Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 32 Returning to Windmill Town

Chapter 32 Returning to Windmill Town

A strange thing happened in Luoge Town today.

In the past half a year, the devil boy, who has never left a living under his command, unexpectedly brought back a boatload of live pirates, even though they were all in a coma.

The marines handcuffed the pirates on the ship one by one, and dragged them down one by one.

Luffy followed the colonel who came from the naval base to the Ministry of Finance, and was going to settle Jelson's bounty.

After handing over Jelson's body, there are still some troublesome steps to be approved for the bounty settlement.

The Captain of Rogue Town took this opportunity to invite Luffy to sit in his office.

Logue Town Naval Base, in the Supreme Commander's Office.

The captain of the Navy handed Luffy a cup of freshly brewed tea with both hands, and complimented him respectfully: "Congratulations, little brother Luffy, you killed a big pirate again.

It is really reassuring to have a strong man like you sitting in Rogge Town! "

Luffy took the tea, took a few sips casually, and replied to the colonel: "The colonel was joking, it's just that everyone takes what they need."

Then Luffy took a meaningful look at the colonel and continued: "After all, you will never default on my bounty, colonel."

"Ah. Haha, of course, of course." The colonel smiled awkwardly.

Half a year ago, Luffy came here for the first time with the body of a little pirate in exchange for a bounty. As a result, the naval base deducted his bounty on the grounds that Luffy was too young.

Then the angry Luffy punched the gate of the naval base flying.

At that time, the entire navy of the entire base was taken aback.

In the end, after the captain learned about the situation, in order not to anger the powerful Luffy, he severely punished the navy who withheld the bounty.

The colonel coughed and didn't want to talk about that embarrassing thing again, so he said to Luffy seriously: "I wonder if little brother Lufei is interested in becoming a navy that protects justice?
I dare not say anything else. If you come to the navy, I can apply to be transferred back to the headquarters.

When the time comes, you will be the supreme commander of this base. "

It has to be said that this naval colonel is also a good official who sincerely serves the people.

He recently received news that the headquarters may call him back for further training, and then send another naval captain from the headquarters to take up the post.

In his impression, most of the people in the Navy Headquarters were the second generation of officials, and the real elite would not come to such a small place.

And during this time, through his observation, he found that although Luffy was ruthless, he never bullied ordinary people.

And Luffy is really merciless towards bad guys. Now no one in the town dares to do bad things, even slipping through doors and picking locks, and petty theft are rarely seen.

Rogge Town needs such a good official who is both powerful and vicious to the enemy, and friendly to the people.

He wanted to keep Luffy in Rogge Town, and then use his senior qualifications as the supreme commander of Rogge Town to put pressure on his superiors to promote Luffy.

Unfortunately, he really picked the wrong candidate.

"I'm sorry, Colonel, I'm used to being alone, so I can only refuse your kindness." Luffy refused bluntly.

"Oh." The colonel sighed, and said with some disappointment, "That's fine."

After drinking two more sips of tea, Lu Fei said directly: "If there is nothing else, I will go back to rest first." After speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave.

The colonel got up to see him off, and said with some reluctance: "Okay, but if you change your mind, you can come to me at any time."

When I came to the Ministry of Finance, the bounty has already been prepared here.

In this way, Luffy took a bag of money and walked to the hotel near the port.

Back at the door of the hotel, I just saw that the boss was also preparing to go out.

Luffy stopped the boss and said, "Boss, our rent should be due soon. Today I just packed up and prepared to leave."

When the boss heard this, he immediately panicked, and quickly said: "'What's wrong? Brother Luffy! Why are you leaving!

If you are not satisfied, just mention it. If you don't like that room, you can choose any room in this hotel, and I promise not to charge a penny! "

The boss is really anxious.

You must know that since everyone knew that the devil boy Luffy lived in this hotel, his hotel was directly designated as the "most beautiful hotel" in Rogge Town.

Luffy kills people, but he kills bad guys.

For ordinary people in Rogge Town, especially those who do small business safely, Luffy is their patron saint.

Now if the patron saint left because of his poor hospitality, he would even want to die.

"It's not the hotel's problem, it's because I have something to leave here.

Maybe leave tonight. "Luffy explained.

The boss didn't dare to say anything after hearing the words, so he could only reply in a low voice: "Okay."

that evening.

Luffy packed up and saluted, and brought some oversized clothes he bought in the afternoon, and the bag containing Sauron, to a dock at the port.

In the past six months, all the pirate ships that Luffy obtained have been sold to this dock, and now Luffy's deposits are almost 5000 million Baileys.

As soon as he entered the shipyard, Luffy saw the old boatman who often communicated with him.

When he learned that Luffy wanted a small sailboat, the old man gave Luffy one without saying a word.

He also said that if he took money, he would look down on him.

In this way, Lu Fei took the boat sent by others and sailed to his hometown.

At night, the stars are shining, and the lights are blurred.

A huge full moon hangs high in the sky, radiant and bright.

The sea is sparkling, with no wind or waves.

After fixing the direction of the ship, Luffy walked into the cabin.

"System, how many gold coins do I have now?"

[The host currently has 6300 gold coins. 】

"Six thousand three?"

Looking at the dark gray equipment bar.

"Hey!" Lu Fei sighed, "It seems that I don't need to think about my equipment in a short time."

At present, the cheapest item Luffy has ever seen among the random items is Dolan’s ring from last month, which can add 5000 points of spiritual attributes, and it also sells for a high price of [-] gold coins.

"Buy me three fast-growing capsules."

[Purchased successfully, it has been put into the backpack, please check it. 】

Luffy took out three capsules from his backpack, took off his clothes, and ate them all in one go.

Lu Fei finally felt it this time, and clearly felt that he was growing taller.

"Hmm! It's almost 1.3 meters four." Looking for a reference object for comparison, Luffy said to himself.

I found an elegant dark blue vest and a pair of handsome light yellow shorts.

Coupled with Luffy's cute smile and calm eyes.

A handsome young man in Yushu Linfeng was born.

"Sister Makino and the others will definitely be surprised! Hahahaha."

Thinking of meeting the village chief and Makino soon, Luffy couldn't help but smile.

It's been a year.

Like the boundless and transparent sea, the night sky is serene, vast and mysterious.

In this way, Luffy fell asleep steadily amidst longing and anticipation.

 You won't abandon me, will you_

  There are no recommended tickets, and the collection does not increase
  Can you invest a little bit, there are really too few channels to find this book.

  Talk to the editor and ignore me, really cry_


(End of this chapter)

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