to make unnecessary sacrifices! "

Capone Becky has been thoroughly trained, even easier than training Enel and Ace.

His thinking also changed completely inadvertently.

The thinking of those little brothers around has also changed a lot, so they don't think there is anything wrong with such a Capone Becky.

It's just that they are facing a huge crisis.

If Capone Becky doesn't make a decision again, all of them will probably be drowned in the pirates' gunfire.

"Everyone obey orders! Don't save artillery fire, concentrate firepower towards the southeast!
The helmsman immediately turned the bow, ready to break out from the southeast at any time!

I don't believe it, they dare to block my way in the face of intensive artillery fire! "

"As ordered!"

Capone Becky gritted his teeth and chose to order a counterattack.

Although they have tried many times before, there is no way to hit the experienced pirate.

But Capone Becky still wants to try, what if he can stand out from the encirclement?
as predicted.

When Capone Becky gave the order, all the turrets on the ship turned to one direction, and a dense firepower network appeared in an instant!
Pirates are very experienced, and these artillery fires can't hit them at all.

But as Capone Becky said, in order to avoid the artillery fire, they had to make way for a passage!

"Now! Get out of here!"

"As ordered!"

Capone Becky roared, the ship broke through at full speed, and at the same time the dense firepower network broke out again!

Those pirates wanted to stop them, but they were still persuaded by the fierce firepower.

But they can continue to attack Capone Becky on the flank.

The current Capone Becky relies solely on his own ship to be relatively strong. If it is an ordinary merchant ship, I am afraid they are gone.

"Everyone listens to the order and immediately turns the barrel, aiming at the pirate ships on both sides!"

Capone Becky ordered again, except for the main gun, the artillery fire should be turned around and fired at the same time!
Those pirates were still excited.


Because they think that they will soon be able to get this big fish in their pockets.

They have been fighting at sea for a long time, and it can be seen at a glance that Capone Becky is just a novice at sea and has no experience in naval warfare.

So they also let down their vigilance.

But Capone Becky again turned his fire to the sides, startling them.

Although the pirate's helmsman was good, he still couldn't react to the incoming artillery attack.

Three pirate ships were sunk in an instant!
Seeing this scene, Capone Becky lit a cigar and took a deep breath, his face proud.

"Is this a sea battle? If you are not careful, you will be doomed. You are really nervous and passionate. Sure enough, the sea is a man's romance!"

"Since this is the case, you should become stronger. Otherwise, with your strength, you will only be killed if you go to sea."

Suddenly, a voice very familiar to Capone Becky sounded.

When he looked up, he saw a figure in a navy uniform appearing in front of his eyes.

Then he saw howling winds around him, and the sea was churning.

Two huge seaspouts soared into the sky, engulfing the two pirate ships without any suspense!
"Master Karl, why are you here?"

Capone Becky was a little surprised to see Carl appear.

After seeing that it was Carl, the others reflexively took out their pens and notebooks and wanted to take notes.

Seeing this scene, Karl couldn't laugh or cry, and then waved his hands.

"It's just a drop in, but I've seen your performance before, as a novice, it's pretty good.

But if it were someone from the Navy Headquarters who came to encircle you, even if there was only one warship, with your current strength and experience at sea, you would not be able to escape at all. "

"Is the navy so powerful? But the navy here..."

"The navy in Xihai is just a branch force, and it is not comparable to the headquarters, so your vision should be broadened, and you should not be limited to Xihai."

"Understood, Lord Karl, but next, is there anything I can help?
Although my strength is humble, I am very good at inquiring about information and so on. You can order me anytime! "

"Let me think about..."

Carl frowned slightly.

He never thought that he would meet Capone Becky again here.

It can only be said that the two of them are really destined.

 Thanks to 'Qianyuemao' for the reward, (`) heartfelt
(End of this chapter)

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