Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 369 The top war

Chapter 369 The top war

"Rescue Captain Marco!!!"

"Come on someone!!! Carry him to a safe place!! He's going to die!!!!"

"The shells are coming! Be careful to dodge!"


boom! …………

The base of the Naval Headquarters, Marine Vandeau.

This day is a lively day, and it is also a day destined to be recorded in history!
Hundreds of thousands of naval officers gathered here, just to stop the attack of a pirate group!
A pirate group with sixteen squads, each with more than 1000 members, and commanding 43 pirate groups that are considered to be the strongest among the strongest in the new world!
The Whitebeard Pirates Group has a total of more than 1600 elite pirates!

Each of them has the strength of tens of millions of rewards!
Each one, placed on the ordinary sea, is a strong man in command.

And now in Whitebeard, the Four Emperor Pirates, they are nothing more than cannon fodder among cannon fodder!
It's all because the stars here are too shining! ! !

The captains of the sixteen squadrons, each one is a terrifying existence that can frighten one side in the new world!
There are 43 captains, each of whom is an outstanding figure who has shocked the world in the new world.

In front of these people, the billion-level pirates are nothing but cannon fodder!



In the battlefield, the ants-like navy and pirates fought desperately, with rivers of blood and mountains of broken limbs. The scene was extremely tragic!

But this is war...

Ruthless war!
In the rear of the battlefield, Shichibukai and a group of admirals guarded one side alone.

However, only the lieutenant generals of the navy were the ones who really played their part.

Most of Qiwuhai just watched the horror of the hell on earth as if they were watching a play.

"A lot of corpses!!! I'm going to get rich this time!!! Hee hee hee..."

"Moria, this time the zombies should be cheaper for me!"

"Come on, Doflamingo! You'd better pay me the last payment of the Tailed Beast Zombie first!!!"


"You are really ruthless, Moriah!"

"It's not because of your Mr. Luffy, the war business of the Great Airline is getting harder and harder!"


"Speaking of which, Starry Sky Pirates should not miss such a big scene today..."

"Hey... I heard that the captain of Whitebeard Pirates and Monkey D. Luffy are sworn brothers!"

"I just don't know if he will come to help his brother finish this battle.

"Monkey D. Luffy's thoughts, I can't understand at all..."


On the fort, the two warmongers, Moria and Doflamingo, were like old friends, and they didn't have the slightest idea of ​​participating in the battle and helping the navy.

Because of Jinbei's war of resistance and Blackbeard's disappearance, there were only five Shichibukai who were actually present.

The corners of Crocodile's ears twitched slightly, he really didn't know that both Moria and Doflamingo were similar to his boss!
But Hawkeye, who was beside the two, heard the conversation between the two, but his body suddenly shook for a moment.

The originally loose eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, and the eyes looked towards the distant sea, the corners of the mouth raised, and whispered softly:

"Monkey D. Luffy..."

"That means you'll come too, won't you?"

"Roronoa Sauron!!!"

An unparalleled fighting spirit was suddenly released from Hawkeye's body!

The black figure flashed, and Hawkeye, who couldn't control himself, jumped directly from the fort into the crowd of pirates!
He needs blood, to calm him down...

And the other Shichibukai left almost at the same time and arrived at a certain place on the battlefield in an instant.

"Aromatic Feet!"

Suddenly, a graceful figure popped out of a group of female marines who were about to be surrounded by pirates!

In just a few seconds, Hancock turned all the pirates surrounding the group of female sailors into rock sculptures with love in their eyes.

Hancock raised his legs and stood in front of the female sailors. With his own majestic beauty, he immediately frightened away a large number of New World pirates who tried to approach.

"Lord Hancock!!!"

The rescued female sailors immediately shouted respectfully when they saw the person coming.

Hancock glanced back at the people of the Amazon Kingdom with a complicated expression, opened his pretty mouth slightly, and ordered softly:

"You guys, retreat to the back of the team first, this war is not for you to participate in!"

"But, Lord Hancock!"

As soon as the Queen's words fell, someone in the crowd immediately began to retort:

"My lord, it is the duty of the navy to uphold justice!"

"To shut up!!!"

An overlord's power was suddenly released from Hancock's body, overwhelming these female soldiers who were sent by the Amazon kingdom to serve as navy.

"Think about your identities!"

"Whether you want to be a citizen of Amazon, or a running dog of the world government, it's up to you!!!"

Hancock, who was talking back to his own people for the first time, immediately scolded angrily!


The female soldiers fell into a brief silence, but in the end, they still buried their heads and walked towards the rear of the team to a safe position.

Hancock's eyes were filled with anger, and he stared at the Admiral Sengoku who stood firmly on the high platform, showing his teeth, gritted his teeth viciously and said:
"Marshal of the Warring States Period, you guys are really good at it..."



"Rubber Rubber—Beastmaster Fist!!!"

A layer of purple-black armed domineering, attached to Ace's huge arm.

Ace, who has already entered the fourth gear state, is in this battlefield, as if entering the land of no one, sweeping the entire battlefield like a brute force!

boom! ! !
A huge fist pressed against the marble floor of the Navy Headquarters, and spider web-like cracks stretched from the concentration point of Ace's attack to the periphery in an instant.

The terrifying impact force directly knocked the surrounding naval officers into the air more than ten meters away!
For a moment, Ace's location formed a vacuum, and no one could enter it half an inch!

The ferocious domineering pattern is attached to both sides of Ace's cheeks, and his eyes are staring blankly.

The marines standing in the distance who were not affected by the terrifying blow just now were all under Ace's sight at this moment, feeling boundless timidity, not daring to touch the Venerable Wrath Demon!


Just as a group of marines were hesitating whether to advance, a voice that was already dark but still mighty, resounded over the Marin Vanduo Square.

After one blow, after opening up a day's rescue path for his companions, Ace also suddenly jumped, and the whole person leaped far backwards!


Ace, who came directly in front of Whitebeard, looked a little dignified, and asked in a deep voice to Whitebeard:

"Any instructions?"

While speaking, Ace's eyes were still fixed on the high platform in the distance, the purple figure, the captain of the Whitebeard Second Team "Phoenix" Marko.

Whitebeard squinted at Ace, and then turned his gaze to the deterrent damage caused by Ace's heavy blow just now.

Even he, the Four Emperors, couldn't help but sigh at this moment...

Ace's growth rate is really too fast!
Maybe in a few years, he can really take over his position!

Roger, your bloodline is really terrifying!

However, now...

he is my son!

"Goo la la la la..."

Whitebeard suddenly smiled horizontally, and his huge body trembled wildly like a hill, as if he had encountered something interesting.

"Ace, well done!!!"

The bold and unrestrained voice with a hint of arrogance sounded again.

White Beard raised the big naginata in his hand, and his voice was like thunder, resounding high above the sky:
"Next, leave it to Dad!!!"

"Crack! Ground! Slash!!!"

A crescent-like blue light flashed around Baibeard's body.

And the huge naginata in Whitebeard's hand was also swung down instantly.

At the sharp edge of the blade, a layer of transparent energy light ball is covering it!

This is the fruit power of the strongest man in the world!

Shake the fruit!

The power that can shatter everything!

A fiery slash flew out from the blade!

The mighty slash followed the uninhabited path that Ace had just struck, pointing directly at the high platform in the distance, the three admirals of the navy who were sitting securely!
The power of the fruit splatters wherever the slash passes!
Click! ...

One after another, the cracks of the sky rose above the square of Marin Vanduo.

"Ah! Run!"

"Damn it, it's Whitebeard!!!"

"Can't escape!!!"


In an instant, the earth broke through countless terrifying cracks like an abyss.

A large number of naval elites who couldn't dodge in time, after uttering a desperate roar, fell into the terrifying abyss with horror on their faces.

That huge trembling slash penetrated half of Marlin Vandor from the coast of the port.

It was about to split the entire island horizontally.

The red dog who was sitting in the position of the three generals suddenly stood up, glanced at the unmotivated yellow monkey and the wounded green pheasant, his legs turned into thick magma, and his whole body instantly shot up into the sky, rolling cloud of dust.

With majestic eyes, looking at the slash that swallowed the lives of nearly a hundred sailors, Akainu roared angrily:
"White Beard, you are not allowed to be presumptuous here!"

"Mighty Dog!!!"

I saw a puff of black smoke suddenly coming out of the angry red dog, and he pushed out with a strong one hand, aiming at the shocking slash of Whitebeard!
From the burly arm of Akainu, a giant fist of lava emerged instantly!

The turbulent magma began to transform quickly in midair, and a crimson dog's eye appeared!
From high in the sky, he rushed straight towards that blazing slash!

The magma and the slash collided instantly, and the majestic heat wave surged in all directions!

Countless navy and pirates were eroded by the terrifying high temperature, howling in pain!
 Thank you for your reward!

  The following book is recommended: "This pirate is a little idle"

  What?I actually got a bounty and became a pirate?

  You are the pirate, and your whole family is the pirate. I am obviously a good person who has always focused on doing good things.


  Because the protagonist is too busy, he has nothing to do except do tasks and meddle.

  Cultivation is impossible, and it’s impossible in this life, and meddling in other people’s business is more or less the same.

  This is the story of a strange system and a strange boy making troubles in the world of pirates.

(End of this chapter)

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