Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 414 Changes

Chapter 414 Changes
In the new world, in a sea where lightning, thunder and thunder intersect, and squalls and storms are endless.

On top of the thick dark clouds that are almost close to the sea.

The island of nine snakes, the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, the Kingdom of Dressrosa, and the country of Wano are floating above the clouds.

Surrounded and protected by these four huge islands, it is the main area where the justice group headed by Weiwei works - the headquarters of the Hero Academy!

Countless righteous people receive the strictest training and the most systematic teaching here.

Whether it's strength, skills, or knowledge...

Everything you want is here! ! !
Professional guidance from the strong, occasional devil fruit scholarships, advanced combat uniforms tailor-made for scientific research troops...

These have greatly stimulated these teenagers who came to sign up, no matter because of their dreams or honors!

And on the outskirts of these five main islands, there are dozens of uninhabited small islands, large and small, connected by gorgeous water lines, guarding the surroundings of the main islands.

With the help of the scientific research troops of the Republic of Goa, Wano Country, which was once ruled by Kaido and Black Charcoal Orochi and lacked food, has also changed its appearance.

The Republic of Goa, inspired by Luffy's thoughts, has made rapid progress in the agricultural technology tree.

It is not easy to fill the stomachs of people on an island!

Coupled with Wano Country's desire and cherishment of food, the entire Wano Country has become a food-rich country in a short period of time!
He even took charge of the food supply to other islands.

And the Kingdom of Dressrosa, ruled by Mingo, also liberated the ordinary residents who were turned into dolls and the enslaved little people under the request of Luffy's seemingly persuading, but actually ordered.

As for those unfortunate pirates, of course they should do whatever they want.

From the day you decide to go to sea, you are doomed to be responsible for yourself.

No one will pity a weakling who has great ambitions but fails.

Winner and loser, this is the truest truth!
In addition to supplying agricultural and scientific research forces during the war, Luffy also ordered to provide research and development forces in all fields such as handicrafts, light industry, heavy industry, and non-staple food.

Strive to build the entire [Sky City] into a self-sufficient ecological city.

Indigo, the original subordinate of Caesar, Gage, Hobuck, and the Golden Lion, and now a member of the scientific research department of the Hero Academy, several outstanding scientists were called out to set up a special scientific research team to conduct research on Tianlong. Studies of human serum.

And Luffy also unreservedly introduced the particularity of the Celestial Dragon blood to them.

Doing human experiments with Gaji's cloning technology is also a small regression in terms of humanitarianism.

Of course, this is just what it looks like.

Which human experiment is not cruel and cold, it is just the only way for scientific research.

As long as this cruel side is not made public, who will care about it!

If it is really possible to find out the reason why people become stronger in the blood of Tianlongren through the power of science.

It is estimated that the names of these few people, at least in the world of pirates, will become famous through the ages.

For a scientist, this is simply a huge temptation!

Nothing makes a scientist more excited than being recognized by the world for his scientific research achievements!

And it was during the period when the Star Pirates were coordinating everything and conducting large-scale intensive training.

The sea was completely boiling.

People suddenly discovered that, as if overnight, the three four emperors suddenly lost contact!
Any news about them and their pirate group has disappeared!
Some forces that are still on good terms with the aunt braved the courage to go to Cake Island.

But in the end, I only saw the ruins of the cake castle full of ruins.

And from the words of some residents of Cake Island, I learned that a terrible battle took place in Cake Castle that day.

Associating this point, they immediately realized that there must be some person or organization that solved all the three emperors of the sea in a short period of time.

For some reason, every time they think of these things, the boy with the white beard who easily defeated him in front of the whole world, and the forces behind him, can't help but sound in their minds.

After boiling, the sea fell into silence again!
The whole world suddenly fell silent.

Obviously, the disappearance of the three and four emperors has left many unowned lands on the sea.

But at this moment, there is no one party that dares to take the lead and do this early bird.

The defeat of a four emperors is a change of the times.

The defeat of a group of four emperors, that is the era, is exploding! ! !

And then, something even more terrifying happened!

As a sign of entering a new world, the fish-man island that fascinated countless adventurers has also disappeared.

Soon, unbelievable news came one after another!

All Qiwuhai disappeared overnight.

But that's not really shocking news.

After all, in the eyes of the world, the Seven Martial Seas come and go without a trace, and there is no fixed and reliable information.

But from the navy, such news gradually came out:
The Dressrosa ruled by Amayasha Doflamingo, the Nine Snake Island ruled by the Empress Hancock, and the terrifying three-masted sailing ship ruled by Moonlight Moria, these three have been monitored and investigated by the World Government from time to time. The island on the island disappeared from the world with the disappearance of several Shichibukai.

This time, it was no longer just a few people, but thousands of people...

But several huge, extremely targeted islands! ! !

The weird atmosphere is suppressed above the entire sea.

Whether it is the navy or the pirates, at this moment, they dare not set foot on the sea easily.

All these events seem to have a pair of big hands that can control the world, manipulating everything in the dark.

Even the Navy Headquarters, which was making a fuss about the change of marshal, was completely quiet at this time.



Mary Joa, in the temple of the Celestial Dragons.

Symbolizing the highest throne of power, Im showed a dull face as always, looking down at Wulaoxing who was kneeling on the ground, expressionless.

And the five old stars below, as if they didn't see Im's expression at all, were still chattering and reporting something.


They did not see Im's expression at this time.

After all, from the first moment Im appeared, they had habitually knelt down and did not dare to look up at the terrifying existence.

After a while, everything that happened on the sea was reported by the five old stars one after another.

Im still had an expression of indifference, that is, Mu Nai for a long time, which had already made him lose his mind to move.

Otherwise, he would definitely yawn at this time, to show that he has no interest in these thoughts.

After all, their cooperation is about to reach the agreed time!

He didn't want to waste any extra minutes with these guys for a long time!

A bunch of ignorant, helpless trash...



"Jie hee hee..."

"I really didn't expect that this day would come so suddenly!"

On a small island suspended in the sky controlled by the Golden Lion, Moriah uttered a vicious smile that made one tremble uncontrollably at Kaido's body.

Looking at Moria's satisfying expression of desire.

Luffy on the side thought for a while, and finally let go of the arm that wanted to break him.

Let this poor child be presumptuous for a while longer.

Fortunately, Moria, whose ideal has been sublimated, did not dwell on the past for too long.

After all, this hatred was not accomplished by his own strength.

His strength is still so weak.

However, in front of the starry sky, it doesn't matter anymore.

After seeing the wider world, he is no longer the same.

Strength is sometimes diverse!
A huge sharp knife was handed over by a huge zombie at the side.

And he began to unleash the full power of the fruit, and stretched those evil big hands under Kaido who was still in a coma.

"Jie hee hee hee..."

(End of this chapter)

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