Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 7 Upgraded Battle

Chapter 7 Upgraded Battle
The door of the Makino's Tavern.

At this moment, the place is already full of people, everyone is looking at Luffy's prey, and there are many experienced hunters among them.

"Is this really brought back by that little fellow Luffy?"

"This is too awesome!"

"How old is he!"

A group of people surrounded the corpse of Timberwolves, constantly expressing their admiration for Luffy.

Living in the East China Sea, they couldn't understand how a child of only a few years old could do it.

Even the most experienced hunter in the town cannot hunt and kill a beast of this size alone.

Moreover, few people would think of the method of poisoning.First of all, adults are huge in size and cannot hide well and solve their own body odor.

The second is Luffy's exclusive stunt, holding his breath without making a sound of breathing, so that the beast can't feel Luffy outside his field of vision at all.

Due to the digital body, Luffy will not feel all kinds of physical discomfort caused by hypoxia. Although the life value will decrease after a long time, the physical attribute can also provide a certain degree of physical recovery.

In other words, every once in a while, Luffy's health will increase.

Even when the physical strength is high in the future, it is completely possible to fight in an oxygen-free environment.

Everyone watched for a while, and then dispersed with their own surprises.

At the entrance of the tavern, only Makino and Makino's father were left.

The two looked at each other, and the father and daughter could be said to have watched Luffy grow up little by little.

It only took two months to bring back small or vegetarian animals at the beginning to the large beasts now.

Originally, Makino was worried when he found out that Luffy's size hadn't changed much for more than two months. After all, children are at the fastest growing stage, and it's not an exaggeration to say that they change every day.

It caused Makino to worry for a long time, and cooked nutritious meals for Luffy in different ways every day, causing many guests who came to the tavern to have nothing to eat.

In the end, Luffy still didn't change much, and Makino didn't know how to explain to Luffy's grandfather.

Makino's father took Timberwolves to the kitchen and began to process them. The fur, claws, and teeth of Timberwolves are of great value, and the wolf's whip has medicinal value. These are all good things.

At night, Luffy once again ate more than his own weight in food, and returned to his room comfortably.

Lying on the big bed, Luffy still couldn't calm down, his left hand was under his head, his right hand was facing the ceiling, and he clenched into a fist.

Feel the sense of strength coming from the small arms.

"Perhaps it's not far from Fist Breaking Starry Sky."

"Puff." After saying this, Luffy couldn't help laughing.


Night came quietly in Luffy's imagination.

Windmill Town in the early morning is full of vitality.

Every household opened the doors and windows and began to prepare for the day's work.

Luffy put on his outfit, took a relaxed pace, and walked into the forest as usual, to the place where he killed the hare for the first time.

Due to limited energy and time, in order to pursue a higher level of experience, he has been fighting monsters in the depths of the forest. Luffy has not been here for a long time.

However, this time is different.

Luffy pulled out the dagger from his waist and looked around carefully.

After a while, there was a "swish" sound from the grass next to it.

Without hesitation, Luffy strode towards the direction of the voice.Sure enough, he saw a gray figure moving fast, it was a gray rabbit.

Gray Rabbit noticed Luffy, and immediately fled to the distance. Unfortunately, the current Luffy is no longer what it used to be. He caught up with Gray Rabbit in two or three steps, and swung the knife down, hitting the back of the neck.

[Ding! The host kills a common beast and gains experience 1. 】

"Oh, easy!"

As if to kill such a powerful enemy, Luffy made a trick with the dagger in his hand, then inserted it into his waist, and walked forward facing the scorching sun.

[Ding! The host kills a common beast and gains experience 2. 】

[Ding! The host kills a common beast and gains experience 1. 】

[Ding! The host kills a common beast and gains experience 3. 】

. . . . . .

Luffy moved forward all the way, constantly killing the creatures in the forest, and his experience value also increased by leaps and bounds, reaching 25 in a short while.

You know, Luffy at the first level sometimes has to spend a day for a little experience.

Luffy believes that as his level gets higher and higher, the speed at which he becomes stronger will also become faster and faster.

Gradually, Luffy came to the dangerous area of ​​the forest, where fierce beasts often haunt.

Luffy moved forward gently, step by step.

Last month, Luffy encountered a lion near here, which was a full three meters long, and Luffy was so scared that he ran away immediately.

And today it became Luffy's target.

I don't know if this lion still remembers him.

Walking around for a long time, Luffy didn't see any beasts, but he didn't give up.

Because the cleanliness of the neighborhood speaks for itself.

There is only one reason that can keep this forest quiet, and that is that there is a powerful master here.

Luffy searched patiently, and finally found a bloodstain after half an hour.

Luffy chased after the blood, and finally came to the door of a cave.

It would be foolish to enter a cave in the forest, but Luffy went in anyway.

Maybe it was the sudden increase in strength that made Luffy feel a little swollen, maybe it was Luffy who wanted to test his limits.

Arched, Lu Fei tiptoed into the cave, put his right hand on the dagger, to ensure that he could draw out the dagger to meet the enemy at the first time.

As Luffy went deeper, the light in the cave was swallowed by the darkness bit by bit.

Just when he felt that if he went a little further, he might be plunged into darkness, Luffy saw his goal.

Not all beasts like darkness, or rather, the masters here don't like darkness.

The owner of the cave, a dark purple lion, was slowly biting the corpse of an antelope on the ground.

The blood of the antelope is still fresh, indicating that it was just returned from hunting.

Luffy slowly picked up a stone on the bottom with his right hand, hit the lion on the back with a "pia", and then ran out of the cave suddenly.


Feeling being provoked, Zishi roared twice, and ran out of the cave after Luffy.

Luffy, who came out one step ahead of time, did not go far, and stopped next to the entrance of the cave, listening carefully to the sounds in the cave.

When he felt that the lion was about to run out of the cave, Luffy grabbed his special poisoned bone spear with his right hand, and stabbed it fiercely at the figure that suddenly rushed out of the cave.


The purple lion that got an arrow in its ass roared and swung its claws at Luffy.

But Luffy had expected it a long time ago, he squatted down in advance to get out of the way, and then swung the dagger, slashing at the joint where the lion raised its paw, pulled it down hard, and pulled out the dagger.

And half of one front paw of this forest overlord has been cut off, leaving only some flesh still implicated.


The effect of the poison began to take effect, and the lion's hind body had completely lost consciousness, and it fell limply on the ground.

The one-paw lion clutched the ground feebly, trying to get away from the demon.

Luffy walked over slowly, he knew he had won, although he used tools, he couldn't deny that he had killed the overlord of the forest.

Sensing that Luffy was approaching, Zishi raised his head, looked at Luffy, his eyes were full of tears, and kept making low noises, trying to ask Luffy to spare his life.

Beasts that have grown to this level already have a certain amount of intelligence, and can even judge the general meaning of human language through the tone of voice.

Luffy walked up to the lion, raised the dagger silently, and stabbed it into the lion's eye socket, stirring it up.

"I'm sorry, in order to make me stronger faster, I can only do this."

[Ding! The host kills a common beast and gains experience 15. 】

(End of this chapter)

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