Chapter 372

Outside the sea area not far from Marin Vanduo.

A group of Blackbeard Pirates were lying half-lying on a naval warship covered in blood.

At this time, Blackbeard Titch also looked like he had just experienced a big battle, closing his eyes and holding his breath, recharging his energy.

"Cough! Cough!..."

at this time!

A weak coughing sound suddenly came from the other end of the warship!
Blackbeard suddenly opened his eyes, and looked in the direction of the voice in disbelief!
The corners of his mouth trembled slightly, and he muttered in disbelief:


"Why isn't he dead yet!?"

Shiliu of the Rain, who fell beside Blackbeard, also pulled out the demon sword in his hand at the moment the sound appeared.

In an instant, a blood-colored fierce light flashed across the blade.

"Then... kill him again!!!"


Even with such a cautious blade, it still couldn't change the nervous expression on Shiliu's face.

After all, the battle just now really made him a little powerless.

Beside the two were the members of the Blackbeard Pirates lying all over the ground, and the villains who had just been brought out by Blackbeard from the deep sea prison.

It's just that they, who usually show off their power, now have white eyes, mouths that are weakly opened slightly, and there are countless black fist marks all over their bodies!

"thief hahaha..."

Blackbeard stood up again, seeing the burly figure staggering towards him from the other end of the deck, he laughed without showing any timidity, and said:

"As expected of a former admiral! He was able to fight to such an extent!"

"Would you like to consider joining us and make a mess of him together!!!"

"thief hahahaha..."

Seeing Zefa's physical exhaustion, Blackbeard's heart was completely at ease, and he even started to joke about the former general.


Zefa, who was seriously injured, suddenly stomped his feet and coughed up a big mouthful of blood again.

The blurred eyes raised his head with all his strength, glaring at Blackbeard and Shiliu of the Rain in front of him.

Originally, he received an order from the Warring States Period, saying that the Star Pirates might take advantage of the war to invade the deep sea prison.

So he was sent to lead a ship of the navy to set off in the direction of the deep sea prison, and together with the defense force of the city, they resisted the Star Pirates.

But who knows...

He had just left the sea area of ​​Marlin Vanduo, and before he had walked halfway, he encountered a group of black beards flying over him with a group of criminals and prisoners.

Zefa, who had zero tolerance for pirates, immediately used the super powerful moon steps, flew into the sky in two or three steps, and came under the Blackbeard Pirates.

Immediately afterwards, Zefa did not say a word, and directly smashed the tornado with one move, smashing their flying pirate ship into pieces!
Because of this, Blackbeard and Zefa collided.

However, because of Zefa's proficiency in mastering the six naval styles, he does not have any requirements for the terrain in battle!

But Blackbeard and his gang could only stand on half of the deck of their dilapidated ship, fighting against Zefa.

Enilu, who is good at using the thunderous fruit, was directly restrained by Zefa's Hailou Stone and Iron Wall Crusher.

Coupled with Zefa's rich combat experience, he had no chance at all, and Zefa was the first to be beaten out of the game!

As for those criminals, they can still be regarded as figures in the sea, but the vision of Zefa, the former general, is not worth mentioning at all!
There were even a few people inside, who were arrested by Zefa himself! ! !

The original members of the Blackbeard Pirates were even more like ants. In the aftermath of the battle, they were directly shaken out of the battlefield and passed out completely.

The only ones who can fight against Zefa are Blackbeard and Shiliu, the guardian of the long rain before advancing to the city.

In addition, Zefa is a pure physique user, and has an arm that restrains ability users.

It was extremely difficult for Blackbeard and Zefa to fight against each other!
Fortunately, even in a pure physical competition, Blackbeard is no worse than Zefa!

What's more, there is a great swordsman on the side to help.

After a dark battle between the three of them, in the end, Blackbeard endured twice the pain, exchanged injury for injury, defeated Zefa, and Shiliu made up the knife.


Before the two of them rested for 5 minutes, Zefa stood up again!
"Join you guys!? Be a pirate!?"

"Cough cough!!"

"Are you... are you kidding me!!!"

Zefa used the last ounce of strength, and suddenly raised the huge iron-arm pulverizer above his left hand.

The front end of the grinder was aimed directly at the two Blackbeards!
Zefa's arm, which was equipped with the pulverizer, also suddenly began to tremble violently.

Even with that, Zefa's body and the deck under his feet began to vibrate!

From the hole of the pulverizer, a violent light burst out suddenly!

This is the distorted light produced by the accumulation of a large amount of energy!

In the world of pirates, science is also a terrifying force!

"Go to hell!!! Pirates!!!"


boom! ! !
A gust of wind pressure suddenly shot out from the pulverizer!
The mighty power sprayed out a stream of sawdust flying directly on the deck of the warship.

"thief hahaha..."

Blackbeard looked at Zefa's attack, which he could only use mechanically, and immediately figured out his true situation.

His arrogant personality once again made him choose to face this shocking blow head-on!
The astonishingly powerful wind pressure cannon came to Blackbeard in an instant, but he suddenly raised his hands in front of him and shouted:

"Liberation of Darkness!!!"

All of a sudden!
A black mist soaring into the sky suddenly spewed out from Heibeard's body!

A large number of sundries fell from the black mist in an orderly manner, resisting in front of him!

The wind-pressure heavy cannon from the pulverizer instantly bombarded these debris, directly crushing these already dilapidated objects into debris!

It's just that the energy released by the wind pressure is not as terrifying as it was at the beginning!

Shilieu of the Rain drew out the demon sword in an instant, and the bloody light flashed under the blazing blue sky!

A bloody sword qi surged out suddenly, and collided with the wind pressure heavy cannon!
Phew... Boom! ! !

The sword qi and the wind pressure confronted each other for less than a second, and they suddenly exploded at the same time!
The impact of the collision once again rolled up those sundries and swung them towards the sea beyond the warship.


After one blow, Zefa suddenly half-kneeled to the ground.

The counter-shock force of the pulverizer just now made him lose the last bit of physical strength.

Now he really has no ability to fight anymore.

"Is this the end..."

The weak Zefa sighed softly.

He doesn't want to end his life like this, he wants to kill more pirates...


There is no way!
His body no longer allowed him to continue.

Sometimes, he really envied that guy Garp.

Even though they are the same age, their strength has not decreased in the slightest.


We haven't fought together for many years, and I don't know if Garp has become stronger again!

I really don't know... what he ate to grow up...

"thief hahaha..."

Blackbeard took strides in all directions, and after a big laugh, he was about to walk in the direction of Zefa.

A voice suddenly came from above the heads of the two of them!

"Wait! Mr. Franky!"

"I smell it, the power of darkness!"

(End of this chapter)

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