Signing in to the pirates begins with the execution of Roger

Chapter 44 The Future Pillar of the Navy!

Chapter 44 The Future Pillar of the Navy!
After Little Ace came to the Navy Branch in Rogge Town, he jumped up and down every day, which was very lively.

If it weren't for his young age and limited physical strength, it is estimated that the roof of the entire naval branch could be blown off by him.

In order to avoid suspicion, Lu Jiu only comes out at night when there are few people.

At other times, she simply locked herself in the room to prevent others from seeing her figure.

In the navy here, no one knows the orders of the Navy Headquarters, and Bermer and others are also people whom Karl can trust.

She didn't need to be so cautious at all.

But for the safety of Ace, Lu Jiu chose to lock herself in the room, and wait until the turmoil calms down.

Carl couldn't stop it either.

This is a mother who wronged herself so much out of her love for her child.

Little Ace was not wronged at all.

His physical strength can also support him, come out to play for a little while every day, and then watch the navy train.

The talented little Ace even learned one of the six navy styles of shaving without anyone teaching him!

Although it was used once, it was basically close to collapse.

But when Carl saw this scene, his surprise was beyond words!
He knew that Ace's talent was very strong, but he didn't expect that his talent was so outrageous!
Even Karl himself did not touch the threshold of one of the six naval styles until he was ten years old, and then slowly mastered the six naval styles.

It wasn't until he got the sign-in system that he raised the level of the Navy's six-style to perfection.

It's just that comparing people to people can really piss people off!
As long as this talent of Ace is taught well, it will not be kept in stock like in the original book.

He is less than ten years old, and he can definitely master the six naval styles perfectly!

This kind of talent, even today's Sakaski and others can't compare.

"As expected of his son, it seems that I really need to train him to be a pillar of the navy."

Karl plans to pave the way for himself now.

Ace's education must be early, although he has long known that his father is Roger the Pirate King.

But he didn't say anything, and even hated his father a little bit.

Compared to Roger, what he likes more is Carl who has been taking him all over Rogue Town these days.

"Are you really planning to train him to become a navy? I think it's a bit unlikely. After all, the navy is also his target of revenge."

Lu Jiu gently stroked the sleeping little Ace in her arms, and said softly.

Carl smiled and shook his head: "That's not how it looks, his real enemy should not be the navy, but those who ride on the navy's head.

It is very difficult for me to realize my dream, and I must have a few helpers, so I plan to train Ace, he has this talent.

As for the truth, after he is a few years older and sensible, you can tell him everything.

If he really hates me and the navy, I respect his choice and will not force him.

But in the past few years, I will teach him completely according to the navy's system. I hope you don't stop me, Miss Lujiu! "

Carl's tone became unusually serious.

Lu Jiu collected herself, and then sighed.

"Okay, but you have to keep little Ace safe!"

"Hahahaha, don't worry, I'm not Mr. Garp!"

"Boy, you're talking ill of the old man again, aren't you?"

Just when Carl was teasing Karp, Karp's voice suddenly came from outside.

Hearing this voice, Carl and Lu Jiu were startled, and then they saw Bermel standing next to Garp with an apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Carl, Lieutenant General Garp walked too fast, I had to run to barely catch up..."

"Thank you for your hard work, let's go to work first..."

Hearing Carl's words, Bermer breathed a sigh of relief, and left here.

Garp glared at Carl, then turned his gaze to Ace.

"Hey, my little Ace, let grandpa hug..."

When Carl wanted to go up to greet him, Karp pulled Carl away, walked straight to Lu Jiu, and gently hugged little Ace who was sleeping soundly.

"You two don't talk so loudly, what if you wake up little Ace?
Although he is developing very fast, he is still young and needs to rest. The two of you are too irresponsible! "

Garp scolded Carl and Lujiu softly, but his expression was extremely gentle.

Little Ace completely melted Garp's iron-hard heart.

Seeing this scene, Carl and Lu Jiu were not surprised at all, and they didn't care at all.

Garp is like this, facing a child, he is simply powerless to resist.

"I don't know when that boy Long will bring me a grandson.

I really want to have a grandson!It's disgusting..."

While holding little Ace, Garp complained about the dragon full of resentment, which made Karl not know what to say.

"Ahem, Mr. Garp, I just heard from Mr. Warring States some time ago that you are not going to hunt down that devil descendant Barrett?

How about it?Did anyone catch it?Or is he still avoiding you and not showing up? "

"Hey, look at my brain! I'm here to ask for your help!

Seeing little Ace, I was so excited that I forgot about the business. "

Garp slapped his forehead, remembering something serious.

Then he returned little Ace to Lu Jiu, and forcibly pulled Carl to the door, so as not to disturb the sleeping Ace.

"Master Garp, what is it? Could it be that Barrett's strength is too strong, and you can't solve it by yourself?"

Carl was surprised, while Karp laughed and gave him a fist of love!
"Little devil, you underestimate me, old man! Is there anyone in this world that I can't deal with with a single punch?

Even if there is, then a few more punches, hundreds of punches, thousands of punches!With so many punches, you can always finish off the opponent!
But this guy Barrett is too high-profile, but also too cunning, and extremely cruel!

Now several countries and islands have been destroyed by him!If you don't stop him, the world will be messed up by him!
So Warring States has a plan, which is to introduce him to an uninhabited island, and then activate the Demon Slaughter Order to destroy the opponent! "

"To deal with a pirate, you actually have to use a demon-slaying order? Do you want to be so exaggerated?!"

Although Karl has watched One Piece, in his previous life, the anime was too watery, so he also watched the Big Mom chapter, and then became one of the thousands of reborn.

In addition, when Carl followed Garp and chased Roger's pirates, Barrett was no longer on Roger's ship.

So Karl didn't know who Barrett was and why the Navy was so afraid of him!
(End of this chapter)

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