Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 356 Demon Slaying Order (ask for a monthly ticket~)

Chapter 356 Demon Slaying Order (ask for a monthly ticket~)

A burst of holy brilliance flashed, and Kebi began to activate the special ability of Nostalgia on Lu Qi.

Dots of dark spots suddenly appeared on Lu Qi's surface, and began to follow the guidance of the starlight, gradually converging on Kebi's body.


Kirby snorted suspiciously.

From Lu Qi's body, he didn't absorb much dark energy!
This also proves that there is not much darkness in Lu Qi's heart.


Not as much as an ordinary pirate

Lu Qi, an enforcer of [Dark Justice] who sincerely cares for the world government!
All the killings he did, in his opinion, were for justice!
So his heart is extremely bright, and he is the shadow under the light!
Fortunately, because of Lu Qi's own strength, Kebi's attributes still have a lot of growth.

It's not zero gain either.


After being sucked out of the darkness in his heart, Lu Qi's performance is completely opposite to those pirates that Kebi met before!

The expression on his face didn't change at all, and he still glared at Keby angrily!

Hatred of this young man who defeated him and provoked the authority of the world government, panting with difficulty, accompanied by his anger, spit to Kebi:


"Evil has no way out in this world!!!"

Lu Qi's body suddenly trembled.

The gently shaking fingertips seemed to be trying to use up the last bit of strength.


Kebi didn't give him any chance to fight back at all!

Lifting the mop in his hand, the cloth strips of the mop hit Lu Qi's face again.

Lu Qi, who was pressed against his head by a huge force, could only falter and say:
"The world government... will not let you go..."

In the end, Lu Qi was still in a coma due to serious head injuries and being in a hypoxic environment for a long time.

Kebi slowed down, carried Lu Qi who had recovered his human form on his shoulders, and sighed with a smile:
"Whether it's evil or justice..."

"We're just being ourselves!"

A whirlwind blew past, and Keby's figure instantly rose up!
The footsteps made continuous sonic booms in the air, and flew towards the floor they had just fallen.



The upper echelons of the Tower of Justice, Luffy and the others also came here and surrounded Spandam.

At this moment, the second-generation official, who usually flaunts his power, was completely scared to pee out!
This is the feeling of Xiao Ming being pinched in the hands of others.

Even now Spandam has a phone bug that can be activated with a light touch in his arms.

But he didn't even dare to think about it!

Who knew that the moment he took out the Demon Slaughter Token was the moment when his head was separated!

He didn't dare to bet on this bet!


Kebi, who jumped up from the big hole, landed steadily on the ground, threw the unconscious Lu Qi to the ground, and reported to Lu Feihui:
"Everything is going well! Mr. Luffy!"


Luffy nodded softly, then turned his head to Spandam again, the aggressive momentum slowly gathered, and hit Spandam like a guillotine machete!
"Where's Frankie!?"

Luffy, who was looking for someone, asked directly.

The moment Luffy spoke, Spandam's whole body couldn't help shivering.

After a long time, it was his dog-licking nature that woke up his brain.

The whole person was like a servant in an instant, and put on a flattery like a pimp, and said to Luffy and the people in the starry sky behind him:
"It turns out that it's the adults of the Star Pirates!!!"

"I'm really sorry, the villain just didn't recognize Taishan, but he didn't recognize the adults!!!"


"Stop talking nonsense!!!"

Luffy suddenly exploded, and then his cold eyes, as if looking at a dead thing, met Spandam's face with a strange mask.


At this moment, Spandam only felt that his throat was completely choked, and he could hardly breathe.

And his body was lying in an ice coffin!
The breath of death filled his brain, and the lid of the ice coffin closed happily little by little.

Darkness covered his eyes.

In the whole world, there is only one pair of pupils left, like gods, staring at him from all over the space...

"Where is Frankie who was captured by you a few days ago!!?"

Han Yuan's tone came from Lu Fei's mouth again, asking Spandam again.

Spandam, whose heart was completely shrouded in fear, suddenly fell backwards!

But his eyes have lost their color, he didn't care about the pain in his body at all, he just stumbled like a puppet, and replied:

"Being...brought into the city of advancement..."


Luffy, who has always been calm, couldn't help showing surprise at this moment.

Spandam, who was hypnotized by Luffy's aura, continued to explain like a robot:

"Because after CP9's three-day interrogation, they still haven't found out where Pluto's design is."

"That's why the Five Old Stars directly ordered the criminal Franky to be brought to Advance City, and handed over to a more cruel interrogation agency for interrogation..."

"Tch! Another step slower!!!"

After hearing Spandam's explanation, Luffy instantly looked up towards the end of the Bridge of Hesitation behind the Tower of Justice, the Gate of Justice representing the dictatorship of the World Government!
"Keby, he gave it to you."

"Sanji, Zoro, go and bring Meili and the others!"

"It seems that we are really going to play a big game today!"

Although Judicial Island is an important department of the world government, it is only a formality.

Prisoners will be brought here, go through a situation, and then enter the next link to demonstrate the formality of the world government process.


Compared with Push City, the Division is completely a small organization that is not taken seriously!
Magellan, the strongest fighter in the city, can easily defeat Lu Qi, the highest fighter in the ten Judiciary Islands.

The poisonous fruit with general level strength is no joke!


Now that the crew members booked by Luffy have been captured and taken into the city, it is necessary for them to...

Let's make a fuss about this ancient - deep sea prison! !
Luffy's firm gaze instantly pointed to the door of justice that represented the authority of the government.

The corners of the charming mouth suddenly rose.

In fact, this...is pretty good...

It's time for this sea to undergo some changes!

Kebi obediently came to Spandam who still hadn't recovered, and lightly touched the mop in his hand on his head!
Spandam's body, which was three points weaker than that of an ordinary navy, passed out instantly.

A burst of dazzling white flowers bloomed on Keby's body.

With a hundred times the dark energy of Lu Qi's body just now, it suddenly began to rush towards Keby's body.

Everyone in the starry sky stopped suddenly, looking at Keby wrapped in darkness.

Usopp even made a surprised voice for everyone:

"Keby has become stronger again!!!"

I saw Keby's mop, like a vacuum cleaner, constantly sucking up the dark power surging from Spandam's body.

The huge amount of energy, purified by the ability of thoughts, turned into the purest power, and blessed Kebi's body and soul.

Luffy also silently opened Kebi's attribute panel and checked it.


Stamina: 2054
Power: 1328
Agility: 1595
Spirit: 1746
This...is just Keby's current attribute!
With the surge of dark power, these values ​​are still climbing upwards.

have to say!

What a fine officer Spandam is!
If he can sit in a high position, I believe it won't be long before the banner of the world government will be riddled with holes and loopholes.

At that time, without the guidance of the revolutionary army, those alliance countries may withdraw from the management of the world government themselves.



After half a sound.

Finally, the black mark no longer appeared on Spandam's body.

Starting today, this second-generation moth official will be brainwashed into a good official who is dedicated to justice.

And right now!
Sudden mutation! ! !

While everyone in the Star Pirates was still lamenting Kebi's perverted ability, Spandam, who fell on the ground, suddenly turned over!
Kebi, who was experiencing the new power, hadn't had time to react!
Spandam suddenly threw the saber at his waist towards everyone in the starry sky.

The sword glowing with white light changed instantly!
A fat pink elephant appeared in front of everyone, completely covering Spandam's body!


The giant elephant transformed from the sword raised its trunk and let out a deafening cry, and then its front body suddenly lifted up again.

Step hard to the floor under your feet!
boom! ! !
The entire tower of justice began to shake.

But at this time, Spandam, who was hiding behind the giant elephant, suddenly took out the golden phone bug from his arms.

Press the button above without any hesitation.

The phone bug started to wake up in an instant, opened its mouth, and emitted a special sound wave that humans could not hear.



at the same time.

Navy Headquarters.

A silver phone bug, almost at the moment of Spandam's action, suddenly issued a piercing siren.

"Silver Telephone Bug has received a signal!!"

A navy immediately yelled in panic.

Immediately next to him, an officer wearing a cloak of justice asked directly:


"It's Enies Judicial Island!!!"

"Call the Vice Admiral who is nearby!!!"

"But! Sir, at this critical juncture..."

"The order of the Demon Slaughter Order is above all else!!! Execute the order immediately!"



The voice of the silver phone bug continued to ring.

The entire Marin Vanduo became active.

"A request to activate the demon-slaying order! General Aokiji requests the activation of the demon-slaying order!!!"

The navy's special fast ship warships are dispatched one after another!
A navy at the port saluted instantly and reported to the passing officer:

"Three and 10 minutes to arrive!"


The officer nodded.

"Let's set off immediately and head towards Judiciary Island at full speed!!!"

"Move fast!!!"




Tower of Justice.

After the huge pink elephant stomped heavily, it suddenly backed away.

The whole body shrunk suddenly, turning into a long knife again, which just fell back into Spandam's hand.

The upright Spandam stood up from the ground in an instant regardless of the pain in his body.

With a flick of the long knife in his hand!
A slender baby elephant, with its long trunk swishing, hovered around Spandam.

Spandam, who bowed slightly, put on a fighting posture, his face was full of glory!

Everything, for justice!

"I am the chief of the world government code No. 9..."

"How could you allow your gang of damned pirates to trample on the majesty of the government like this!!!"

"Die!!! Star Pirates!!!"

Spandam stepped on his footsteps in an instant, brandishing his elephant sword, and rushed towards Luffy and the others.


Sauron gently held out a hand.

After a brain collapsed, the world was quiet again.

"You'd better become stronger and come to enforce justice..."

Sauron said with a smile.

"Go, Sauron!"

Sanji on the side suddenly called out to Zoro to guide Meili and the others who hadn't landed on the island, and let them drive the boat here. .



On the sea between Judiciary Island and the Navy Headquarters, an ice road connects the two locations.

On the ice road, Aokiji, who was riding a bicycle, stopped suddenly and put one foot on the ground.

He took out a phone bug from his pocket and complained unhappily:

"Oh, what happened again?"

"Finally finished the task, shouldn't it be a wonderful vacation time..."

Lazy Aokiji picked up the receiver of the phone bug, and the roar of Admiral Sengoku immediately sounded from the phone bug:

"Aokiji, why did you launch a demon-slaying order on Judiciary Island!!?"

 Thank you Yiyi Yonghui, the little lunatic brother brother brother brother for the reward!

  Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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