Chapter 20 Me!Bucky!Lucky King!

"Lord Bucky, what should we do next? Wait for Lord Karl to come over, or should we rush in first and grab these treasures?"

The middle-aged navy on the side asked.

He was the navy hooligan who was hit to the temple by Bucky and killed in one hit.

Because of Jack, after being killed by Karl to make an example of others, they are a lot more honest.

In addition, Bucky didn't know what method he used to train them.

Now this group of navy hooligans seems to have become a group that follows the lead of Baki.

How Bucky did it, I am afraid no one knows except themselves.

"Aren't you stupid? That man is a golden dragon! Although he didn't offer a bounty, his title of treasure hunter is not just a bragging rights!
According to the Navy's records, this guy is stronger than the Big Bear King, I can't even beat the Big Bear King, rushing to seek death?

Or is it that you trash can defeat this monster? "

Bucky didn't even look at these people, he just held the binoculars and kept observing the situation not far away.

The navies around them smiled embarrassingly.

They knew very well that even Bucky couldn't beat them together.

Not to mention dealing with the golden dragon who is stronger than Bucky.

"Oops! That guy dug out the treasure, and judging by his appearance, he will be able to leave soon!"

"No, that's my treasure, I can't let him go!"

Bucky's eyes were red and he was shaking.

In his cognition, all the treasures here belong to him.

When he saw that his treasure was about to be taken away, Bucky was so angry that he even crushed the telescope in his hand.

"Master Karl will need about 10 minutes at the fastest, I must fight for this time..."

Bucky rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then he looked around at the navy hooligans around him, and then he grinned.

"Hahahaha, there is a way, you leave ten people here to meet Mr. Karl, and the rest of you will follow me!"

The navy didn't know what method Bucky had thought of, but they didn't dare to resist.

Except for the ten lucky ones named by Bucky, the others followed Bucky off their military uniforms and changed into pirate costumes.

"Fortunately, for the sake of caution, I didn't stop the warship at the port. Otherwise, this plan would not be easy to implement."

With a smile on his face, Bucky led his subordinates to the location of the treasure.

"From now on, we are pirates, and all of you will call me Boss Clown! Do you understand!

Our pirate group is called the Clown Pirates, do you understand! "


Baki's voice was deafening, which attracted the attention of the Golden Dragon.

"What's going on outside? You and you, go out and have a look."

Because the sound outside was too loud, Golden Dragon decided to let his two younger brothers go out to have a look.

He has not many people here, and there are seven or eight people in total.

There are more than a dozen boxes of treasures here, and it will take a while to move them all out.

With two less helpers, it was even slower.

They still have to dig the soil and dig holes, so that they can dig out all the treasures buried below.

Doing their job is similar to grave robbers.

But tomb robbers dug graves, and what they dug were treasures that were buried in the ground or hidden in the corner of a cave.

Speaking of it, their status as treasure hunters is higher than that of tomb robbers, and they will not arouse people's disgust.

Even treasure hunting is purely based on luck, and it is useless to have a treasure map. After all, the treasure map may also be fake.

"Boss! Help!!!"

Just when the golden dragon led his men to continue digging the pit.

The subordinate sent outside suddenly yelled, which caught his attention.

"what's the situation?!"

As soon as Jinlong raised his head, he saw two of his subordinates were tied up and thrown not far away.

A man with a short stature but with a striking red nose like a clown appeared in front of his eyes.

Behind him is a dense crowd.

Jinlong roughly estimated that there were at least 90 to [-] people, which made his pupils shrink suddenly, and he immediately became vigilant.

"Who are you?!"

"Hahahaha, we are the sea..."

Just when someone was about to speak, Bucky suddenly turned around and punched him, sending him flying.

Then he gave him a hard look.

"I'm the captain. When are you qualified to speak for me? Don't want to live anymore?!"

Seeing Bucky's frowning expression, the man reacted instantly. He almost said the wrong thing just now.

Then he immediately knelt down on the ground and performed skillfully.

"Master Clown, I was wrong, please spare my life..."

"Hmph! Since you just joined my pirate team, I'll let you go this time!"

Bucky snorted coldly, glanced at the others, and then set his gaze on the golden dragon.

"I don't want to change my name when I'm going, or my surname when I'm sitting, the captain of the Bucky Pirates, so is Bucky the Clown!"

Bucky pointed to his red nose, and stepped directly on the back of the trapped Namin pirate, using him to increase his height and momentum.

Seeing his little brother being trampled on, Jinlong felt a little annoyed.

"Red Nose, you are courting death..."

"My uncle is Bucky the Clown, you dare to call me Red Nose, do you want to die!"

Bucky stared angrily, staring at the golden dragon, wishing he could kill him directly.

It's just that neither of them took the lead.

Due to the large number of people on Bucky's side, they all looked well-trained.

The golden dragon didn't dare to act rashly, because he still wanted to bring these treasures back.

Although he is not afraid of these people in front of him, if all his subordinates die here, he will not be able to take away so many treasures even if he is exhausted.

Bucky is afraid of the fruit ability of the golden dragon, coupled with his timid character, naturally he will not take the lead.

So the two of them were at a stalemate.

"Bucky Pirates? Never heard of it! Where are you pirates from?"

The two sides fell into a stalemate, and the golden dragon chose to speak first.

Bucky snorted coldly and didn't reply him.

All Bucky wants now is to stall for time and wait for Carl to arrive.

But Golden Dragon is a little anxious here, he doesn't want to waste time here at all.

"Looking at your appearance, you are also here for the treasure, there is no need to hurt your peace because of this time.

Since they are all pirates who come here for the treasure, how about we work together to take out all the treasures below? "

The golden dragon's eye bead spun around, as if thinking of something, he took a step back with a mean smile, and let the treasure out of the way.

Bucky didn't notice that there was anything wrong, so he stepped forward unpreparedly to observe the entrance of the cave where the treasure was buried.

"Hmph! You are wise!"

"Go to hell, red nose!!!"

Without any warning, the golden dragon roared, and a huge laser beam appeared from his mouth, piercing through the ground, causing a violent shock!
But the clown Bucky was flying in the air, and his feet were thrown behind at the critical moment, and he didn't know that he hit the unlucky guy.

As long as his feet are still on the ground, his body can fly freely, which is where Bucky's confidence lies.

But now he doesn't care about the golden dragon, because he saw a bigger hole deep underground, and a piece of golden jewels!
"Get rich!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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