Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 52 Galen and Arthur

Chapter 52 Galen and Arthur

"Brother Hu, a group of brats came outside and said they wanted to look for you." A guard in charge suddenly shouted.

Brother Hu frowned slightly and said, "Little devil?"

Looking towards the gate, I saw a group of children crying and arguing with the guards.

"Let them in," Brother Hu said coldly.


A group of children dragged in and chattered non-stop.

"My lord, my lord! Save Cotillard!"

"My lord! Please save Brother Cotillard!"

"grown ups!"

The children rushed straight to Brother Hu's position, knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Shut up!" The boss of the gangster roared impatiently: "We are gangsters, not the navy, save people and find others!

If you have nothing else to do, get out of here quickly! "

The long-standing momentum made the group of children quiet down instantly.

Originally, Brother Hu thought what were these boys going to do. After all, they are also a well-known orphan group in this city, and they are usually very smart.

But looking for him?
save people?
Ah!What a mistake.

Human life is the least valuable thing in this world!He has never been in the habit of doing good deeds.

A group of children scolded each other face to face, under Brother Hu's majesty, they dared not say anything.

At this time, an older and stronger child who was the leader stood up, stepped forward and said cautiously: "My lord, I have other information!
The man who took Cotillard had gold, and a lot of it!
We saw it with our own eyes!"

"Gold?" Brother Hu became interested this time. It was too dangerous when fleeing, and he didn't bring any property except weapons. If he could make some oil and water, he could invite the adults who came over to have a good meal and sell more The face looks familiar.

"However." Brother Hu rolled his eyes, "Those who dare to come to Abode Island should not be fuel-efficient. Now is a special period, so it's better not to act rashly." '

Brother Hu sat on the sofa, tapped the fingers of his right hand for a while, and pretended to be thinking.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "What do those two people look like?"

The child who started talking hastily responded: "A man and a woman, both of them are young people, they should be around 20 years old.

Although it is full of dust and dust, it looks like the clothing materials are not bad for money. "

Those who can survive in the chaotic world, even a child, have vision that ordinary people don't have.

"Hmm." Brother Hu fell into deep thought again, "I can't tell the identities of these two people from the mouth of the little devil, so it's better not to make extra troubles." '

"You guys go back first, I'll consider this matter." Brother Hu just found an excuse to send the kid away.

A group of little ghosts left the gangster's territory in a little disappointment. They were proficient in observing words and expressions, and they all understood what the gangster meant.

"What to do, Galen?" A little boy with blond hair asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, Arthur, maybe Brother Cotillard is not in danger?" the strong boy walking in front comforted him.

"But." Arthur wanted to say more.

"Hey! Brats!" A rough voice stopped them from behind.

Galen and Arthur looked back, and it was the one-eyed dragon who had followed Brother Hu before.

"You said, is there gold?" The one-eyed dragon twitched his eyebrows twice, and seemed to make a sound, and the only remaining eye shot out a radiant light.

"Yes, yes." Galen and the others trembled a little from the fearful look of the one-eyed dragon, and their legs trembled unconsciously.

The one-eyed dragon's eyes became even more terrifying, as if he was thinking about something terrible.

After a while, Cyclops opened his mouth and said, "Is there only two people on the other side?"


"You guys are waiting for me here, don't run around!" After finishing speaking, Cyclops strode back to the mansion.

As soon as he came back, he immediately pretended to be okay, and said, "Brother, I'll take a few brothers to the town to have a look, and find out the news from the gangsters. At this time, the news is better."

"Well, let's go." Brother Hu watched Cyclops walk out of the mansion gate, waved his hand and called another younger brother, "Follow up and have a look, and report in time if there is any situation."

This is not to doubt Cyclops, Cyclops has been with him for so long, if even he needs to be vigilant, then there is no need for this big brother to continue.

It's just that Cyclops has always been sloppy and lacks brains in doing things, and that's why he lost his eye. Brother Hu sent someone to have a look, just in case.

With the elder brother's consent, Cyclops went out with more than [-] mafia gangsters, and found Galen and others on the side of the road.

"Do you know where they are?" Cyclops asked Garen.

"I know! I know!" Galen nodded again and again, "Brother Cotillard took them to the Ofoge Hotel, and they should still be there now."

"Evil Buddha Song Hotel? It seems that he is really rich."

The Og Foge Hotel is the property of the Principality of Hejkirk, the largest organization in Abode Island. Organizations on the island of Abode will give face. After all, the Principality of Heikik has the ability to directly communicate with the world government.

On the other side, after eating, Luffy was asking Cotillard about the island.

Unexpectedly, the situation on this island was unexpectedly complicated.

On the surface, there are the principality and the rebel army of the people's uprising, and the two organizations continue to wage wars.

Behind the scenes, there are some small gang organizations headed by the two major gangs to conduct business in drugs, guns, slaves and so on.

According to Cotillard, it seems that the two major gangs had a life-and-death duel some time ago, and one of them was beaten badly, only some core members escaped.

According to gossip, those who escaped were hiding in this city.

Cotillard's introduction really surprised Luffy and Robin.

The two of them came here for the gang's affairs, no matter which gang is in this city, it can save the two of them a lot of worry.

Luffy gestured to Robin with his eyes, Robin nodded lightly, and was about to take out the phone bug from his chest.

Suddenly, more than a dozen people rushed in from the hotel entrance, and surrounded the three of Luffy tightly.

"Brother Cotillard!"

Outside the encirclement, a strong kid kept waving to Cotillard, motioning him to run out quickly.

Cotillard looked at Galen outside the crowd in surprise, and then seemed to think of something.

But he was even more helpless, thinking that Luffy was so kind to him, Cotillard still had the courage to say to the surrounding mafia: "My lords, I'm fine, this lord just came to let me show you the way, I..."

"Get up!" Cyclops was not in the mood to listen to his nonsense, so he slapped Cotillard away.

"Brother Cotillard!" A group of children hurried over and helped Cotillard up.

Cyclops slapped a pistol on the table and threatened: "Boy, I heard you have gold on you."

"Oh?" Luffy took out the money bag and shook it, the sound of the gold coins colliding was like a beautiful movement, "Is this what you mean?"

"Forget you, kid." Saying that, Cyclops reached out to snatch the purse.

As soon as he stretched his hand halfway, he was grabbed by Luffy.

"Huh?" Cyclops struggled to break free several times.

But the hand seemed to be trapped by steel bars, unable to move at all.

"You're using the wrong direction!" Luffy taunted, and he swung his arm upwards, throwing Cyclops into the air.

The one-eyed dragon was as frightened as a chill, lost his voice, sat down in the air and fell freely.

"Boom!" Luffy raised his leg and kicked Cyclops out of the hotel, smashing the hotel's door and hitting the ground hard.


Stretching out his left hand, two fingers were exposed in the pitch-black gauntlet, and he clamped a long knife behind him.

Luffy didn't look back, his knowledge and arrogance turned on, and he could perceive everything around him with precision.

Flames burst out of his hands, his hands were like guns, and his arms were raised flat, aiming at the mafia around him.


In just 15 seconds, a small scorched hole was punched out of the bodies of more than [-] strong mafias.

Seeing that there were still a few people still on the ground, Luffy didn't take back the flames, and continued to shoot a few more shots at the mafia who were still standing.

At this time, Cyclops had just stood up and ran into the hotel.

Robin, who was protecting the children at the side, saw the dumbfounded faces of the children, with the corners of their mouths turned up, and felt a strange sense of satisfaction for no reason.

"You!" As soon as Cyclops came back, he saw his brothers all fell to the ground, knowing that he had encountered a hard stubble, he turned around and ran outside.

 There are so few tickets today, do you still have any?

  Favorites, investments, Two-dimensional recommendations really seem useless, crying (;︵;`)

(End of this chapter)

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