Chapter 26 Unexpected situation
"Master Carl, I feel that you have become handsome again. It's really strange. I didn't think you were so handsome before."

"Master Karl, tell me what kind of girl you like, the one I am more bold, or the kind who is gentle and generous, and a little bird?"

"Master Karl, why don't you speak, don't go, I still have something to tell you!"

When Karl returned to the warship, he found that something was wrong.

Bermel was booing and inquiring about her in all kinds of ways, so she almost got close to her body and threw herself into her arms.

Besides Bermer, there were three other middle-aged female sailors on board who were in charge of food and logistics.

The eyes of these three middle-aged female sailors are full of affection when they look at Carl!

That's right, it's love!
Bermer just had complicated emotions. He felt that Karl had become handsome and better looking, and wanted to help him pick it up.

But these three middle-aged female sailors want to eat Karl!
Is this the power of the title of Friend of Women?
He fled back to his room and locked the door to prevent someone from attacking him at night, so Karl breathed a sigh of relief.

The increase in the favorability of this title is really not bragging.

Has Bermer's favorability towards him changed from admiration to liking?
If it continues like this, who knows what weird developments will happen next.

But what Karl didn't know was that the reason why Bermer was like this was because of what Garp had teased her before.

This led to some imperceptible changes in Bermer's attitude towards Carl.

In this wave, Bermer is on the first floor, Karl is on the second floor, and Karp is on the fifth floor!
It's just that Karp didn't know what Karp did, and Bermer didn't report it to him.

"System? Can you call me back? Can this title be removed?"

No one answered.

The atmosphere is awkward.

Karl wanted to be angry, but suffering from no goal, he could only sigh helplessly.

But at this moment, the system sound suddenly rang.

'The strong will of the host has been detected, the sign-in system has started to upgrade, please wait...'

'The sign-in system has been upgraded, the personal ability column has been opened, and the title column has been opened, please host to check! '

Is it really possible? !
Carl sat up from the bed with a 'boo', and immediately opened his title column!
'Title: Friend of Women (assembled), Bandit Buster. '

'Remarks: Only one title can be assembled at a time. '

After seeing these two titles, Karl unloaded Friends of Women without hesitation. He didn't want to be harassed like this every day.

Even if he can bear it, the kidneys can't bear it!
Then Karl installed the Bandit Buster on it, and some changes took place in the title column.

'Title: Bandit Buster (assembled), Women's Friend. '

"It turns out that this is the case, as long as other titles are installed, the previous title will be automatically squeezed out.

But I can't take off the title by myself. Fortunately, I still have this title with a high commemorative value, otherwise my kidneys may be in trouble. "

Carl gave a wry smile, and immediately opened his personal ability bar out of curiosity.

Although he is very clear about his own abilities, sorting it out will be very helpful in the future.

'Ability to acquire: strange power (perfect), swordsmanship (excellent), navy six styles (perfect), overlord-color domineering (perfect), armed-color domineering (mastery), knowledge-color domineering (mastery). '

Then Karl took a brief look at the explanation and found that these ability levels start from entry level, and then go to the levels of proficiency, mastery, proficiency, excellence, and perfection.

And after perfection, there is a hidden level that Karl cannot see for the time being.

But now Karl has three perfections and one excellence.

These abilities add up to Karl's own combat experience.

Except for Kuzan and the others who are major generals but stronger than lieutenant generals, as well as Garp and Lieutenant General Crane.

The other lieutenant generals are basically not Karl's current opponents.

blu blu blu!

blu blu blu!

Just when Karl was about to take a break, the phone bug that was in contact with Crowe suddenly rang.

"Crow, what information do you have?"

"Master Karl, I have the latest information! Major Gaspardi is the insider.

He has been in contact with Admiral Kerry for a long time, and they are also called brothers, even the previous chief of Rogge Town is also a brother!
Admiral Kerry, this coward, has postponed the time for his comeback. Gaspardi has provided a lot of information, which has caused him to be jealous of you.

What's more, he asked me to contact Sand Crocodile, the mercenary's intermediary, and ask him or others to come and deal with you.

Master Karl, you have to be careful, if the sand crocodile really comes, we will be in big trouble, he is a nature-type · sand fruit ability! "

Hearing that Crowe spoke so much information in one breath, Karl frowned and thought for a moment before replying to Crowe.

"Be careful yourself, don't expose yourself, as for the sand crocodile, you don't have to worry, I know his details, he dare not come.

As for the others, there is no threat to me.

So I will give you a mission now, try to get Admiral Kerry to do something to Bucky.

For the safety of your life, if you don't have important information, please don't contact me for the time being to prevent exposure! "

"I know Lord Karl, I will pay attention."

After finishing speaking, Crowe hung up the phone directly.

"Crocodile, if you come here personally, I will let you know what social beating is called!"

Carl flashed a wicked smile.

Although Admiral Kerry contacted Crocodile, Karl was not worried.

Even if Crocodile comes over in person, there is no threat to Karl!

The current Baroque Work Agency has not yet been established, and Crocodile is working alone, which is why he became an intermediary.

After all, he is a natural-type devil fruit ability user, and ordinary people really can't deal with him. He is quite comfortable in the position of a mercenary middleman.

But what Karl didn't know was that Crocodile, who had received the employment task at this time, was ready to challenge Whitebeard.

So he didn't intend to come to the East China Sea at all, but just randomly arranged a few people to accept this task and dismissed the matter.

Just when Karl was thinking about how to find out Admiral Kerry next, there was a knock on the door of Bermer from outside his room.

"Master Karl! It's not good! There is big news!"

"what's up?"

"Look, Master Carl, the Golden Lion has escaped from prison! According to eyewitnesses, he is heading towards the East China Sea!"

A wave of unrest, a wave of up!
(End of this chapter)

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