Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 98 The Devil's Name (Please recommend)

Chapter 98 The Devil's Name (Please recommend)

"The name!!! The name of our pirate group!!! I didn't know what to say when I introduced it today!!! It's so embarrassing!!!" Luffy complained loudly while patting the table, like a Angry little child.

Originally, he didn't pay much attention to this matter before, but when Moriah introduced it today, he said: "I am the captain of the Moonlight Pirates, Moonlight Moriah."

Just so handsome!

As a force destined to move the world in the future, you can't call Luffy Pirates such a low name, right?
So today we must decide on a name!

"Pfft!" Robin couldn't help being provoked by Luffy's appearance, and suddenly laughed out loud.

Seeing the eyes of Luffy and Brook looking over, he quickly sat upright, pretended to be calm and nodded, nodded seriously, and said, "Well, it's really a big problem."

When Brook turned his head, he folded his hands together and put them in front of his chin. The face of the skeleton showed a serious expression. In the eye sockets, the sham flames kept beating, as if he was thinking about something seriously.

The scene was quiet for a while, and Brook said in a deep voice with the image of someone who had experienced it: "This is indeed a very serious question."

The flames in his eyes danced again, and he said thoughtfully: "The general names of pirate groups are divided into three categories."

"The first category is directly named after the captain's name; the second category is named after the captain's title; the third category is special, which can reflect the overall style or development direction or life goals of the pirate group."

After explaining, Brook looked at Luffy with his dark eyes again, and said, "This is the common way of naming pirate groups."

"Yeah." Luffy nodded seriously, his eyes full of doubts.

Robin's eyes widened inexplicably, watching the two men seriously thinking about the name of the pirate ship.

She really doesn't understand a man's romance.
Luffy hesitated for a moment, and after thinking about it, he said slowly: "First of all, you don't need to think about the first point, whether it's the Luffy Pirates or the Monkey Pirates, it's really ugly."

Robin and Brooke didn't express their opinion aloud, they waited quietly for Luffy's next words.

"The second point." Luffy looked up at Robin hesitantly, and said again: "I used to have a name, [Devil Boy].

Robin's wanted title is [Son of the Devil]."


Brooke suddenly screamed and said, "Is Miss Robin also offering a reward?"

In Brooke's impression, although Miss Robin has extraordinary skills, she is well-read and well-read, she speaks with gentleness and kindness, and her hobbies are only reading and cooking. Such a girl will be wanted.

"It seems that Mr. Luffy and the others should have done something very excessive at sea," Brook thought.

He has not left the Devil's Sea for 40 years, has completely lost his source of information, and knows nothing about the outside world.

"Yes, Robin's bounty is quite high." Luffy explained to Brook with a smile.

Robin also smiled slightly, and said in a mockingly proud tone: "[Son of the Devil] Nicole Robin, the reward is 900 million!"

In the past, she hated mentioning this name very much, because it was her childhood pain.

But now it's different.

"Son of the devil, the devil boy sounds like a couple!" Robin thought sweetly in his heart, and he would never feel sad and sad because of this name again.


Brooke's jaw dropped to the table, and the sound was crisp and bright.

The whole person was full of disappointment, collapsed on the table, and whispered softly: "Miss Robin's bounty is more than twice that of mine."

No matter when, pirates regard being rewarded as a kind of honor.

The level of bounty has always been a means for pirates to compare with each other.

"Giggle" Brook's appearance made Robin laugh again, and he let out a silver bell-like laugh, his eyes narrowed into a slit, and his body trembled uncontrollably, causing his chest to rise and fall.

"Okay, okay. Now let's get down to business."

Luffy helplessly stopped the two of them playing tricks.

Pressing his temples and shaking his head, it was obviously a very serious occasion, but somehow he went astray.
Following the previous topic, Luffy continued: "Devil boy, son of the devil, plus Brook's appearance, what do you think of the name [Devil Pirates]?"



Robin and Brook read silently from left to right.

It's just that when this name is called, it feels like there is no momentum at all, which makes the two of them feel weird.

In addition, neither of them is a vicious person. Although the name and appearance are devils and devils, this is not what the two of them really think, so the word "devil" still makes them hesitate. .

But neither wanted to refute Luffy's words, so the two of them just stammered without speaking.

"Okay!" Luffy knew from their expressions that everyone didn't like the name.

"Devil Pirates" Luffy muttered in his mouth, and he really didn't have any momentum.

Only weak people can scream fiercely.

"Oh..." Luffy leaned back, slumped on the chair helplessly, looked at the ceiling, and sighed deeply.

After all, it is a matter of a lifetime, and it must not be taken lightly.
I can't call myself the Black Hair Pirates or the Beardless Pirates in the future, right?
Why do people have such nice names as Sun Pirates and Moonlight Pirates
Luffy, who let his mind go blank, complained in his mind.


"Sun. Moonlight"

Luffy suddenly opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling tightly, the pupils converged, as if he could see the outside through the stone bricks, and through the thick fog, he saw the sky full of stars and the universe.

In the universe of stars, planets flashed past Luffy's eyes, and finally stopped in front of a blue planet.

"Have it!"

Luffy suddenly jumped, stood up, slapped the table and shouted.

Robin and Brook looked at Luffy again, waiting to see what he would say.

Luffy straightened his arms and pointed to the sky outside the stone slab, as if he wanted Robin and Brook to feel the distant sun, moon and stars, and said excitedly: "Our name is—【Star Pirates】!"

"Star Pirates"

The two murmured again, their eyes gradually brightened, as if they were infected by the name, and they felt inexplicably refreshed physically and mentally.

I silently think about my future name in my heart:
"Star Pirates—Chief Musician, Brook the King of Soul!"

"Star Pirates—Historian and Luffy's cook, son of the devil, Nicole Robin!"

In an instant, I felt that the grade was much higher, and it was countless times better than the Devil Pirates.

The two raised their heads, smiled at Luffy in unison, and said, "Well! We will be the Star Pirates from now on!"

"In that case." Luffy lowered his voice again.

Of course, this name is not only good-sounding, in fact, it also contains a dream of Luffy, a dream that Luffy dare not dream of.

Even Pirate World, he didn't pay attention to it.

He enjoys true freedom.

As long as he thinks, with a grandfather like Karp and a father like Long, there are really not many people in this world who can make things difficult for him.

However, there is one place that he really wants to go back and take a look.
Some things, no matter how wonderful they are, can’t be replaced
Luffy slowly approached the two of them, his eyes glowed with moist light and said: "Our future goal! Is the endless sea of ​​stars! Then, to explore the true meaning of the world!"

Although Robin and Brook, who are natives of the Pirate World, didn't really understand, but Luffy's expression deeply infected them.

Seeing Luffy who was inexplicably sad, as Luffy's partner, they didn't choose to ask too much.

Just being with him all the time is enough
 Thanks to Xin Ou, Unworthy Jie, Hunyuan A Gashi 49 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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