Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 434 Final Battle (1)

Chapter 434 The Final Battle (1)

"Three Swords Technique. Qinglong Yin!!!"

With the sound of a dragon's roar that shook the sky, a huge flowing green dragon suddenly appeared in the sky above Mary Gioia. It was mighty and lifelike!

And Sauron's figure, accompanied by Haotian's Youlong, directly soared into the sky!

The three sword lights bloomed with varying degrees of fierce light, separating the world and hitting the sky directly!

Right in front of Sauron's attacking route, a young man from the Mozhi tribe suddenly stepped forward, drawing his hands in the air, as if drawing a bow.

From the hands of the young man Mozhi, a blood-red light suddenly radiated, and a bow and arrow made of magic vines appeared in the young man's hand instantly.

The sharp stabs covered the whole body of vines, and the sharpest point pointed directly at Sauron's body below.

"The bow and arrow of the red lotus!!!"

Following the boy's roar, there was an instant whoosh!
A vine arrow piercing through the air was shot out immediately!

Bang! ! !
The seemingly inconspicuous bow and arrow directly pierced the void, and in the blink of an eye, they had already arrived in front of Sauron!
A wave of air like a tsunami immediately frightened the four directions, and above the sky, a distorted cloud of smoke was shaken.

But Qinglong was easily resisted by the red lotus arrow!

"Good... what a powerful force!"

Sauron, whose attack was stopped, gritted his teeth violently, and let out a shocked murmur from the root of his teeth with a ferocious face.


Megatron Haotian's flowing water dragon suddenly shattered under the tiny red lotus arrow!
Sauron's figure also fell directly from the sky.

"Master Sauron!"

A crimson lightning flashed by, and Kebi came to Sauron's side in an instant, caught the downed Sauron, stepped on the moon steps, and returned to the ground in two or three strokes.

"Damn it..."

After landing, Sauron looked a little embarrassedly at the boy from the Mozhi clan who shot him down in the sky.

But at this moment, hundreds of figures gradually descended from the sky.

Everyone is wearing a white robe, pale complexion, the only thing that has color is their different hairstyles.

That icy young man descended suddenly, and behind him, ten figures followed him.

At this moment, behind the boy, a ripple suddenly appeared in the space.

In the ripples emerging from space folding, Im's figure gradually appeared.

Seeing Im, the boy instantly said dissatisfied:

"Im, that's the kind of thing, is it necessary to bring us and the two adults here!?"

While speaking, the boy swept towards Sauron again, and at the same time looked behind him.

A sixth-order early stage, several fifth-order, a group of fourth-order...

Such a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals is not as dangerous as Im said in the communication...

They Mozhizu came out in full force this time, and there were more than a dozen sixth-order existences alone.

Coupled with the two sixth-order peaks of the boy and Im, from the boy's point of view, this is simply hitting mosquitoes with cannons, it's unnecessary!
"Do not……"

Im, who just escaped from the aura like cold abyss and hell, shook his head lightly, and replied:

"The really powerful one is now confronting the two adults."

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Immediately after Im's voice fell, the most authoritative fortress of Mary Joya suddenly burst out a wild flame, filling the sky with a strange luster, completely covering the sun's halo and brilliance.

"Then... what is that!?"

The young man who was still full of arrogance just now turned around in an instant, his face changed rapidly, and he looked at the terrifying blazing flame in disbelief, and there was a sense of deep horror in his voice.

At this moment, he only felt that if the soaring flames rushed towards him, he might be directly burned into nothingness.

At this moment, Im's eyes were shaking, and a happy expression appeared on the surface.

Fortunately, he sent a distress signal to the group in advance, if not for now, he might have been reduced to ashes like the castle, and finally disappeared under the transpiration of the flames.

Thinking of this, Im felt that it was necessary for him to remind his clansmen, and immediately said:
"Be careful! That's... our enemy!"

Bang! ! !
Another explosive sound came out, and the sound wave was like a wave of tide, driving the monstrous heat, rushing towards the surroundings!

Under this manic impact, everyone present, including a dozen or so sixth-order existences from the Demon Plant Clan, were all blown away!

Above the sky, Sauron, who was protected by Keby, suddenly took out a walkie-talkie in the shape of a mobile phone from his arms, and shouted directly:
"Retreat! Everyone retreat!"

"The aftermath of Luffy's battle is too strong, you must not stay here!"

"Take all the slaves and Celestial Dragons, and go back to Murloc Island first!!!"

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Under the manic impact, the figures of soldiers fell from the air and fell to the ground like rain.

Fortunately, the protective clothing on them perfectly protected them.

And in their earphones, the voice of Sauron's order sounded immediately.

In an instant, the soldiers who moved again took a group of slaves and Tianlong people who could not fly, and flew towards the island suspended in the sky.

The white beard who also fell to the ground stood up staggeringly, his eyes widened, his beard shaking, and the expression on his face kept changing.

In the battle of the seventh-level powerhouse, even the sixth-level powerhouse can't get close, let alone him, the fifth-level white beard.


He still couldn't figure out why he, who was once the strongest man in the world, turned into a small fish and shrimp in the blink of an eye.

Such a huge sense of identity gap made him unable to let go of it for a long time.

"Father! Let's go! We're going back!!!"

But in the end, under the yell of Ace, White Beard reluctantly accepted this reality, stepped on the flying device of the battle suit, and flew to the high-altitude Murloc Island.

"Stop chasing!"

Im stopped the young man from the Mozhi tribe who was about to chase Sauron, stared at the raging flames, and said:
"The real battlefield is only here!"



Inside the tornado formed by the swirling crimson flames.

The corner of Lu Fei's mouth was lightly raised, and he stared at the huge Demon Plant Clan facing him with fists and fists. There was a brilliant luster in his jet-black eyes, and he said with some surprise:
"I didn't expect that the ability of the strongest Mozhi clan is so simple and unpretentious!"

Confronting Ivern with Luffy, completely unafraid of the blazing and high-temperature flames around him, Eternal's voice suddenly sounded.

"Strength... can only be divided into strong and weak!"

Call ~
All of a sudden!
From between Irving's eyes, a shocking aura, like a mountain, hit Luffy.

When Lu Fei saw this, a smile appeared in his deep eyes, and he was completely unwilling to be outdone, his eyes froze!
The domineering domineering look like a stormy sea forced towards Ion in an instant!

For a moment, the two spiritual powers stirred up terrifying waves of air in the sky, and went in all directions along the veins of the Red Earth Continent!

(End of this chapter)

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