Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 259 The Great Shipwrecked Route (recommended tickets, monthly tickets~)

Chapter 259 The Great Shipwrecked Route (recommended tickets, monthly tickets~)

ten days later.

The Star Pirates, who held a ten-day banquet in the Gemini Strait, finally left here under the tearful eyes of Kulocas.

After thinking about it for a while, Luffy still chose the same route as in the original book.

There is no other reason.

Take a look at the supernovas who are galloping recklessly in several other routes, and you can know how weak the other routes are.

If any of them came to this route, let alone Enilo who ate the strongest attack fruit.

Just random Crocodile, or Lu Qi from CP9, can easily make them call Dad.

Luffy is also really curious about how safe the other routes are, so that those weak chickens can enter the new world with arrogance.

What's more, the most important point is that the Magnetic Drum Kingdom where Chopper is located is also near this route.

Anyway, Luffy used to visit almost all the other places on the great route.

Except for the uncontrollable weather and the ever-changing ocean currents, there is nothing too interesting about the rest.

Therefore, after selecting the record pointer from Kulocas, a group of people began to embark on a new journey.



The warm sunshine is scattered here and there, and the frivolous clouds are floating wantonly.

On the rare and peaceful great route, a huge bubble suddenly popped up on the surface of the sea that had been calm for a long time.

The sea water began to rush downwards, and a gigantic figure appeared in the center of this huge bubble.

With a huge body, dark and smooth skin, accompanied by a piercing cry, the island whale Rab suddenly jumped above the sea surface, suspended in mid-air, and cast a large shadow on Meili.

"Hahahaha!!! Go, go, go!!!"

"Go!!! Rab number!!!"

On the forehead of the huge island-like whale, a lovely girl in a gray-black cloak stood firmly.

Compared with the island whales, Meili's unusually small figure, with one handsome hand on her waist, and the other hand pointing straight ahead to the completely endless sea horizon.

The big mouth opened, and it laughed quickly, echoing like a silver bell on the surface of the sea.

flutter! ! ! !

The vacated island whale flew into the mid-air, and directly hit the surface of the sea with its huge head, which had not yet recovered from the surging waves just now.

The huge body plunged into the bottom of the sea again, splashing huge water splashes, like rain pouring down in this sea area.

On the deck of the Meili, it was rare for everyone not to hide in the training room of the cabin.

The cute and cheerful little Meili has successfully injected a fresh vitality into the Star Pirates.

Even Zoro started to walk out of the training room and came to the deck, looking at Mei Li who was like a child, churning in the sea.

Cute, as if it was a word tailor-made for her.

Once she appeared, Meili immediately became the darling of the whole crew.

After all, no one can resist, a little loli who loves to laugh, is polite, good-looking, and can say that she loves you three thousand times a day, walks into your heart!
In this way, the Star Pirates began a relaxing and enjoyable adventure on the great route.



A small sailboat, without fear of any danger, gallops in all kinds of harsh natural disasters and shipwrecks.

Around the sailboat, a huge bodyguard took all the sea beasts and sea kings who tried to do evil things to the boat into its stomach, and turned them into the purest energy, nourishing Rab himself.

From time to time, there was a loud laughter like a silver bell, sounding from the vicinity of this sea area.



"Damn it!!! This gang of hateful pirate hunters!!!"

The captain of the Musketeer Pirates, seeing that less than half of the crew remained, punched the railing of the ship again with a big crack.

They have just entered the great route from the North Sea, chose the same route as Luffy and others, and started their own adventure.

However, what they didn't expect was that the Whiskey Peak, one of the starting islands of the great route, would be a nest of pirate hunters.

They, who offered a bounty of 1500 million, were found out at the first time, and fell into the trap made by the pirate hunters.

Gentle Township, Hero Tomb.

Under the temptation of sugar-coated bullets and beauties, the Musketeers spent a pleasant afternoon at Whiskey Mountain.

It's just that what they didn't expect at all was...

When night fell, those seemingly weak and soft girls suddenly turned into executioners who killed people without blinking an eye!

If it weren't for the heart-piercing shouting that woke up their captain, maybe they would all confess here tonight.

However, even their captain, Anrik the Musket, was still no match for these bounty hunters.

After a night of hard escape, when they fell into despair, two strange but extremely powerful people suddenly appeared and fought with the group of bounty hunters.

It seems that these two groups are still in the same camp, but there is internal strife and betrayal.

However, Enrique, who only cared about his own life, didn't dare to wait another second at all.

Taking advantage of the concentrated fire from the two parties, he escaped from the Whiskey Mountain with his agility.

The bloody lesson this time made him realize thoroughly the cruelty of the great route in this legend.

It was less than half a day to escape Whiskey Mountain.

In the Musketeer Pirates, there were still many people howling and licking their wounds.

Seeing the miserable situation of his brothers, Enrique fell into deep self-blame.

However, everything has long been of no avail.

Just when he was thinking about the next road, how to continue.

A pirate who was sent by him to look out because he was still in good health suddenly ran back and said to him in panic:

"Boss... Boss!!! Ahead! There is a man standing on the sea!!!"


Now the Musketeers Pirates, who have become frightened, can't stand any stimulation at all.

As long as there is a little trouble, everyone will become panic.

The nervous Enrique immediately followed the direction that the pirate said to the ship's railing and looked into the distance with the binoculars.


A man wearing a cloak, who couldn't see any identity, stood so strangely on the surface of the sea.

And what made him feel even more chilling was...

That figure was approaching them at super fast speed! ! !
"Helmsman! Helmsman!!!"

The panic-stricken Captain Anrik hurriedly dropped the binoculars, and his men who shouted for a long time found no answer.

He ran directly into the control room and took the helm by himself.

Turned the boat 180 degrees and headed in the opposite direction of the figure.

Although there was only one person on the other side, Enrique felt an inexplicable panic.

This is his long-standing intuition, and it is something he has always relied on.

Never fight your feelings!
This is his credo in life.

But now, he suddenly felt a little regretful, regretful that he came to this great and dangerous route, regretful that he didn't listen to his inner thoughts, and was a shrinking turtle in the North Sea.

It's a pity that today's him is doomed to escape.



The ship has just turned the direction and has not traveled forward for 1 minute.

A loud noise suddenly sounded in the ears of all the pirates in the Musketeer Pirates.

After the noise, the pirate ship of the Musketeer Pirates suddenly became stable, and there was no longer any shaking.

If they can fly and look from outside the hull, they will find...

At this time, they were already on the back of a huge whale, unable to move at all!



With a lovely call.

A big loli with soft voice and soft body suddenly jumped to the center of the hull.

Instantly aroused the vigilance of all the Musketeers Pirates.

They have been fooled once, but they will never be fooled by anyone's appearance again.

Even sweet little Merry!

The pirates raised the specially-made muskets inlaid with beautiful patterns directly in their hands, and the dark and cold muzzles were ready to go, pointing directly at Meili's head!
Looking at the pirates pointing their weapons at him one by one, Little Meili pointed her chin with one finger, showing a lovely puzzled look, and asked softly:

"Excuse me, are you pirates~

uh-huh? "

"You... who are you!!?"

Captain Enric held two long guns not much smaller than cannons, aimed at Meili, and asked.

Now they don't want to suffer any more harm.

As long as Mei Li showed the slightest threat, they would immediately open fire, absolutely! !


"My name is Meili~! (^~^)"

After hearing someone ask her name, Little Meili immediately put her two little hands behind her back, grabbed them together, and happily replied with her body upright.

Seemingly infected by Meili's harmless smile, Enrique relaxed his vigilance slightly, and replied to Meili:
"We are the Musketeer Pirates, what can I do for you?"

Even though Meili didn't seem to be in the slightest danger, the heavily injured musketeers still aimed their weapons at Meili.

However, after hearing Enrique's answer, Meili became even happier and said:
"Muske Pirates ( ̄▽ ̄)?"

In the words, there was a slight surprise.

"It's really great (≧▽≦)!"

"Luffy asked me to kill all the pirates I encountered.

But so many days have passed!Finally met a pirate for the first time! "

"What did you say……"

Before Enrique could finish his question, a strange dull sound suddenly sounded.

Meili's pink and tender fist, following her steps, instantly hit a pirate's chest.

The huge force directly smashed half of the pirate's body into a block of blood mist.

The blood sprayed Mei Li's face and stained her fair face.

But for Mei Li who just obtained a physical body, everything in this world is still in an unknown state.

Just like a baby, it likes to put everything in its mouth.

Meili stuck out a naughty little tongue and lightly licked the blood on her face.

"T_T ugh!!!"

"What a strange taste!!!"

 Thanks to Liang Xia C, Rin remembers that the opposite sex has no future rewards!

  After the starting point revolution, I have checked a lot of data, and the number of people who read books has become less uncomfortable.Ask for a recommendation ticket (19272/20000)!
  The following books are recommended: "Wu Liuqi in Marvel"

  Mr. Wu, we at S.H.I.E.L.D. have high salaries and good benefits. We also have bonuses and overseas travel at the end of the year. Do you want to think about it?
(End of this chapter)

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