Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 421 The Scary Spirit Coin

Chapter 421 The Scary Spirit Coin
And at this moment, it seemed that some barrier had been broken, and the passers-by on the street suddenly noticed the people in the starry sky standing in a daze on the street, as well as the huge ship that suddenly appeared and seriously blocked the traffic.

For some unknown reason, people instantly cast curious glances at Luffy and the others, their faces filled with surprised faces.

All of a sudden, it unexpectedly added another burst of color to this long-silent street.

Seeing the reactions of passers-by, Lu Fei rolled his eyes and immediately understood that the Spirit King should have given them some ability just now, making them lose all sense of existence.

But now that the spell disappeared, they, who were incompatible with this place, directly became the focus of the street.

Feeling the increasingly noisy atmosphere around him, Luffy didn't want to continue to stand here and be visited like an animal.

But they were newcomers, especially after seeing the strength of the Spirit King, they didn't dare to be presumptuous and release their domineering energy to disperse others.

Thinking of this, a strange capsule suddenly appeared in Lu Fei's palm.

Luffy didn't stop at all, and at the moment when Sauron and the others were at a loss, he threw the capsule directly at the Meili.

This is a space capsule from the Dragon Ball world that Luffy bought with the only remaining gold coins before entering the underworld. It can store a whole item in the capsule.


After a puff of gray smoke, the Golden Meri disappeared suddenly, and Luffy quickly winked at the crowd, leading them, and fled to the house alley, where there was no one.

The street became noisy in an instant, whether it was the sudden appearance of Luffy and the others, or the sudden disappearance of the ship, they all brought a novelty to the streets that have been like a day for hundreds of years.

at this time,

From the [Old John Technology Weapons Store] that Luffy just saw, a group of figures slowly came out.

The leader, with a treacherous face, looks like a sharp tongue, and his eyes are full of greed all the time.

A strong man behind him, seeing the direction in which Luffy and the others disappeared, stepped forward suddenly, showing golden yellow teeth, puffing out his cheeks like toads, and said softly:
"Brother Bica, I can see clearly!"

"The person holding it just now is definitely a space storage item, which can instantly disappear that boat. It looks like it's a high-end item!"

On Pika's face, those wolf-like pupils that had been shining brightly suddenly froze, looking straight at the quiet alley where Luffy and the others disappeared, suddenly grinned, and said indifferently:
"It seems that they don't know how to use such advanced things..."

When the strong man heard the words, he immediately understood, and his companion smiled and said:
"Then let us Bika Adventure Group help them make good use of it."


With a mixed buzzing sound, countless small holes suddenly appeared on the back of the strong man, and a large number of black bugs flew out of his body, chasing towards Luffy and the others.



After walking through the alley for a while, Lu Fei suddenly raised his hand, and slowly stopped in an open space surrounded by dilapidated residential buildings.

The few people in the starry sky also stamped their feet instantly, stepping on this puzzling land.


The air suddenly froze, and no one made a sound.

Everyone's mood was mixed, and they didn't know what to say at all...

At this moment, Usopp suddenly let out a gasp, breaking the silence instantly.


"I'm exhausted!!!"

As he said that, Usopp raised his arm as if he was really tired, wiped his forehead, revealed a row of white teeth, and said to Luffy with winking eyebrows:
"That's great, Luffy!"

"We have really come to Huangquan! And this world is much, much more exciting than we imagined!"

"It's time for the world to see the power of the Star Pirates!!!"

Speaking of this, Usopp suddenly stood up from the ground, with his hands wide open and his eyes closed, as if he was going to embrace the world, but he didn't step on his feet for a while, his body slipped, and he fell on the ground. on the ground.


Seeing Usopp's funny performance, the childlike Chopper suddenly couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Immediately afterwards, this laughter, like a fuse, instantly aroused the emotions of everyone in the starry sky.


A piece of joy resounded instantly in this quiet and deserted alley.

After a while, the laughter gradually faded away, and everyone in the starry sky regained their faces, just like their yearning for the mysterious world before they entered the underworld.

Luffy took a step forward suddenly, stomping his feet heavily on the ground, and the cloak behind him rose up without any wind, and then fluttered.

"Everyone, I can be sure and sure, this time, we are definitely in the right place!!!"

Following Luffy's opening, everyone's eyes instantly focused on him, with approval and expectation on their faces, waiting for his next words.

Luffy also continued to speak:
"Do you still remember the spirit coin that King Ling gave me just now!?"

Sauron replied instantly:

"That strange round thing!?"

After finishing speaking, there was a doubt on his face.

Although they were like the air just now, watching Luffy and Ling Wang talking to each other, but they also saw everything that happened just now.

It was after the appearance of the magical spirit coin that Luffy's mentality changed drastically.

Luffy grinned and said again:

"Then do you still remember what the Spirit King said?"

"Spirit coins are very common for the strong!"

Sanji on the side had already lit a cigarette at some point, and wearing a half-length red cloak, he approached slowly and said.

A mysterious smile suddenly bloomed on Lu Fei's face. Lu Fei pretended to be mysterious and began to make a long voice, saying to everyone:

"Then if I say, that one spirit coin can give us an increase close to the power of the Four Emperors!!!"

"What... what!!?"

"The Power of the Four Emperors!!?"

At this moment, everyone really couldn't be silent anymore, and everyone exclaimed loudly.

Luffy smiled and continued:

"Yes! The power of the Four Emperors!"

"Although I didn't use that spirit coin to bless myself just now, I can feel it..."

"It can at least increase my strength by 50.00%!"

With Luffy's current strength, the ability to remove the gloves and cloak, in terms of physical strength alone, is almost twice as much as Big Mom!
And the spiritual coin just now gave him the feeling that at least half of his physical fitness can be increased, that is, the strength of an aunt!


It is also possible that the spirit coin given to him by the spirit king is considered high-end, so the effect is more obvious.

But this also shows that things like spirit coins can directly strengthen the human body!



On the other side, the unknown land boundary.

King Ling sat alone somewhere, in front of him was a mist of water that rippled from time to time.

Above the water mist, all the encounters of Luffy and the others, as well as everything about the Bica adventure group that was eyeing them...

King Ling suddenly smiled, looked at Luffy who was shuttling through the alley, and whispered softly:
"It's amazing..."

"How can such a weak existence help me?"

"Destiny, did she lie again..."

(End of this chapter)

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