Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 299 Baroque Studio (Please recommend~)

Chapter 299 Baroque Studio (Please recommend~)
"K... Crocodile..."

I don't know why, ever since he knew Crocodile's story, Luffy always had an inexplicable sense of fear towards him...

Women's clothing...ah no!
Men's wear boss, so scary!
Following Luffy's voice, Crocodile immediately turned his gaze to Luffy's face, and just stared at Luffy in a daze.

After a pause, Luffy said:
"Your men will lead the rebel army to attack Arubana tomorrow, right?"


Crocodile nodded slightly to Luffy, and replied in a deep voice:

"If nothing else happens, the killers from Baroque Studio will arrive here tonight."

Today's Luffy and Crocodile have tacitly formed a tacit subordinate-subordinate relationship.

Luffy will not treat Crocodile like his subordinates, but Crocodile will obey Luffy's orders just like his subordinates.

In this way, Qiwuhai, Crocodile, who may soon be laid off, became a horse boy under Luffy in obscurity, even though he was a somewhat strange horse boy.

After listening to Crocodile's words, Luffy nodded in response.

Then, Luffy looked at Weiwei who was still kneeling on the ground, and suddenly said:

"In that case, let them come directly to this palace.

Vivi, get ready.

Welcome to your...

The first batch of men. "


Weiwei's fists were clenched instantly, and a stream of sweat slipped out along her palm.

It can be seen that she is already extremely nervous at this moment.

Although Weiwei at this time still felt a little unconfident.

But she didn't show any timidity, and replied directly with a vibrating voice:
"Okay, Mr. Luffy!"

Even if she decides to die, she will do it.

She still has this awareness.

After all, she is—— Neferutali Weiwei!



Night fell on the kingdom of Alabasta for a long time.

After experiencing the hustle and bustle of the day, the capital city of Arubana also returned to calm with the coming of darkness.

Everything seemed to return to the way it was before everything happened.

After all, although today's events are huge, the scope of real radiation is extremely small.

It's not even as strong as the attention that Crocodile's pursuit of pirates has caused in normal times.

The previous Crocodile, in order to maintain his "heroic" image, caused countless damages in Arubana.

In the end, the people will greet each other with a smile on their faces.

It really took the word insidious to the extreme!


"Hey, we've arrived at the appointed place.

Where is the "boss" in the legend that we haven't met yet? ? "

A curly-haired beauty as slender as a bamboo pole, wearing a terrifying black tight-fitting dress, stepped on slender pointed legs, and walked into the dim Alabasta palace first.

"Hey! After walking for so long, my waist is starting to hurt!

I really didn't expect that the first high-level meeting of Baroque Studio would be chosen here. "

A squat, mole-like woman walked into the palace right after her.

And behind her, a tall, fat green fat man was walking heavy steps, following her foolishly.

"The Lun family is really looking forward to it~
I don't know if the boss is a handsome and handsome boy..."

The weird ladyboy Mr. 2 jumped up the steps of the palace while turning the ballet steps.

Behind him is the strongest agent of the Baroque studio, Mr. 1 who is calm but silent.

These people are the only senior agents left in the Baroque studio.

It was also ordered by Crocodile to rush here to gather.

Ms. walked into the palace hall with both fingers, pinched her slender waist with both hands, raised one foot, like a fashionable modern girl, looked around the empty and dark hall, as if chewing something in her mouth Yes, opened his mouth and said:
"So, the boss who asked us to come here has already settled the matter of the Kingdom of Alabasta, right?"

Although Ms. only used interrogative sentences with her fingers, Baroque's agents had already regarded what she said as facts.

After all, such a big scene happened this morning.

Not to mention their super-level agents, just any ordinary person who just came to Aruba can vaguely inquire about what happened in the casino rain this morning.

In the hearts of the agents, the identity of their boss had already been determined.



As soon as the voice of Ms.'s fingers fell, one candle after another suddenly lit up from the walls around the palace.

From the gate of the palace, it extends all the way to the interior of the main hall.

"You guys... are here..."

A delicate voice that surprised everyone suddenly came from the throne in the darkness.

A figure as pure as the sky slowly followed the candlelight, revealing her figure from bottom to top.

The flat brows can make people feel a majesty like thunder.

The ruthless gaze that the emperor's family always had, unscrupulously scanned the baroque people under the throne.

At this time, Weiwei was expressionless.

Only the contempt in those eyes could vaguely let the agents feel her thoughts at the moment.

"You...you are!?"

"It's... really incredible!!!"

Ms. looked up at the figure on the throne with her fingers in amazement. From her trembling arms, it was easy to see her throbbing mood at this time.

Wei Wei, who was in the high position, didn't seem to be surprised by their expressions at the moment, she still had that calm and solemn appearance.

The white single arm rests on the armrest of the throne.

Tilting his head as if bored, he put one side of his face completely on the palm of his hand.

Exactly the same as Crocodile, with the necessary expression of a conspirator, he confided impatiently:

"So, there are only so few people!?"


"Wait a moment!!!"

Before the other Baroque agents could respond, Mr. 1, who had been silent since entering the palace, suddenly opened his mouth and shouted.

Sharp eyes shot out from his eyes, while scanning Wei Wei on the throne without fear, he said to the agents of the Baroque studio in a deep voice:
"This...isn't it a bit too strange!?"

"The person who kept us destroying this country turned out to be the sole heir of this country!"

"According to my information, the princess of the Kingdom of Alabasta is an extremely kind royal family.

The voice among the people is also extremely high.

I really can't figure out what's the point of her setting up the Baroque studio and letting us do those things..."

Following Mr. 1's analysis, a sharp blade gradually emerged from the outside of his arm.

The warm candlelight shone on the edge of the blade, but there was an eerie chill that made people palpitate.

However, Wei Wei, who watched all the actions of Mr. 1, still looked like the mountain was collapsing in front of her without changing her face, and said to Mr. 1 calmly:

"What do you want to do!?"

In those calm eyes, there was unnaturally a hint of power that made people want to be subdued.

A drop of cold sweat subconsciously appeared on Mr.1's face, but the blade on his arm did not show any restraint.

It's just that he felt a little pressure, as if he wanted to leave a way out for himself, his body made an offensive posture, but he said in his mouth:

"If my guess is wrong, I'm willing to pay for it."

As soon as the words fell, Mr. 1's figure instantly turned into a ray of blue light, and he disappeared from the spot!

The blue marks like photoelectric gliding at high speed in the empty hall.

In the blink of an eye, the frightening blade has come to Weiwei's eyes!
Bang! ! !
A dull sound suddenly sounded.

But Weiwei sighed lightly for an instant, and slowly said to the darkness on the other side of the hall:

"Mr. Luffy, my performance...is it alright?"

"Hmm! Very good!"

Luffy came out of the darkness with a smile.

 Thank you Hailang Tianli for your tip!

  NO.17 is going to have a graduation defense, and I have been busy with various things and papers recently, so the update time cannot be fixed, sorry everyone!

  Even so, I still want to ask for a vote~
  After the graduation work is over, I will definitely add new ones like crazy!

  Also, let me say that so far, no one can fully guess what I want to write! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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