Chapter 54 Three months!
Three months passed in a flash.

The situation in the East China Sea has basically stabilized.

During these three months, Smoker studied with Bermer and mastered most of the situation in the East China Sea.

All the affairs in Rogge Town have been handed over, and Smoker will officially become the commander of Rogge Town starting today.

Karl resigned from this position and prepared to go to Judicial Island to stand by.

Two days before the Warring States Period, he received a phone call and asked him to arrive at Judiciary Island within ten days and wait for the assembly of the naval forces.

The assembled personnel included the two lieutenant generals of the Navy headquarters, Sakaski and Kuzan, as well as some disciples of Zefa.

These navies include Huoshaoshan, Ghost Spider, Flying Squirrel, etc., a series of future naval pillars.

It's just that they are still very young now, only a few years older than Karl, and their strength is not as strong as in the future.

Then Karl also asked Bucky to keep an eye on Shanks' news!

Once Shanks shows up in the East China Sea, he must be notified immediately!
This is the task Carl gave Bucky.

Bucky was obliged to accept it, but whether he would really follow Carl's order was uncertain.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Carl is in Windmill Village, and there are others who can help.

Bucky was just another insurance policy.

If Shanks really appears in Windmill Village, Karl will let Dadan and Lujiu notify him as soon as possible.

The purpose is to prevent Shanks from hooking up with Makino, and leading Ace badly, destroying his educational achievements.

In the past three months, Carl has done nothing but educate Ace every day.

He used those ideological and moral lessons in his previous life, as well as some political science, to teach Ace what is justice and what is evil!
For this reason, Carl even used himself and Roger as examples, and also told Ace about his execution of Roger.

This led to an awkward situation between Ace and Carl for nearly a week.

But in the end Ace figured it out on his own.

Under Karl's teaching, he already thinks that pirates in this world are not good things.

So instead of being a pirate, he went to hunt and kill pirates!

But out of hatred for the navy, he will not join the navy either.

In this way, after being trained by Karl for three months, Ace made clear his goal!

Hunt all the pirates!
This is Ace's dream after being trained!

Although the results are good, Carl always feels that something is not right.

However, the time is too short, and the current educational results are still relatively small.

But Karl in order to stabilize Ace's three views.

Karl decides to compile a political book and give it to Lou Jiu.

Although Lu Jiu may not be able to understand it, but reading it to Ace according to the book, there is no problem after all.

As for the content of this book...

Karl would not say that he compiled a small part of the content that he learned in his previous life, which is suitable for this world...

As for what Ace will look like in the future, it depends on good luck, and Karl can't control so much at the moment.

After sorting out the affairs of Rogge Town, Carl sent Lujiu and Ace back to Windmill Village.

Immediately afterwards, Karl was non-stop, leading Bermer and Crowe to the calm zone, ready to enter the great route!

Just before entering the windless zone, Carl saw a very huge ship with a dragon head docked on the shore of an island in their sailing route.

This ship doesn't have a flag, or even any logo, but it looks full of depression!
The ship just like that, docked next to a small island, looked suspicious.

"Master Karl, this ship looks a bit strange, should we investigate it?"

Crowe pushed his glasses, and with his IQ, he noticed the weirdness of this ship at first glance.

Bermer was a little puzzled: "What's so strange about this ship?"

"First, we have never seen such a large ship in such a small area of ​​the East China Sea, even Admiral Kerry's ship is smaller than this one.

Second, this ship feels very depressing to me, and my intuition tells me that the owner of this ship is definitely a big shot! "

Crowe expressed his own analysis, but Bermer didn't quite believe it.

"Just rely on your intuition? If you check the wrong person, it will be bad for our navy's reputation."

"Bermer, don't worry, sometimes, a man's intuition is also very accurate!"

Carl smiled, took over the conversation, and controlled the warship to sail towards the island.

"If I told you that I know the owner of this big ship, what would you do?"

"Master Karl, do you know the owner of this ship?!"

Crowe and Belmel were taken aback for a moment. They guessed for a long time, but Karl said he knew each other.

Before they co-authored, they all used their brains in vain.

Carl laughed silently.

He just slowly docked the warship on the shore, and then flew down with Bermer and Crowe.

"Bermer, what is the name of this village? How many households are there? Where is the largest household?"

"Report! This village is called Ximo Zhiji Village. There are less than [-] households in total. There are no big households. They are all ordinary people who make a living by fishing!"

"There is no big family? Then what is he doing here?"

Carl felt a little incomprehensible when he heard Bermer's words.

He knew very well that this big ship was Monkey D. Long's ship!
This ship was built by Long Tuo a few years ago, before Roger was executed.

At that time, Long had already had the idea of ​​forming a revolutionary army, but he didn't put it into practice, and just kept wooing Karl.

It wasn't until Karl clearly rejected him four or five times that he gave up the idea of ​​wooing him.

Now that the dragon has reappeared in the East China Sea, and it is still in such a small, little-known village, it is really puzzling.

"Master Karl, what shall we do next?"

Crowe asked aloud.

Carl left, frowning, a little speechless, "Let's go, go to the village and ask, you will always know where he went!"


at the same time.

Just when Karl took Bermer and Crowe into the village to look for the dragon.

At this time, Long was drinking tea and chatting with a man wearing glasses and a samurai uniform in a small dojo.

"Mr. Koshiro, as a great swordsman, you have extraordinary strength, but you have nothing to do with it, but you have no place to display it. Isn't this a waste?

Although the revolution is difficult, it depends on human efforts. All of us in the revolutionary army are passionate young people yearning for freedom!

I suggest that you join me to overthrow this world and liberate this world!

I believe that together we can build a better society and defeat all oppression!

Finally, give the people a world of prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendliness! "

(End of this chapter)

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