Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 95 Cooperation (Please recommend a ticket)

Chapter 95 Cooperation (Please recommend a ticket)

A gust of wind blew past his face, bringing up slight sand and stones and hitting his face.

The injured Moriah slowly opened his eyes, as if he was still not used to the sudden light, he closed them tightly again, and after a while, opened them again.

The demonic evil eyes were no longer there, and Moriah's appearance was very miserable at this time. Such a violent blow to the front was more terrifying than the burns caused by the last energy impact.

Looking around, the sky full of purple mist was piled up in Moria's heart.

"Already. Have. Haven't seen the sun for a long time?" Moria was covered in blood, his left eye was swollen with a big dark purple lump, and the corner of his mouth was cut by his own broken fang, and a long gash came from The corners of the mouth connect directly to the lower jaw.

After being seriously injured twice in a row, Moriah woke up, and seemed to have changed a lot.

He is not a person who likes to escape, although his approach is indeed an escape in another sense, leaving everything to others, hiding in the shadows by himself, and fantasizing that he can climb to the top with this.

But his subjective will is always a violent demon who refuses to accept, and is not afraid of fighting at all.

But this time, he was really scared.

When he saw Perona nearly killed by that bone-headed head in the ghost state he thought was safe.

When he saw that Absalom, who was able to hide his tracks, was easily defeated by that woman.

And that boy who made him feel terror and despair twice.

He really doesn't want to lose anyone anymore.
"Lord Moria!"

A delicate cry sounded, followed by the sound of getting up and rubbing clothes.

Moria's sober movement was immediately watched aside, and the pale Perona noticed.

After the battle, Brooke used the power of the soul to send Perona's soul back into her body.

Under the mysterious power of the body, Perona quickly recovered, but the memory of being stunned before still existed, haunting her as a nightmare.

"Peperona?" A weak hoarse voice came from Moria's mouth, and it could be heard that the owner of the voice was not feeling well at the moment.

Moria, who had been hit hard on the head, had blood scabs in his eyes at this time, blocking his vision, and could only vaguely see the outline of the world. The crooked corner of his mouth made him want to say something long. is delusional.

Fortunately, Perona has a special timbre, which made him recognize it in an instant.

Listening to the voice, Perona seemed to be fine, which made Moria feel relieved in her heart.

Perona walked hurriedly, with black and white striped stockings on her slender legs, and a pair of bright red leather boots on her little feet. Her immature figure was indescribably petite and cute.

It's a pity that the worry and dust on the face at this moment add a little discord to this perfect work.

She quickly came to Moria's side, with a panicked look on her face. It can be seen that Perona has not fully recovered from the shock just now, and said softly: "It's me, Lord Moria."

With a frightened look, she curled up beside Moria, as if this could give her a sense of security.

"Yo, are you awake?"

When a voice came, Moriah instantly felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. Regardless of the broken ribs on his body, he quickly turned around, raised his head, and looked not far away, in the direction of the owner of the voice.

"What do you want?" Moria, who was seriously injured, saw Luffy standing in front of him, panting nervously, the wound was pierced by the struggle just now, and a little bit of blood flowed down Moria's skin. Downstream.

Luffy looked at Moria and Perona who was hiding behind him indifferently, shook his head, and said lightly: "I didn't think about it, I just came to talk to you about cooperation."

The tone has also eased a lot, not as domineering at the beginning. After all, even if Moria does a lot of evil, it has nothing to do with him.

He took the initiative to come to the door, demolished Moria's house, beat Moria's people, and finally used Moria. If you think about it this way...in fact
It's no big deal~

Who told him to occupy a fruit that is very important to Luffy, but he can't beat Luffy!
The weak must have the self-knowledge of the weak!

Lu Fei stared at Moria coldly, and the cold air in it even made Moria's wound gradually condense, the threat was self-evident.

If you don't agree, I will hit you if you agree, leaving no room for Moriah.


Inexplicably, hearing these two words, the stone hanging in Moria's heart suddenly fell.

Since there is cooperation, it means that Luffy has no intention of killing.

It's just that he still struggles in his heart. As a strong man, he was once called an existence comparable to the Four Emperors Kaido, but now he is beaten into such a bad state, and it is difficult to even stand up.

He is very clear about what being forced to cooperate means, but Luffy didn't directly explain it, which has already given him a step.

"At least in this way, they should not be hurt again."

Moria glanced at Perona beside him, and finally thought this way in his heart, and the heart of calling himself king also left his mind.

At this moment, Moriah suddenly felt a burst of relaxation pouring into every corner of his body, and the knot in his heart was opened in another way, but it also indicated that he was completely aging, and he was no longer worthy of stepping into this competitive world. the sea.

"I agree!"

Three simple words came out from Moria's mouth.

But it made Perona and Hobak, who was treating Absalom, feel inexplicably sad.

Because this means that their king is completely defeated.

For a moment, Moria, who had lost too much, suddenly felt his feet lighten, and his already unbearable body could no longer support him. He fell to the ground with a crash, stirring up a cloud of dust.

"Lord Moria!!" Perona hurried forward to investigate the situation in Moria.

Suddenly, an inexplicable coercion covered Perona's head.

"In this case, let's go back to the port first. After you have discussed it, come to the port to find me." Lu Fei said to Perona lightly, slightly releasing his domineering arrogance, scaring Perona and Hobak so much that they didn't dare Gasp loudly.

Seeing them like this, Luffy lost the interest to stay any longer.

There are ruins everywhere here now, and there is nothing to commemorate.

The important matter is settled, so I should go back to my boat quickly, with Robin's care and Brooke's music, it's much more comfortable than staying here and watching Hobak's disembowelling treatment.

"Let's go." Luffy turned around lightly, said to Robin and Brook with a smiling face, and then took a step ahead and walked towards the port.

"Okay." Robin responded with a sweet smile, and followed with brisk steps.


Seeing Luffy subdue a strong man so easily, Brook felt as if he was favored by the god of luck.

Follow such a person, life will be wonderful.

"Let me compose your story into a movement and spread it widely! Mr. Lu Fei!"

 Thanks to the outstanding college students of the new century for their rewards!

  It may be on the shelves on April [-]st, no matter what the results are, I will work hard and write it down!

(End of this chapter)

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