Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 416 The Power of the Underworld Fruit

Chapter 416 The Power of the Underworld Fruit

Hero Academy headquarters, the large meeting room on the top floor.

All the strong men who surrendered to Luffy came here one after another, and took their seats one after another in the established seats.

Several veteran Shichibukai representing personal forces, King Neptune of Murloc Island representing Shirahoshi, Vivi, Shiki and Fujitora representing the Hero Academy, Ace, Whitebeard representing the Ace Pirates, and Kerra representing Saab...

After hearing that Ace and Luffy met, Sabo also immediately searched for their location based on Ace's life paper.

Although at that time, Luffy and the others had already come to the sky.

But Sabo, who has always been smart, didn't have the slightest doubt, and directly relied on the jet power of the burning fruit flame to fly to the artificial sky island where Luffy and the others were.

After many years, the three separated brothers reunited again, directly bringing the entire Sky Island archipelago into a three-day and three-night carnival banquet mode.

But in the end, Sabo chose to leave here.


The Revolutionary Army needs his strength!
But before leaving, he left his best partner Kerra here, and told Luffy that if Luffy needs his strength, he will definitely drop everything to help Luffy!
At the same time, he also confessed: Kerla can make all decisions on his behalf.

And the moment they heard this sentence, the eyes of Luffy and Ace immediately changed, and they looked at Sabo and Krall with a story-telling look, directly making them both blush and dare not say more What.

Sabo left in a hurry, leaving the shy Krall alone.



After a moment.

Luffy led all members of the Star Pirates, including Meili and Wutian, to this meeting room.

Looking around, and looking at everyone's curious faces, Luffy didn't delay too long, and said straight to the point:

"I called everyone here today, mainly to announce a more important matter!"

Following Luffy's opening, everyone's confused thoughts were pulled back by him in an instant, and they all turned their heads to Luffy, waiting for his next announcement.

"Star Pirates, we..."

"Get out of here for a while!"

Swish it!
The entire meeting room suddenly fell silent, and a puzzled atmosphere immediately filled the entire space.

At this moment, not to mention them, even the members of the Star Pirates who were called suddenly looked at Luffy with some doubts.

Originally, their current power can be said to be thriving.

It is estimated that in one or two years, it will have the power to absolutely crush the world government.

The personal strength of their pirate group will reach the peak level of the world.

At that time, it should be the time for them to step into the starry sky and face the mysterious power.

And now, it is the beginning of all plans, no matter from which point of view, Luffy should not choose to let go at this time.


Luffy is a lone cloud in the sky.

What he decides will not be bound by anything.

What's more, now that the Starry Sky Group has started to proceed according to the plan, having him is just a little more peace of mind.

After a long time, Weiwei, who still knew Lu Fei's character well, was the first to ask:

"Luffy, when you say leaving, you mean..."

While speaking, Weiwei's eyes rolled up unconsciously, looking at Lu Fei's eyes with a hint of meaning.

Lu Fei, who understood Weiwei's meaning, shook his head lightly, and said to those present:

"This time, we are not going to the universe above the sky..."

After Luffy explained the definition and vastness of the universe, as well as the various incredible races that exist in the universe, this huge force formed around the [starry sky] also has a formal and clear goal...

That is to set foot on the vast and boundless world and take a look!
None of you here is the kind of stable person who can accept a corner of peace.

These people can't accept it even more, they themselves are just an insignificant dust!

So after learning about Luffy's plan, they also set their goal as that unreachable existence.

Also until then.

The high-level members of the Ace Pirates really understood what Luffy said in Marin Fando.

After Luffy looked around for a week, no one spoke, so he continued:

"The specific location is not very convenient to tell everyone here."

"But I think it must be a very magical place!"

While speaking, Luffy turned his gaze to Jinbei again, and said directly to him:

"At that time, I will take Rab away with me. You ask Bai Xing to find a few super-large Neptunes, and they will be responsible for the marching of the Murloc Island."

Hurry up!

Luffy put his palms together directly, as if he had finished all the things he wanted to express.

"Well, that's all I have to say."

"Next, let's exchange work plans and opinions with each other!"

"Don't forget, there is only one goal for us!!!"

Suddenly, Lu Fei condensed his eyes again, slapped his hands on the table, leaned forward with his body propped up, and said to everyone in a deep voice:
"That is……"

"Pierce the sky!!!"


"Jie ha ha ha... The last sentence still suits the old man's heart."

"咈咈咈咈... I'm really curious about Mr. Luffy's actions this time."

"Damn it, can't I see Robin again!?"



As Luffy's voice fell, the meeting room gradually became lively.

The people here are all kinds of strange things, there are good people, bad people, revolutionaries, and ambitious people...

Each of them also has their own ideas and purposes.

But here in Luffy, here in the starry sky...

They all began to work hard and struggle for a goal!


After some discussion.

The conference room gradually became quiet, but Lu Fei and others also disappeared from everyone's eyes.

In fact, they had already discovered the exit of the Star Pirates.

But they all acted as if none of this had happened.

Luffy has left the road and method to them, if they can't make any more achievements, then they themselves will cut off that great ambition.

Because the weak...

Unworthy of ambition!

Until today, these forces attached to the name of the starry sky have really been twisted into one force.

In the past, they only needed to obey orders to see hope.

Now, they will start to actively seek reliable partners.


When Luffy returns from this adventure, what awaits him may be an unexpected one——Pirate World!


Above the sea, the members of the Star Pirates gathered on the deck of the Meili, enjoying the sailing time that they haven't seen for a long time.

Rab, whose body was already comparable to a giant island, was directly taken into the Poké Ball by Luffy.

Including Mei Li and Wu Tian, ​​they have all entered the small red and white sphere.

After all, Luffy has no way of guessing what will happen next, so the safety of the partners must be put first.

In this way, the Golden Meri came to a lonely sea of ​​absolute silence under the manipulation of Miss Nami, a navigator who hadn't left the mountain for a long time.

On the deck, everyone gathers.

Luffy and Brook looked at each other and nodded in confirmation.

Afterwards, Luffy suddenly spoke, and said to everyone in the starry sky with a smile:
"You must be very curious, right?"

"A new adventure is about to begin..."

"I don't know my friends, are you ready!?"

"What... what adventure!?"

Hearing Luffy asking everyone, he immediately asked curiously.

With their current strength, there should be nothing in the Pirate World that would make them feel novel.

And Luffy also said at the meeting that they will not go to the starry sky at this time.

Looking at the bewildered eyes of everyone, Luffy smiled mysteriously, took a sudden step diagonally, let Brook's body out, and faced everyone directly.

All eyes were on him in an instant.

"Yo ho ho ho ~"

Facing the eyes of everyone, Brook didn't feel the slightest surprise. First he let out a habitual laugh, and then he began to slowly unbutton his clothes.

Seeing this scene, Sauron was stunned for a moment, as if thinking of something, just like Luffy's expression when he heard the news at the beginning, he asked incredulously:
"Could it be... that!?"

"That's right!"

Brook's face darkened instantly, and he said in a mysterious voice:

"The awakening of the fruit of the underworld, and Bengyu's power to turn fantasies into reality..."

"I have already found the way for the living to lead to the underworld!"

(End of this chapter)

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