Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 387 Conquering Seven Wuhai

Chapter 387 Subduing the Seven Martial Seas

"I see……"

"It seems that they have a lot of things and didn't tell me this 'outsider'!"

Seeing that everyone turned their attention to him again, Doflamingo thought for a while, and said without emotion:
"It seems that I am no longer regarded as the same type of person by them..."


With a deep laugh, Brother Ming continued to talk about the information from his side:

"The remaining things are very interesting, don't be too surprised!!"

"I actually got all this information from the apostles of the previous generation, the red-haired Shanks who is now one of the Four Emperors!!!"


"You mean that redhead, he's also a Celestial Dragon!!?"

Brother Ming threw out another shocking news, completely messing up the scene.

Even Lu Fei didn't expect that the red-haired man would be a Celestial Dragon! ! ?
A Celestial Dragon who traveled around the world with Roger and became the top pirate! ! !
Seeing everyone's expressions, Doflamingo just gently covered the branded totem on his wrist, and didn't care about everyone's surprise, and continued directly:

"The red-haired information was given to him by the Pirate King, Gore D. Roger!"

"There is information about Radruf, the end of the great route!"

"La... Radluff!!?"

In just ten seconds, Doflamingo dropped one bomb after another, completely blowing the weak hearts of several people.

Doflamingo gave a sinister smile, seeming to enjoy everyone's expressions.


"Everyone here, there should be no one who doesn't know the history text!?"

Everyone who was immersed in the news just nodded their heads slightly this time, expressing affirmation to Doflamingo, without saying anything more.

Everyone is paying attention, looking forward to what Brother Ming will continue to say!
Gossip is the fourth instinct of human beings!

"In Radluff, there is such a piece of historical text that records important information!"

"According to my guess just now, the historical text there is very likely to be the owner of this diary, or he ordered others to make it!!!"

"Tianlong people, twenty royal families, represent twenty divinities!"

"In the blood of every Tianlong race, there is its own divinity."

"Divinity can be guided, but it cannot be destroyed!"

"And the divinity of the Don Quixote family is imprinted in the bones - kindness!"


Seeing the unbelievable gazes of others, Brother Ming suddenly smiled and explained:

"Everyone, don't doubt..."

"Because I am special!"

Then he went on to say:

"The five old stars who obey the unknown existence, perhaps in order to prevent the divinity in Tianlong's blood from awakening, chose to instill all anti-divinity knowledge and behavior habits in it."

"It's the one who formed the deformity now - the Celestial Dragon Man!"

"30 years ago..."

Doflamingo's voice suddenly sank, and the atmosphere of the entire meeting also became silent.

"My parents, relying on the kindness in their blood, spontaneously broke free from that illusory world."

"They realized the hypocrisy of the Tianlong people, and tried to see the real world in vain."

"It's a pity that I didn't know until a long time later...

"At that time, my father's awakening was too obvious, and he had already attracted the attention of all Mary Joya's eyes."

"For the sake of concealment and protection, those Tianlong people who had already awakened did not lend a helping hand to our family!"


Doflamingo's expression suddenly turned ferocious, as if thinking of something bad, the domineering aura on his body unconsciously turned outward, releasing a thick evil aura! ! !

"I hate all Draconians!!!"

A fierce domineering energy suddenly gushed out from Brother Ming's body, just like the empress did just now, and charged towards the entire hall.

Only this time, Luffy didn't try to stop it, but chose to let the evil aura fill the space.

Because Luffy knows that the pain of losing his parents can change a person into any shape, and it is not surprising!

After a long time, the surging feathers on Brother Ming's body slowly floated down.

Brother Ming put one elbow on the table, covered his eyes under the sunglasses with his hands, and sighed softly:
"Sorry, I lost my temper."


After a moment of silence, Doflamingo continued to speak:
"Afterwards, in order to live an ordinary life, my father led our family and moved out of Mariejoia."


"The peaceful life has not passed for a long time. I don't know who has revealed the identity of our Tianlong people!"

"A large group of people who were once persecuted by the Tianlong people found us..."

"Two years later, my mother who lived in the slums left us because of illness..."

Silent tears flowed down Brother Ming's eyes.

No matter how cruel a man is, he will have his vulnerable side.

And mother is Brother Ming's weakness!
Everyone acted as if they hadn't seen it, their expressions didn't change at all, and they continued to quietly listen to the man's story.

After a long time, Brother Ming broke away from his memory and continued:

"Later, I established the Don Quixote family."

"Soon, a man wearing a black cloak found me!"

"He is the red-haired Shanks!"

"At that time, he was just a young man a little older than me, and he hadn't even become a pirate yet."

"He said he had his mission and I had mine. After briefly explaining the situation of the Celestial Dragons to me, he left me this cross pattern on his wrist and left without leaving me any useful information. .”

"This farewell will last for decades!"

"Until the day Roger was executed, we met again."

"It was also at that time that he told me everything he knew."

"According to what he said, in Radluff's historical text, there is a record that may break all of this!"

"Before the final battle, one of the ancient God of War's subordinates—a person with the ability to predict the fruit—had predicted their fiasco and what would happen after the fiasco.

"Therefore, at the cost of his life, this capable person has left the last prophecy turning point for this world!"

"[Time changes, freedom and liberation!]"

"【The Chosen One will become the new king of the sea, and at the cost of his life, bring the seeds of hope to the world.】"

"[The free anti-blood man, open the door of the last era, and in the name of darkness, disrupt all the order of the world!]"

"[The high-profile child of the world, burst out with unexpected amazing power!]"

"[Growing buds, integrate the power of the new generation, and become the main force to break the barrier!]"

"[Everything, for Dawn!]"

"This is all the information left by the person with the ability to predict the fruit."

"It's a pity that at the end of the prophecy, he didn't explain the outcome of the war."

"At the same time, the strongest war god of the Tianlong clan also knows that they will lose this battle."

"So he left the prophesied 【Seed of Hope】!"

"He asked another subordinate to use a magical ability called time fruit to transport some outstanding young members of the twenty royal family to 20 years later, so as to avoid the horrible war that wiped out the whole world !"

"These young people are ordered not to spread any information related to the enemy, and they don't need to take revenge!"

"In the end, they even used the memory fruit to clear all the war-related memories in their minds!"

"The Tianlong who forgot everything, under the guidance of the subconscious, scattered all over the world, went to the countryside to do as the Romans do, and left the last hope for the Tianlong God Clan!"

"Even in order to prevent others from finding out, these people all changed their surnames and first names that they were originally proud of."

"The only imprint left is the dawn [Dawn] that symbolizes breaking the darkness——[D]!!!"



After Doflamingo told everything he knew, he looked in Luffy's direction.

Of course, he didn't say anything about some irrelevant things, such as his killing his father and brother.

As early as a few years ago, based on the kindness of the Don Quixote family, he speculated that the anti-blood person should be an existence that is contrary to the family's divinity.

Just like his past, bearing the kind name of Don Quixote, he became the most evil person.

Therefore, in his prediction, free anti-blood should represent unfreedom—rule!
The new king of the sea, referring to Roger, started the era of great pirates at the cost of his life!
So after learning that Luffy formed a hero force, he thought that Luffy's road to rule had already begun.

But in fact, it's just the opposite.

In Luffy's body, he didn't feel any desire to conquer!

That's why he suddenly left in disappointment that day.

However, it doesn't matter anymore!

Because he discovered that the prophecy seemed to have been broken!
Although the direction of the world, there are still places that match the prophecy.

But for prophecy, as long as there is a mistake in one place, everything after that will have no reference value!
So starting from the second sentence of the prophecy, this prophecy has lost its meaning of existence.

The scene became quiet again, and everyone had different expressions on their faces.

Only Luffy is still in a state of contemplation.

The second sentence of the prophecy obviously refers to Blackbeard, which broke the era of Whitebeard's rule and brought new waves to the sea.

And the remaining two sentences should all be about "Luffy" on the original timeline.

After all, he is the protagonist!

But, everything is different now!
Luffy suddenly raised his eyes, and there was an interesting gleam in his bright eyes.

He likes interesting things.

Seeing Lu Fei's confident face, Brother Ming suddenly turned up the corners of his mouth, revealing a wicked smile.

It was because he discovered this about Luffy that he chose to tell all of this!
As proud as he is, how can he completely follow the established route of others!
When there is no hope, he has other concerns.

But Luffy, who opened up the era of the big universe, let him see...

A whole new world!

A more interesting world! ! !

With a faint smile, Luffy suddenly said:
"Everything is as expected..."

With an outside perspective, he has long planned several paths for this historical story.

Although not exactly the same, but relatively, the truth did not affect his next plan.

I saw Lu Fei gently put his hands on the table, and said to everyone who was still in shock:

"Everyone, now that the story is over."


"We're going to talk about something serious!"


Hancock, who hadn't fully recovered from the history, was puzzled in a daze.

However, other than Hancock, the other Shichibukai suddenly stood up from their chairs as if they had been prepared, and retreated to the open space behind the conference table.

Hancock, who was a little confused, had no choice but to go with the flow, and walked over with a few people in a daze.

Luffy also stood up from the chair, looked at the strong men on the opposite side of the sea, a smile appeared in his deep eyes, and said slowly:

"As I said before, the world is big!"

"And the future is unpredictable!"

"So in order not to let the things I don't want to see happen, I decided to expand the influence of the Star Pirates on this planet and expand my influence!"

"But the power of the starry sky, not everyone can join!"

"I need manpower, with extraordinary potential, manpower worthy of my cultivation!"

"You guys are all strong men who have dominated the sea for many years. I need such power!"

"I don't know how many of you, do you have any thoughts on this!?"

Luffy's voice just fell, and he didn't wait for others to react.

As if he had been ready for a long time, Moriah couldn't wait to kneel down on one knee, his huge body bent down directly, and his huge garlic-shaped head went down, and said to Luffy in a trembling voice:
"Moria and the Moonlight Pirates are willing to join Starry Sky and serve Mr. Luffy!!!"

Moria, who had been prepared for this, did not hesitate at all.

Because he knows that the possibility of Luffy is too huge!
After separating from Luffy, he realized how terrifying the growth rate in those few years was!
So this time, he will never give up any chance! ! !

Crocodile also followed closely behind, kneeling down and saying without the slightest sloppiness:
"Crocodile, willing to work for the Star Pirates!"

As an executive of the Hero Academy, he is already a member of Luffy.

So for this point, he has nothing to think about.

As for why Moriah is one step behind?
Mainly, to bring a rhythm!


Doflamingo let out a sinister laugh for a moment, but imitated the way of the two of them, and slowly knelt down on one knee.

"It's this feeling of being in the center of the era, it's too much, it's fascinating!"

"The Don Quixote family is willing to serve the starry sky!"

"Mr. Luffy, don't let me down..."

"Let's wait and see!"

Luffy replied firmly, and then turned his gaze to Hancock, the empress who haunted all the men in the sea.

"Boa Hancock, we are also old friends, I know you are different from them..."

"So this time, you can decide according to your own ideas!"

"my thoughts……"

Hancock pursed his lower lip, showing a seductive gesture, slowly raised his head, stared at Luffy with solemn but charming bright eyes and asked:

"I want to know, if you can really break through that barrier, how would you deal with the Celestial Dragons!!?"

 Wait for Oda to slap your face, but that will be ten years later!
(End of this chapter)

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